Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

Not here to Troll. Look at my posts on the forum, and you'll see that I normally just post jeep B.S.... Not looking to get banned, just being an outsider looking in....

For a looker, you sure seem to be shooting off your mouth a lot and without any real backing.
color me stupid.... but I don't really understand what the issue is. a PRIVATE run set up by individual/s that has co-sponsors that require their stickers be run as well in order to make a promotional video and have some fun at the same time has every right in the universe to mandate their brand be presented loud and proud. unless one is an actual participant, they need not worry about something that doesn't directly affect them.

Here's another screen shot from Robert's lovely daughter that I should have posted up last night. This was following her remarks that he supposedly has a Purple Heart...

Screen Shot 2014-06-27 at 5.24.22 PM.png

So much for him rather dying. Apparently, there's a lot she doesn't know about her good ol' dad :naw:
Here's another screen shot from Robert's lovely daughter that I should have posted up last night. This was following her remarks that he supposedly has a Purple Heart...

View attachment 89520

So much for him rather dying. Apparently, there's a lot she doesn't know about her good ol' dad :naw:

He is a badass vet who served 8 hours. :crazyeyes:

Maybe she will join the forum to learn. :cheesy:
Here's another screen shot from Robert's lovely daughter that I should have posted up last night. This was following her remarks that he supposedly has a Purple Heart...

View attachment 89520

So much for him rather dying. Apparently, there's a lot she doesn't know about her good ol' dad :naw:

She says that he refused to remove a sticker representing a charity for vets. Apparently, she hasn't visited his website. Oh wait--- she posted that before he changed everything on his website to cover his tracks.
For the love of god, I just got sent this - tell me it's real!!

Screen Shot 2014-06-27 at 5.17.31 PM.jpg

Where are all the hate mongering vets out there now?? What was it that you said? "The repercussions will be a PR shitstorm the likes of which you've not seen. My friends can be quite passionate at times. You wanna go down this road, so be it, friend. I've tried warning ya."

Screen Shot 2014-06-27 at 5.34.35 PM.png

Yeah, you tried warning me. :naw:
She says that he refused to remove a sticker representing a charity for vets. Apparently, she hasn't visited his website. Oh wait--- she posted that before he changed everything on his website to cover his tracks.

Yea he didnt remove his sticker for a run that he didnt even know about till it had already happened.

I didn't get a job that i didn't get apply for and then on top of it didn't get the raise... FML
For the love of god, I just got sent this - tell me it's real!!

View attachment 89521

DOES NOT COMPUTE!!! Mind blown!!! Wait is that really her father... is she lying... is he lying... ZOMG!!!!!


For the love of god, I just got sent this - tell me it's real!!

View attachment 89521

Where are all the hate mongering vets out there now?? What was it that you said? "The repercussions will be a PR shitstorm the likes of which you've not seen. My friends can be quite passionate at times. You wanna go down this road, so be it, friend. I've tried warning ya."

View attachment 89522

Yeah, you tried warning me. :naw:

Well that just makes things silly now... Either he's lying, or his daughter needs to be put in timeout for saying shit on his behalf that isn't true.... She is not helping his cause....
Maybe.... He was injured in Panama during Operation Just Cause?

That was one of those "don't know what you're talking about" missions that has relatively recently just been declassified. I doubt they were giving away purple hearts for a mission that "we weren't on"...


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
Well that just makes things silly now... Either he's lying, or his daughter needs to be put in timeout for saying shit on his behalf that isn't true.... She is not helping his cause....

No, HE isn't helping his cause.
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