Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

:cheesy: Guess he figured enough time has passed that nobody would remember him or what happened. Sad truth is, he's probably right. :naw:
:cheesy: Guess he figured enough time has passed that nobody would remember him or what happened. Sad truth is, he's probably right. :naw:

The world definitely needs more people to bring awareness to charities, since most charities do such a horrible job at soliciting donations. Its not like charities are around just to ask for donations or anything, we most definitely need the Robert Basils of the world and their awareness raising talents..:thinking:
Still appears to be a really shady guy, running a scam to get free stuff for his jeep. So if he is not a charity, what is the point. How about I just donate to the actual charity and cut the middle man, snake oil salesman out of the whole transaction???

EXACTLY!! All these "awareness" brokers are nothing more than middle men who do NOTHING other than line their pockets on the backs of charitable causes.

The world definitely needs more people to bring awareness to charities, since most charities do such a horrible job at soliciting donations. Its not like charities are around just to ask for donations or anything, we most definitely need the Robert Basils of the world and their awareness raising talents..:thinking:

You know it :naw:
so were you able to see anything other than his forehead on the site???? This is all I could get to come up, although I already know what the guy looks like.

View attachment 103564

He's out raising awareness for lower bandwidth issue charities. His goal is to use jeep part to promote faster and better load times in 3rd world countries using the latest 801.JK technology. Then expand internationally from there with a whole fleet of 801.JK builds raising bandwidth awareness. In time and hard work, the global problem will be solved and we'll all be lucky enough to see the full picture. 😉

- Jason
Clearly, this guy is no member of this forum :naw:

Gotta love a guy who feels the need to wear his military service on his shirt sleeves and apparently on his windshield too. You can see all the stupidness here:


All this over a fun pic of Chris :naw:

Just read that thread, wow Eddie, you put a hurtin on that toolbag. Great work. I'd report him to the IRS just to kick him in the teeth while he is down.
Q: Are you going to report your sponsor items for the Jeep on your taxes?

A: No, and we are not required by law to do so. We make it clear to all of our sponsors that we are not a charity and always have before they choose to become a sponsor. We offer the value to our sponsors of promoting their products to the community so the items we receive are not considered gifts.

And this is where Mr. Basil is still evading the IRS. He is trading "services" for parts. That is called barter, and Basil should be paying taxes.
Well, great news, I just got off the phone with Eddie, Jim, and Mel....

Eddie is going to donate Moby to me, Mel is sending me 3 sets of DTDs (and flying out 3 mechanics to install them) and Jim is sending me 2 Dyna80s...because you know, dead vets' families are helped when I have a pimpin Jeep....but don't worry guys, I'll make sure to put a sticker on it...I have a new charity awareness company and then go tool around and raise awareness. You should all be jealous and do your part to raise awareness.
Well, great news, I just got off the phone with Eddie, Jim, and Mel....

Eddie is going to donate Moby to me, Mel is sending me 3 sets of DTDs (and flying out 3 mechanics to install them) and Jim is sending me 2 Dyna80s...because you know, dead vets' families are helped when I have a pimpin Jeep....but don't worry guys, I'll make sure to put a sticker on it...I have a new charity awareness company and then go tool around and raise awareness. You should all be jealous and do your part to raise awareness.

Well I'm not a vet in any way so I think your proceeds should go to me

Sent from my whatchamacallit
That was a lot of reading!!
I'm no vet but for some reason I feel sick. I know I'm beating a dead dog here but it just makes me feel sad when people use vets and other service men and women for monetary gain. Its despicable. I was raised to give the utmost respect for veterans and I think making money off of them just doesn't compute in my head. Its just something you don't do, it common decency.

By the way can we put all this drama together in novel form; I'm sure we can make a ton in sales and give more to nondescript "charities" than this guy ever will.

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