Guy with a Red 2-Door
so 5.13's with 35's, right? and sounds like you noticed significant more power?? i am on the verge of going prorock 44 up front, regearing and 37's. guess i would do 5.13 too.
on your arb air didn't do front? how come? i know it's another grand, but is it just not as necessary up front?
i am in cherry hill! should have looked me up!!:beer:
Yea I noticed a lot of power or gained back. Now that said I have to baby the throttle like crazy till the 500 miles so I can't give you a full answer till then.
I didn't do one up front cause I have a D30 up front. Also because it's another grand lol. I figured I only need one in the rear as it is more important IMO.
I stopped at pjs last night in Cherry Hill for dinner to let the axels cool lol
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