Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

That was one of those "don't know what you're talking about" missions that has relatively recently just been declassified. I doubt they were giving away purple hearts for a mission that "we weren't on"...


2013 CG JKU 6-speed

My statement was more of a joke than anything, but yes, they did give purple hearts to our soldiers injured in Panama.
Is now a bad time to see about getting "mindblown" smiley? I really want one for the purpleheart-daughter thing. :shock::crazyeyes::asshat:
That was one of those "don't know what you're talking about" missions that has relatively recently just been declassified. I doubt they were giving away purple hearts for a mission that "we weren't on"...


2013 CG JKU 6-speed

Nevermind. Spoke too soon. They did give some out... even some for heat exhaustion.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
LOL obviously he didn't keep up with this thread entirely because there are some inconsistencies with his A's compared to what we've discovered on the net.
In the Marine Corps we have a name for this guy- SHITBIRD. He is scrambling to cover his tracks. All of the links to you tube and websites are either dead, private or altered. This to me is an admission of guilt.

Eddie, keep up the good work!

Semper Fi, Gary
LOL obviously he didn't keep up with this thread entirely because there are some inconsistencies with his A's compared to what we've discovered on the net.

Yep. A whole lot of BS and lies. He asked for cash donations to paint the car. He has to claim the value of what he receives in parts as income. Blah, blah, blah.

This guy has been outed.
Oh for Christ sake are you fucking kidding me. He sold key chains for $4.95 and has a $4.95 business that had a Facebook up until the last couple hours?

Talk about a scam artist. Who sells a keychain for $4.95? Someone who tries to hide the profits under another company. This shady fuck needs to walk out in front of a bus.
In the Marine Corps we have a name for this guy- SHITBIRD. He is scrambling to cover his tracks. All of the links to you tube and websites are either dead, private or altered. This to me is an admission of guilt.

Eddie, keep up the good work!

Semper Fi, Gary

Honestly, had he just made his attack on me and left, none of this BS would have been exposed. But, he just couldn't leave well enough alone and made attack after attack and started to call all his buddies to join in on the fun and that's when I decided to do a little research into who he was and what he was all about. It was only then I started to realize that he was a scammer and that he needed to be called out.

Like you, the removal and/or alteration of ALL his websites and links is suspicious at best and proof of his guilt at worst.
From His Q&A

Q: Do you personally collect any money for charity?
A: We have only done so on one occasion.

Funny how he STILL has not stated for the record WHAT charity this was for, how much was raised and how much of the proceeds were actually given to them. I wonder why? Of course, being that he's NOT a 501(c)3, I'd still like to know how he was able to legally "collect" any money for them.

Our main goal is to bring awareness to different smaller troop charities by handing out flyers and other items at different events, this past April we created custom Jeep wood keychains and gave them away at the Easter Jeep Safari event in Moab for donations for Homes For Our Troops. We partnered with JCR OffRoad and raised a total of $421 in only one day! Other than that one time we have never solicited cash donations for a charity from anyone.

What specific "smaller troop charities"? Why do you need a built up Jeep to hand out fliers? I see that JCR has been offering things like bumpers to help raise money but, what exactly has Fallen Heros Jeep done? Also, why use "fallen heroes" in your business name when your focus is on "smaller troop charities"?

Q: What happened to the donation button you had on your website? What was it for and when / why did you remove it?
A: Our original idea for the Fallen Heroes Jeep was to paint it Olive Drab Green and make it look like an old WWII military Jeep. Due to time constraints on our build in California we were not able to get the Jeep painted. Unfortunately we have not been able to locate a paint sponsor in the Phoenix area.

So, what was done with the money you collected under the guise of it being a "donation"? How can you call it a "donation" if you're not a 501(c)3??

So I thought I would try and sell some of our left over Jeep keychains for $4.95 each to raise money for the paint job. We sold less than 10 key chains in a month so I removed the button in May and will not be putting it back online.

If you were "selling" the key chains, why was your link still called a "donation"?

Q: Are you a 501(c)3?
A: No we are not. A 501(c)3 is for a charitable organization. We have never represented the Fallen Heroes Jeep (or the car before it) as a charity. In fact we have made it very clear to every one of our sponsors over the years that our main goal is to raise awareness.

So then, why do all your supporters refer to you as a charity?

We have never asked for cash donations for the Fallen Heroes Jeep (or car before it). The only time we have tried to raise any cash directly for the Jeep was when we tried to sell our keychains of which we raised less than $50 (See above).

Funny, it seems to me that you were asking for CASH donation for your paint job. Of course, you've also been asking for free parts and service to build up your Jeep.... so that you can hand out fliers.

Q: Are you going to report your sponsor items for the Jeep on your taxes?
A: No, and we are not required by law to do so. We make it clear to all of our sponsors that we are not a charity and always have before they choose to become a sponsor. We offer the value to our sponsors of promoting their products to the community so the items we receive are not considered gifts.

How convenient. Looks like you're well versed at working the system.

As Mr. Burns would say..........."Smithers.......Release the hounds!"..........This guy is scrambling to cover up his fraudulent scam......His removal of the Donation button was the clincher........slowly things will crumble around him.......he's been collecting for quite sometime i'm sure and I doubt if the majority of that amount went to any charity and if it did how much........my guess is very little........he more than likely used it as his very own slush fund to finance his lifestyle........how somebody could sleep at night or for that matter look disabled vets in the eye and say I'm raising this money for you brother.........cowardice.......really makes me extremely angry and sick to my stomach.......smh

Well I have read just about every word posted about this issue at multiple websites.

My take on it is that he some dude with cognitive dissonance that allowed him to pretend what he was doing wasn't shady. In his mind, scamming companies for parts for "awareness" was justified. He then pushed the issue, and unfortunately (for him) it has backfired [clarification: I'm glad he was found out]. I'm sure he really does "support the troops" (who doesn't though), but showing up to a few jeep events or car shows with a banner and a jeep with free parts doesn't really do anything to help anybody.

The silly thing is about the whole awareness thing is that awareness for veterans issues is at an all time high. There are multitudes of charities out there, which personally I think is a bit overkill. When I donated money, I only donate to proven charities... AND I AM A VETERAN (22 Years Air Force). [Clarification 2: This does not mean I think all small or new charities are shady, just that without personal knowledge its safer to donate to other more well known charities]

You know who I feel sorry for.... JCR and his other sponsors who I think got taken in, and his daughter. Of course his daughter jumped into defend her father, but unfortunately I think she is either naive or uniformed.

Unfortunately there is no shortage of people willing to take advantage of "sympathy" populations to make money or gain attention (several damning links were posted on the JK-Forum thread)... and veterans is just one of them.

Just my two cents.

And before anyone says "thank you for your service"... no... I served because I wanted too, it wasn't a sacrifice, it was a privilege. Thank you to this country and the Bill of Rights who gave me an opportunity to serve a great cause.
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You guys have no idea how many times I had to re-write the questions i posted on JKF in order to censor out my frustrations. Ugh! I figured if I asked legit, honest questions, perhaps I'd get a reply. All I (and we) got was a bunch of runaround.

I'm also very tight with the guys at Rebel and will try to get more insight from them, a "sponsor's" perspective if you will, next week.

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