TeraFlex Hinged Tire Carrier Break

Still reading the comments and the PJK trolling....it's amazing to me that these retards don't understand one thing....yes, it's excellent that Teraflex is replacing the bad carriers....the only problem is, if your 35" falls off on the highway and strikes a minivan with 5 kids in the car, and you get sued, not a single f*** will be given by anyone when you say "but guys, Teraflex is replacing all the bad carriers, what's the big deal." They really don't get it do they?

Oh no, they get it. All they have to do is blame me for telling people about the problem. If I were to just keep quite about all this, their awesome tire carriers would never break. :yup:
So I've gotta ask again, why aren't any of the FB trolls posting on here? Seems kind of strange how they would eager take on their jihad over there, but not here? I mean, they are the righteous ones just trying to point out how evil and mean I am for "bashing" TeraFlex for showing how their products break - why not go all the way and do it here too?
:cheesy: LOL!! Problem? For these trolls, the only "problem" is me and it's for posting of and showing people something they don't want to hear. God forbid that a product they chose to buy might be dangerous or flawed in anyway shape or form. That might mean they actually may have made a mistake in getting it and that would put their manhood into question. :rolleyes2:

Are you suggesting they may not have any faith in their outstanding product they have? :cheesy: Truth be told, I sincerely hope they do if for no one else other than the guy driving behind them.

Its funny....over the years I've been on a number of forums, and it takes a very rare breed of poster to be honest about things they spend their hard earned money on. For instance, my $1500 ExpeditionONE bumper, which is made in the USA and is one of the most expensive JK bumpers you can buy had poor fitment. The powdercoating was too thick and it didn't fit between the rails properly, and aligning it was an issue. While 99% of online posters would still say "its the best thing ever" because they spent $1500 on it, I was honest and told people the positives (the best linked carrier I have personally seen) with the negatives. Same with any other mods that I have. You will seldom see a post saying "hey guys, just spent $6000 on my supercharger...but it does diddly sh!t out on the trail." These guys fall right into that category. They spent a lot of money on these carriers, and now see it was a mistake. Psychology dictates that they need to justify/rationalize/defend their decision to THEMSELVES, but they are doing it by bashing the guy that pointed out....kind of like the fat guy in the room...if no one says anything then the problem isn't real, but as soon as someone says "hey bud, I think it's time for you to seriously consider salads" the fat guy has two options....say "you're right, waiter, iceberg wedge over here please" or insult the person that brought it up. Nothing but a defense mechanism, but it's pretty fun to watch. Good thing Asian's have thick skin ya dig? :D
So I've gotta ask again, why aren't any of the FB trolls posting on here? Seems kind of strange how they would eager take on their jihad over there, but not here? I mean, they are the righteous ones just trying to point out how evil and mean I am for "bashing" TeraFlex for showing how their products break - why not go all the way and do it here too?

lol i just posted agan on your project jk page and told them to come look over here and see its 1st gen AND 2nd gen carrier breaks.
The comments there are ridiculous...it's like someone slapped mommy and daddy at the dinner table (Eddie showing everyone the cracked carriers WITH photos) and everyone is like "quick, look over here." Completely ignoring the problem. I bet you $1000 says they are bashing eddie, but they're all calling teraflex and getting replacement carriers. :D Trolls.

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Frank Hansen might have receipts but he only paid $600 for his teraflex long arm kit.

Pot meet kettle
So I've gotta ask again, why aren't any of the FB trolls posting on here? Seems kind of strange how they would eager take on their jihad over there, but not here? I mean, they are the righteous ones just trying to point out how evil and mean I am for "bashing" TeraFlex for showing how their products break - why not go all the way and do it here too?

Just thought of a great play to make them all STFU.....if you want to spend the money.....buy this carrier/hinge yourself, and put it on Rubicat. This way, you're not bashing, but proving a point with your money. Run it on trails, and when it cracks, post it up. :D
Frank Hansen might have receipts but he only paid $600 for his teraflex long arm kit.

Pot meet kettle

You mean the one he got after going on and on about how he would only buy made in the USA products? You mean the one that blew a control arm joint just after getting it installed? You mean the one I personally contacted TeraFlex (back when I still thought they were a reputable company) while in Moab and got a replacement joint from AND personally replaced while he just sat there watching?
Just thought of a great play to make them all STFU.....if you want to spend the money.....buy this carrier/hinge yourself, and put it on Rubicat. This way, you're not bashing, but proving a point with your money. Run it on trails, and when it cracks, post it up. :D

No lie, I've seriously thought about it but I already have the EVO tire carrier installed and that's not something I could just swap out with ease.
Frank Hansen might have receipts but he only paid $600 for his teraflex long arm kit.

Pot meet kettle

Just for added effect, here are some pics for proof. Don't think a brand new TeraFlex control arm joint is supposed to look like that...


There's Trail Bud on the right hard at work but I don't think the guy on the left with the ponytail is Frank :idontknow:

You mean the one he got after going on and on about how he would only buy made in the USA products? You mean the one that blew a control arm joint just after getting it installed? You mean the one I personally contacted TeraFlex (back when I still thought they were a reputable company) while in Moab and got a replacement joint from AND personally replaced while he just sat there watching?

Anything to save a buck Frank? That's him..
Anything to save a buck Frank? That's him..

But they make quality products in China that would never break!! Clearly, a guy like me would only post up a break like this to "bash" TeraFlex and only because they don't advertise on this forum!! That's why I've "censored" all the hater comments here too!! Gotta love this guy :cheesy:

Oh, remember this one? Of course, this is unrelated to TeraFlex but yet another time when something broke and he didn't know what to do so Jeff, who is in the background and some guy with a ponytail jumped in to get him up and running again....


I think it'd be awesome if Dennis and those guys signed up and were part of this discussion. Apparently they don't understand Facebook is NOT and open forum. Dennis' comment about getting deleted on the forum is just stupid. It's a FB Fan page. Stupid people following comments with got banned at PJK. But, I'd love to hear what they (Dennis at Teraflex) have to say.....and/or try to deny these issues are happening.

Please come to this FORUM and discuss your product. :clap2:
But they make quality products in China that would never break!! Clearly, a guy like me would only post up a break like this to "bash" TeraFlex and only because they don't advertise on this forum!! That's why I've "censored" all the hater comments here too!! Gotta love this guy :cheesy:

Oh, remember this one? Of course, this is unrelated to TeraFlex but yet another time when something broke and he didn't know what to do so Jeff, who is in the background and some guy with a ponytail jumped in to get him up and running again....



Who's that guy with the pony tail? Looks familiar :honey:
I think it'd be awesome if Dennis and those guys signed up and were part of this discussion. Apparently they don't understand Facebook is NOT and open forum. Dennis' comment about getting deleted on the forum is just stupid. It's a FB Fan page. Stupid people following comments with got banned at PJK. But, I'd love to hear what they (Dennis at Teraflex) have to say.....and/or try to deny these issues are happening.

Please come to this FORUM and discuss your product. :clap2:

To be fair, TeraFlex would not be welcome here. As our rules dictate, only advertisers are allowed to openly participate on WAYALIFE and I have no interest in taking money from a company like theirs.
Posted this on Denis's Facebook page. I don't think frank wants to be my friend now.

Sent from my iPhone
But they make quality products in China that would never break!! Clearly, a guy like me would only post up a break like this to "bash" TeraFlex and only because they don't advertise on this forum!! That's why I've "censored" all the hater comments here too!! Gotta love this guy :cheesy:

Oh, remember this one? Of course, this is unrelated to TeraFlex but yet another time when something broke and he didn't know what to do so Jeff, who is in the background and some guy with a ponytail jumped in to get him up and running again....



this was during the pilgramige to moab series right? if so i remember this. something went wrong with the shifter and you did all the work if i remember correctly
Im fairly certain I have seen Eddie post up pics of everything he breaks. Any good r&d will want to know when and why something broke. I remember him posting a pic of a bracket or mount that broke on rubicat and the bandaid fix he did while out in the bush.
this was during the pilgramige to moab series right? if so i remember this. something went wrong with the shifter and you did all the work if i remember correctly

Yup, that was the series and Jeff and Brian helped out as well. Don't know what happened to Frank as I used to think he was a friend of mine. Heck, I even helped get him on the JKX. Once he became a moderator of my old forum, something happened and he became a hater. But, I digress and this is moving too far away from the real topic at hand. My only point was to alert people to break (now breaks, plural) that I have seen and to make sure they are aware of it. Had all the haters just taken it for what it's worth and not turn it into me "bashing" TeraFlex, none of this would have escalated to the point that it has.
To be fair, TeraFlex would not be welcome here. As our rules dictate, only advertisers are allowed to openly participate on WAYALIFE and I have no interest in taking money from a company like theirs.

:crazyeyes: :doh: Looks like I forgot about this minor detail. :cheesy:

I'm not a teraflex fanboy, but I do have their mudflaps sitting in my garage ready to use for long trips in my future. ;)
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