Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

Dangit, I went to sleep at 13 pages, now we're on 40. So much for me being productive today :crazyeyes:
You guys have no idea how many times I had to re-write the questions i posted on JKF in order to censor out my frustrations. Ugh! I figured if I asked legit, honest questions, perhaps I'd get a reply. All I (and we) got was a bunch of runaround.

I'm also very tight with the guys at Rebel and will try to get more insight from them, a "sponsor's" perspective if you will, next week.

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Don't bother. All his sponsors are in full support of him and some are ready to blame me for the mess. Trust me, I've been doing some asking around.
Well I have read just about every word posted about this issue at multiple websites.

My take on it is that he some dude with cognitive dissonance that allowed him to pretend what he was doing wasn't shady. In his mind, scamming companies for parts for "awareness" was justified. He then pushed the issue, and unfortunately (for him) it has backfired [clarification: I'm glad he was found out]. I'm sure he really does "support the troops" (who doesn't though), but showing up to a few jeep events or car shows with a banner and a jeep with free parts doesn't really do anything to help anybody.

The silly thing is about the whole awareness thing is that awareness for veterans issues is at an all time high. There are multitudes of charities out there, which personally I think is a bit overkill. When I donated money, I only donate to proven charities... AND I AM A VETERAN (22 Years Air Force). [Clarification 2: This does not mean I think all small or new charities are shady, just that without personal knowledge its safer to donate to other more well known charities]

You know who I feel sorry for.... JCR and his other sponsors who I think got taken in, and his daughter. Of course his daughter jumped into defend her father, but unfortunately I think she is either naive or uniformed.

Unfortunately there is no shortage of people willing to take advantage of "sympathy" populations to make money or gain attention (several damning links were posted on the JK-Forum thread)... and veterans is just one of them.

Just my two cents.

And before anyone says "thank you for your service"... no... I served because I wanted too, it wasn't a sacrifice, it was a privilege. Thank you to this country and the Bill of Rights who gave me an opportunity to serve a great cause.

Agreed! Yup! Yup! Yup!
Wounded Warriors for me... At least they are legit.

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Don't bother. All his sponsors are in full support of him and some are ready to blame me for the mess. Trust me, I've been doing some asking around.

True, JCR was quick to come out in support of him on the other forum.

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I think the poster was talking about the Wounded Warrior Project which is a different organization that whatever WFTW is (why do these "charities all sound alike).

The Wounded Warrior Project is a valid large organization that actually donates substantial organizations and does a lot of good things.

This is the problem with all these other fly by night organizations, they detract from the real ones.

Oh, I got that. He's basically saying that WFTW is legit and that the Wounded Warrior Project is not.

This jackass can't even keep his shit straight from page to page:

From the already existing "about" page:*

Do you make any money with the Fallen Heroes Jeep?
No, and we would never accept any money for our time (yes, we have been offered before and turned it down many times).

From the newly created Q&A page:

Q: Do you personally collect any money for charity?

A: We have only done so on one occasion.

Please for the love of God will this guys sponsors (including JKF) just call a spade a spade and cut him loose?
Holy Shit that was a lot of catching up! Still not all the way done!! I really don't even have the words anymore for this fuck. I began to write a long drawn out post with all my opinions but I realize none of it will matter because people's minds are already made up. This asshat and all of his minions have upset me and whatever it is we can do to take him down I want in. I will be in phoenix in a couple weeks and you can bet I will be inquiring further. :yup:
Ok, looks shady to me.... again I call bull shit!!!
No one charity is perfect and I hope WWP doesn't end up screwing up and failing our trust, but as they say the proof is in the performance...

Human Services : Social Services
Wounded Warrior Project

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Score (out of 70)Rating
FYE 09/2012
Accountability & Transparency66.00

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Financial Performance Metrics
Program Expenses
(Percent of the charity’s budget spent on the programs
and services it delivers) 57.9%
Administrative Expenses 5.6%
Fundraising Expenses 36.3%
Fundraising Efficiency$0.23
Primary Revenue Growth 78.6%
Program Expenses Growth 62.9%
Working Capital Ratio (years)0.93

Accountability & Transparency Performance Metrics
Information Provided on the Form 990
Independent Voting Board Members
No Material diversion of assets
Audited financials prepared by independent accountant
Does Not Provide Loan(s) to or Receive Loan(s) From related parties
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Audited Financials
Form 990
Key staff listed
Income Statement (FYE 09/2012)
Contributions, Gifts & Grants$143,772,582
Federated Campaigns$3,364,908
Membership Dues$0
Fundraising Events$1,047,555
Related Organizations$0
Government Grants$0
Total Contributions$148,185,045
Program Service Revenue$0
Total Primary Revenue$148,185,045
Other Revenue$6,773,856
TOTAL REVENUE$154,958,901

EXPENSES (Adjusted)
Program Expenses$55,386,953
Administrative Expenses$5,412,693
Fundraising Expenses$34,711,903

Payments to Affiliates$0
Excess (or Deficit) for the year$59,447,352

Net Assets$90,237,753
Contributions Breakdown
Contributions, Gifts & Grants
Federated Campaigns
Fundraising Events
Expenses Breakdown
Revenue/Expenses Trend
Primary Revenue
Program Expenses
Compensation of Leaders (FYE 09/2012)
Compensation% of ExpensesPaid toTitle
$311,538 0.32%Steven NardizziCEO, Executive Director
The mission of Wounded Warrior Project is to honor and empower wounded warriors. Our purpose is: to raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women; to help severely injured service members aid and assist each other; and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of severely injured service members.
Charities Performing Similar Types of Work
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Wounded Warrior Project - FL54.39
National Military Family Association - VA55.40
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors - VA66.28
Fisher House Foundation - MD69.62
Army Emergency Relief - VA59.69
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Wounded Warrior Project - FL54.39
DAV (Disabled American Veterans) Charitable Service Trust - KY61.25
Fisher House Foundation - MD69.62
Homes for Our Troops - MA68.97
USO - VA53.79
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This guy also deleted his poor me blog post that he posted earlier today, yet again another cover up. I know someone has a screenshot of it.
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I had no intentions on bad mouthing the sponsors as I figured they were mislead and lied to like everyone else but I have lost all respect for JCR now.

JCR hung out with Robert for several days in Moab this


But wait! Robert said he was only there for one day. Who is lying now?

:cheesy: You just gotta love how none of these guys can get their stories straight. :crazy eyes:
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