Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

Well one benefit from all these post that have used the name Robert Basil and Fallen Heroes Jeep (including his constant use of both the other forum) is that any internet engine search will probably have all of this at the top of the search results. And most people will only check results showing on the first page, if not only the first half before clicking on a link.......and BAM! Directed to this thread :icon_crazy:

I'm glad it's here for people to find and read. I woke up this morning and thought I would get caught up... It seems the JK-F thread is gone..

Too bad. There was lots of perturbed military people demanding answers when I went to bed.

Sad thing is, either earlier in that thread or in another one (can't remember). Eddie was accused of censorship. Yet that forum was the one that deleted the thread ???

I could be wrong and just missed it (I haven't had my morning Monster yet) but I think it's gone.

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Dayum, sure looks like it. Hmmm wonder why :crazyeyes:

Funny thing was it was his own thread he started, probably figured he'd get a different response there. But backfired on him. Really sad that forum would support a slimy scam artist like him.
Nice.... It continues to go down hill from there, at least when I went to bed anyway. It seems to miss the JCR bits but that was all discussed here.
The JKF thread was deleted you say? Let me fix that.

Now that is an example of what MODERATION is all about!!!

Overlander, you are mean and have hurt my feelings on multiple occasions. Many a night I have logged off of WAL and cried into my pillow - band camp flashbacks...

And yet, despite my personal agenda I must respect a job well done!!!!!

CHEERS :beer::beer::clap2::clap2::beer::beer:
Now that is an example of what MODERATION is all about!!!

Overlander, you are mean and have hurt my feelings on multiple occasions. Many a night I have logged off of WAL and cried into my pillow - band camp flashbacks...

And yet, despite my personal agenda I must respect a job well done!!!!!

CHEERS :beer::beer::clap2::clap2::beer::beer:

It's a thread within a thread.... threadception

2014 JKUR
And I hope his sponsors are now aware too, though it wouldn't surprise me if JCR was in cahoots with him.

They sure aren't doing a whole lot to distance themselves from this guy. If anything, they are going so far as to PUBLICLY vouch for him and declare he is legitimate. That's a pretty strong stance to take and what I would be thinking of the next time I were looking for a bumper. Of course, that's just me.
Well one benefit from all these post that have used the name Robert Basil and Fallen Heroes Jeep (including his constant use of both the other forum) is that any internet engine search will probably have all of this at the top of the search results. And most people will only check results showing on the first page, if not only the first half before clicking on a link.......and BAM! Directed to this thread :icon_crazy:

This right here^^^

This thread here already comes up #5 in a Google search. :yup:
Well I guess jkf deleted that whole thread.

:shock: You have got to be kidding me!!!!

Sad thing is, either earlier in that thread or in another one (can't remember). Eddie was accused of censorship. Yet that forum was the one that deleted the thread ???

I hope you're not surprised by this. And people wonder why I'm so hated. When you delete the truth, it's a whole lot easier to tell LIES and proliferate hate.

Lol now no one will know what happened over there, they will all be clueless as to the whole thing.

Pretty soon everyone will forget about it. Just kidding we shall never forget :cheesy:

Actually, there's a lot of truth in what you just said. They will forget and will call us haters anytime we remind people of the truth. Don't believe me, it just happened last night with another guy I busted back in 2008 and took flak from a first time poster here:


They sure aren't doing a whole lot to distance themselves from this guy. If anything, they are going so far as to PUBLICLY vouch for him and declare he is legitimate. That's a pretty strong stance to take and what I would be thinking of the next time I were looking for a bumper. Of course, that's just me.

I can see where his sponsors would be in a tough spot. As stated earlier, I would imagine there are some questions being made in a private manner. I was surprised to see JCR vouch for his legitimacy in spite lack of evidence. The reality is that even if he is on the up-and-up. He has behaved in a manner unbecoming of his purpose. As I stated in JKF: When you take peoples money on behalf of a charity you owe them full disclosure on where the funds went. If he is unwilling to do he shouldn't be in the gig.

In my opinion the sponsors look bad too. (And this is why they should be asking questions) When a charity or charity like purpose is sponsored I assume a level of legitimacy for that purpose. It's pretty sad that either they didn't do homework to protect themselves and their followers, or they were more interested in the affiliation for advertisement and social tags.
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