Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Pet peeve? Coming into a apartment complex exit only gate instead of the entrance only!! (And vise versa!)

I wanna hulk out every time I see it, and screen at them when they drive by me!
This is not a pet peeve but I thought I'd mention this on here because it's really been bugging me & I thought maybe it's someone else's pet peeve? they hate jeeps? I think we have these jeep haters out here idk :thinking:
Here's what happend to me... I was sitting in traffic bumper to bumper 1 mph, a car merges toward me & I'm am stopped with a car 2ft in front of me & one two feet behind he was gonna hit me so I gave the horn a small tap & he swerved back away I gave him no look of finger. shit happens I've made the same mistake before were all human, I was moving on forgot about it & traffic began to move freely all the sudden this guy flys up RIGHT in front of me slams his brakes on! 55 mph to zero skidding! Trying to make me rear end him I swerved rite around him the car behind me nearly plowed him & he took off after me again I didn't try to out run him he tried to stop in front of me a few times but he couldn't trap me, finally I past a freeway exit & went across the island to take the exit he took the island too! Bottoming the car on the curb! He was he'll bent on getting me for something so I headed for the closest PD I could not even dial 911 I was having to drive my best to avoid this guy on the way I saw a huge island road divider made a hard right over the concrete & buy buy buddy ditched his ass! But I'm still wondering what triggered this I did nothing to him, I'm also wondering what is the safe thing to do in that situation? I'm not afraid to stop get out & stand my ground but Around here if you stop you could be shot especially if your driving something nice :(

Sent from bad apples...
You did about the best thing possible. Besides pulling onto the shoulder and dialing the police right away

Sent from my XT907 using WAYALIFE mobile app
This is not a pet peeve but I thought I'd mention this on here because it's really been bugging me & I thought maybe it's someone else's pet peeve? they hate jeeps? I think we have these jeep haters out here idk :thinking:
Here's what happend to me... I was sitting in traffic bumper to bumper 1 mph, a car merges toward me & I'm am stopped with a car 2ft in front of me & one two feet behind he was gonna hit me so I gave the horn a small tap & he swerved back away I gave him no look of finger. shit happens I've made the same mistake before were all human, I was moving on forgot about it & traffic began to move freely all the sudden this guy flys up RIGHT in front of me slams his brakes on! 55 mph to zero skidding! Trying to make me rear end him I swerved rite around him the car behind me nearly plowed him & he took off after me again I didn't try to out run him he tried to stop in front of me a few times but he couldn't trap me, finally I past a freeway exit & went across the island to take the exit he took the island too! Bottoming the car on the curb! He was he'll bent on getting me for something so I headed for the closest PD I could not even dial 911 I was having to drive my best to avoid this guy on the way I saw a huge island road divider made a hard right over the concrete & buy buy buddy ditched his ass! But I'm still wondering what triggered this I did nothing to him, I'm also wondering what is the safe thing to do in that situation? I'm not afraid to stop get out & stand my ground but Around here if you stop you could be shot especially if your driving something nice :(

Sent from bad apples...

Wow creepy story glad you are ok!

Sent from my whatyamacallit
Hiking miles into the backcountry, relaxing, enjoying solitude and nature, looking over and seeing littered trash like a coke can or food wrappers
It's a bitch thread ... What do you expect?

I just found this thread and 5 post in someone is bitching about a bitch thread??? Lol

My bitches

-3.8liters of nothing
- finally being so good looking. Look ladies I'm married ok!


Driver driver GAS!
WAYALIFE mobile app
I really get annoyed when my boss calls his Toyota FJ a Jeep!! And when I say its not a "Jeep" but a "Fake Jeep" he goes on to say...well it out performs the Jeep! Ugh!
I really get annoyed when my boss calls his Toyota FJ a Jeep!! And when I say its not a "Jeep" but a "Fake Jeep" he goes on to say...well it out performs the Jeep! Ugh!

Sure, in the 'looks like crap while consistently delivery mediocre off-road performance' category, his Toyota FJ out performs your Jeep every day of the week that ends in 'Y'.
When it goes from 52° out to the possibility of 8 plus inches of snow!!!! I want to put my soft op back on already. .....

Sent from the"Zone of Influence"
I really get annoyed when my boss calls his Toyota FJ a Jeep!! And when I say its not a "Jeep" but a "Fake Jeep" he goes on to say...well it out performs the Jeep! Ugh!

AGREED!!!! I had a guy call a samurai a JEEP! UGGGGgggggggg!
AGREED!!!! I had a guy call a samurai a JEEP! UGGGGgggggggg!

well to some groups of idiots and jerks, a land rover is a "jeep" a toyota is a jeep (david... ahem) a tracker is a jeep... hell some idiots think everything is a jeep :doh::banghead::banghead::banghead::gaah:
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