Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

He has been lurking over here all day. He posted a screen shot over on JK-F , on what one our members said. Did not help his cause over there.

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Yes, I know. But my comment was in response to saying the guy was banned here. Fallen was never banned here on Wayalife.

- Jason

This jackass can't even keep his shit straight from page to page:

From the already existing "about" page:*

Do you make any money with the Fallen Heroes Jeep?
No, and we would never accept any money for our time (yes, we have been offered before and turned it down many times).

From the newly created Q&A page:

Q: Do you personally collect any money for charity?

A: We have only done so on one occasion.

Please for the love of God will this guys sponsors (including JKF) just call a spade a spade and cut him loose?

You know it'll never happen regardless of the fact that they really should. At least a couple of them are haters of me and would stand by this scam artist just for that.
Eddie, you MUST be a really, really bad person. I guess I'm just to blind to see it for myself? My god it's like you are the Ghangas Khan (race reference) and Adolf Hitler of the jeep forum universe....

Wow, I should be more careful.

... Sarcasm for those who read these postings but don't readily comprehend what they have read..

Sent from my iPad using WAYALIFE mobile app.......
Been monitoring a few forums and FB pages today and I will tell you the cat has been let out of the douchebag. It looks like he was picking a fight just to get his name at the top of the forum searches so he can drop his contest on everyone. He was picked apart on WOL and JKF and came out smelling like the scammer that Eddie stated. Once again Eddie has the X-ray vision to see through the crap.

Finally caught up on all 45 pgs here, and several pages everywhere else...lots going on! New here so I'll tread lightly. This is just my opinion after seeing/reading both sides. There is obviously some hidden truths that Robert isn't sharing, or isn't even willing to talk about. Do i know why?...nope. I really don't understand how or why one would ask about attending an event, especially knowing the requirements to join in, without reason of an argument. From what I'm seeing, it is what it is, take it or leave it. But, to push a matter so much so that everyone starts looking into this persons life and/or so called "awareness" is just like asking for problems. When looking in from the outside, it seems as if he is not doing things properly. From what I am seeing he is getting questioned by everyone right now. Unfortunatly we can only see what is here and on the other forums. Most companies that hear of such an instance will not come out and question him publicly, but privately (again most). I have seen that some are quick to defend him, but just because one seems to be a good person does not necessarily mean they do not have other motives. He will have to answer to these people in order to have their continued support. I truly hope that he is not doing this to benifit himself. If he is, I am sure he will be delt with accordingly. As for my personal opinion...I still have unanswered questions about Mr. Basil. Would I support what he does?...not a chance, simply because he is not set up as a charity. I think that anyone involved with this persons cause needs to be cautious until the matter is resolved. But again, this is just my opinion, does it really matter...probably not.
Finally caught up on all 45 pgs here, and several pages everywhere else...lots going on! New here so I'll tread lightly. This is just my opinion after seeing/reading both sides. There is obviously some hidden truths that Robert isn't sharing, or isn't even willing to talk about. Do i know why?...nope. I really don't understand how or why one would ask about attending an event, especially knowing the requirements to join in, without reason of an argument. From what I'm seeing, it is what it is, take it or leave it. But, to push a matter so much so that everyone starts looking into this persons life and/or so called "awareness" is just like asking for problems. When looking in from the outside, it seems as if he is not doing things properly. From what I am seeing he is getting questioned by everyone right now. Unfortunatly we can only see what is here and on the other forums. Most companies that hear of such an instance will not come out and question him publicly, but privately (again most). I have seen that some are quick to defend him, but just because one seems to be a good person does not necessarily mean they do not have other motives. He will have to answer to these people in order to have their continued support. I truly hope that he is not doing this to benifit himself. If he is, I am sure he will be delt with accordingly. As for my personal opinion...I still have unanswered questions about Mr. Basil. Would I support what he does?...not a chance, simply because he is not set up as a charity. I think that anyone involved with this persons cause needs to be cautious until the matter is resolved. But again, this is just my opinion, does it really matter...probably not.

You have done what any person with common sense is doing on this topic, keeping an open unbiased opinion without making any snap judgement, and good on you for that :thumb: As this story has played out for Robert Basil, all the assumptions about him and his cause are quickly being backed up by facts. His own covering up, deleting and/or changing website content and Facebook post are at least some certain admission of guilt. And it is remarkable that all of his quickly adaptive changes were made shortly after any of the original inaccuracies in his story were being pointed out by everyone here. Seems strangely coincidental :thinking:
If you are stranding up for this guy, and are coming here to troll this thread and see what we are saying about this shit bird, do yourself a favor and stop saying we hate vets. It sounds uneducated and is a blatant excuse to argue against Eddie, when it is much more than just Eddie who has beef with this shit bird. If you are not a vet, you have no right to say who we vets here at WOL can and cannot call out for riding on our backs for a free ride fully at our expense.
If you are stranding up for this guy, and are coming here to troll this thread and see what we are saying about this shit bird, do yourself a favor and stop saying we hate vets. It sounds uneducated and is a blatant excuse to argue against Eddie, when it is much more than just Eddie who has beef with this shit bird. If you are not a vet, you have no right to say who we vets here at WOL can and cannot call out for riding on our backs for a free ride fully at our expense.

^ Well said:thumb:
I had no intentions on bad mouthing the sponsors as I figured they were mislead and lied to like everyone else but I have lost all respect for JCR now.

JCR hung out with Robert for several days in Moab this

View attachment 89542

But wait! Robert said he was only there for one day. Who is lying now?

View attachment 89543

It's not surprising JCR has jumped to his defense. After all, they have directly/indirectly benefited from all of this drama as Basil has been pushing their giveaway in an effort to "raise awareness".
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Wouldn't it give you all a little tingle in your naughty spots if this thread, and all its information, were used by some force to bust him!?

Bring a spare sector shaft.

But haven't enjoyed that its taken attention away from other threads and those white ass legs of strizzys.

I feel like Rev. Al Sharpton is about to jump out any minute.....my white ass got all kinds of shit stirred up!

No need to open that can of worms either- Next thing that will happen is that you'll start digging up anything about me, or about anyone I've talked to as well... I don't have to "back any shit up", I'm just someone pointing out that things are going a little far...

This was his can of worms, he started shit about a run in the past and he used his website and his "cause" to slander this site, its owner, and its users. No one said or "dug up anything" about him that he didn't proudly make public information on the many MANY sites that he used to obtain money for many different "causes".
Who is your friend? Anybody or a nobody? (I don't mean that in a bad way that he is a nobody. Mean it like is he somebody a lot of people know)

Sorry went to bed, and this obviously went on and on... My friend isn't anyone Alot of ppl would know. He does have jcr stuff on his jeep, but it was weird that jcr asked him yesterday to like the fallen hereos page. I sent him a message, and that's what he told me. I trust him.
It is slick how he was directing everyone to his "site" to basically get more hits on it, instead of explaining himself on here.
Wouldn't it give you all a little tingle in your naughty spots if this thread, and all its information, were used by some force to bust him!?

Well one benefit from all these post that have used the name Robert Basil and Fallen Heroes Jeep (including his constant use of both the other forum) is that any internet engine search will probably have all of this at the top of the search results. And most people will only check results showing on the first page, if not only the first half before clicking on a link.......and BAM! Directed to this thread :icon_crazy:
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