Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

My biggest pet peeves,

When people say PIN number. No you dumb fuck it's a PIN, personal identification number, not a personal identification number number.

When people write $50 bucks. Fifty dollar bucks? Dumbasses

When people say ATM machine. It's ATM, automated teller machine, not automated teller machine machine you stupid ass.

That is all.

Good to know know. [emoji16]
I will go to the ATM machine and pull out $100 bucks, hell, I'll give you my PIN number if you stop encouraging Overlander!
My biggest pet peeves,

When people say PIN number. No you dumb fuck it's a PIN, personal identification number, not a personal identification number number.

When people write $50 bucks. Fifty dollar bucks? Dumbasses

When people say ATM machine. It's ATM, automated teller machine, not automated teller machine machine you stupid ass.

That is all.

How about when people call it a "hot water heater" why would you heat hot water?

I hate when I see on Craigslist "I'm saleing...." No you're selling, not going on a misspelled ocean voyage.
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My biggest pet peeves,

When people say PIN number. No you dumb fuck it's a PIN, personal identification number, not a personal identification number number.

When people write $50 bucks. Fifty dollar bucks? Dumbasses

When people say ATM machine. It's ATM, automated teller machine, not automated teller machine machine you stupid ass.

That is all.

Pretty much sums up all of mine as well. Awesome post, with perfect examples.
How about when people call it a "hot water heater" why would you heat hot water?

I hate when I see on Craigslist "I'm saleing...." No you're selling, not going on a misspelled ocean voyage.

Or when people say "For Sell" look dickweed it's "For Sale."
Bumping this thread to:

all the "Internet Engineers" who INSIST sleeves and trusses will mitigate bending a factory axle...

^^^People who use public toilets. Lol.

I avoid those things unless I'll shit my pants.

Haha this reminded me of a coworker who also refuses to use public toilets and has to go home to shit. On top of that, he has to take a shower after shitting haha
The hobo off the 57 and Ball exit that has the nerve to check his cell phone messages while hold up a sign begging for money.

And....he rides a different bike every two weeks.
Haha this reminded me of a coworker who also refuses to use public toilets and has to go home to shit. On top of that, he has to take a shower after shitting haha

Your new name is Shit Break! :p

Ha ha. If you can't take a shit in the morning and then hold it for a few hours, you've got issues. Not to mention, how the fuck can you be out on the trail all day in a jeep.
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