TeraFlex Hinged Tire Carrier Break

I kick myself in the butt every time someone bumps this thread. I must admit I was fooled. My biggest thing when I invest in any Jeep product is Peace of Mind. Peace of Mind it will last, and it will be safe. And I don't have Peace of Mind with this product. I check my TF carrier every time I get on & off the trail. I check it every time I open the tailgate. I check it any chance I get. The constant worrying my spare might break free on the highway after a weekend trip of wheeling and god forbid hurt someone is intolerable. At $700 for the TF carrier, I was pretty much half way there to buy the EVO carrier I really wanted. :grayno:

Get a bike cable lock, the one that broke when I was riding along was saved by the cable. When it breaks it won't go flying. It'll just fuck up your tailgate
:cheesy: Apparently, someone at TeraFlex whined about this on their FB page and now we're getting our Project-JK FB page trolled by all the usual suspects. I guess showing yet ANOTHER break of their tire carrier and telling people to keep an eye on theirs if they have one somehow equals "bashing" them.
:cheesy: Apparently, someone at TeraFlex whined about this on their FB page and now we're getting our Project-JK FB page trolled by all the usual suspects. I guess showing yet ANOTHER break of their tire carrier and telling people to keep an eye on theirs if they have one somehow equals "bashing" them.

Lol the trolls really are out tonight on their. I can't tell you how hard I laughed at some of them. Good reads

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Lol the trolls really are out tonight on their. I can't tell you how hard I laughed at some of them. Good reads

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It's such a joke. I posted up the pic over 4 hours ago and nothing. TeraFlex came on to whine about it and I got rid of them. They can make excuses about their products on their own FB page. Apparently, they whined about me getting rid of them and so all the fanboys started trolling us. Seriously, all I did was post up the pic and tell people who have one to keep an eye on it and somehow that equals me "Bashing" TeraFlex :naw:

I won't lie, more now than ever before, I really don't like them as a company and mainly because of how they've chosen to handle situations like these. Rather than owning up to the fact that they made a faulty product and recall them for the safety of the others, they would instead choose to attack me and encourage others to do the same. It's just sad.
Lol the trolls really are out tonight on their. I can't tell you how hard I laughed at some of them. Good reads

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No kidding, gotta love the I haven't had a problem with mine comments

A million people didn't have issues with the Chevy ignition switch, just the handful of people that it killed. Let's blame the media for reporting it.
No kidding, gotta love the I haven't had a problem with mine comments

Lol I think that's the best one! Eddie says that the trolls need to go away and this lady says 3 mins later "I haven't had any issues" :cheesy: you gotta be kidding me right!? Shit is to funny

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It's such a joke. I posted up the pic over 4 hours ago and nothing. TeraFlex came on to whine about it and I got rid of them. They can make excuses about their products on their own FB page. Apparently, they whined about me getting rid of them and so all the fanboys started trolling us. Seriously, all I did was post up the pic and tell people who have one to keep an eye on it and somehow that equals me "Bashing" TeraFlex :naw:

I won't lie, more now than ever before, I really don't like them as a company and mainly because of how they've chosen to handle situations like these. Rather than owning up to the fact that they made a faulty product and recall them for the safety of the others, they would instead choose to attack me and encourage others to do the same. It's just sad.

Yea it's pretty freaking bad! I don't mind my stiffer Teraflex springs to much, since we all know ride is subjective ;), but they are for sure the last thing I'm buying from them. One product (this POS carrier) just made them lose my business for good.

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I hate the bashing like all of u guys but I'm glad to have seen this thread before I purchased one of those TF carriers but what really pisses me off is how people defend anything the bit just cuz they can't admit they probably made a mistake and should have bought somethung else

I don't always wheel , but when I do I keep it tight......... Stay dirty my friends.
"But that would be a real drag to get home with no spare. Haha"...a direct quote from his page! This will someday be used in court!!! How sad is that. I can not believe someone can be so flippant regarding such a tragedy waiting to happen. Can you imagine seeing a spare tire/wheel with a hunk of broken metal come bouncing at you while your doing 75 as it lands through your windshield. "But that would be a real drag to get home with no spare. Haha".... Makes me sick! Call me a fan boy, but that is wrong! Thanks Eddie for bringing this to light!
I've watched this thread from the first post. And got a peak at today's FB thread as well. Eddie might even remember when I was interested in this carrier shortly before our good friend broke his. I was there when it broke a couple yrs back and caused hesitation (thankfully) that resulted in me going a different direction.

What I find interesting is that teraflex has zero direct response to any of the breaks. Only the fanboys chime in. There are more than two breaks just posted in this forum. And a decent google search shows more issues out there beyond breaks. The lack of defending a product is to me just as guilty as admitting its faults. That's how I look at it.

- Jason
What a surprise. I guess it's no wonder how a post that sat at about 2-3 likes and only one comment for about 2 hours all of a sudden exploded with trolls coming out of the wood work. Funny how none of these guys will only troll us on FB and not here on the forum. Hmmmm, I wonder why :rolleyes2:
I find that teraflex makes the best and most expensive door stops and scrap metal money can buy just my .02 :cheesy:

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The comments there are ridiculous...it's like someone slapped mommy and daddy at the dinner table (Eddie showing everyone the cracked carriers WITH photos) and everyone is like "quick, look over here." Completely ignoring the problem. I bet you $1000 says they are bashing eddie, but they're all calling teraflex and getting replacement carriers. :D Trolls.

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Sad thing is that one of those bashing Eddie is a guy who should know better, but unfortunately HE is apparently now the biased one...... Morons.
Still reading the comments and the PJK trolling....it's amazing to me that these retards don't understand one thing....yes, it's excellent that Teraflex is replacing the bad carriers....the only problem is, if your 35" falls off on the highway and strikes a minivan with 5 kids in the car, and you get sued, not a single f*** will be given by anyone when you say "but guys, Teraflex is replacing all the bad carriers, what's the big deal." They really don't get it do they?
The comments there are ridiculous...it's like someone slapped mommy and daddy at the dinner table (Eddie showing everyone the cracked carriers WITH photos) and everyone is like "quick, look over here." Completely ignoring the problem.

:cheesy: LOL!! Problem? For these trolls, the only "problem" is me and it's for posting of and showing people something they don't want to hear. God forbid that a product they chose to buy might be dangerous or flawed in anyway shape or form. That might mean they actually may have made a mistake in getting it and that would put their manhood into question. :rolleyes2:

I bet you $1000 says they are bashing eddie, but they're all calling teraflex and getting replacement carriers. :D Trolls.

Are you suggesting they may not have any faith in their outstanding product they have? :cheesy: Truth be told, I sincerely hope they do if for no one else other than the guy driving behind them.
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