Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Speaking of Pissed Off,
How about when you go into the men's room and some short dick boy was in front of you and his little pee pee was too short to reach all the way into the urinal so he just pee's all over the floor.
Some of the nicer places I go into really need a floor drain right under the urinal as there is a flood going on.

Worse part is when you don't notice it at first and then you look down and see the flood....Dang it man...:drowninga:
Speaking of Pissed Off,
How about when you go into the men's room and some short dick boy was in front of you and his little pee pee was too short to reach all the way into the urinal so he just pee's all over the floor.
Some of the nicer places I go into really need a floor drain right under the urinal as there is a flood going on.

Worse part is when you don't notice it at first and then you look down and see the flood....Dang it man...:drowninga:

sorry man that made me chuckle, but yeah the is annoying as hell!
Well I'd like to second this but, I may have seconded this pet peeve so many times it may be exponential by now.. :thinking: this too drives me nuts!

i must agree with the both of you, its annoying as hell and photo bucket was cool like 10 years ago when the average hard drive size was 40 gigs but now its 500-1000 gigs and completely pointless!
Well I'd like to second this but, I may have seconded this pet peeve so many times it may be exponential by now.. :thinking: this too drives me nuts!

Lol, it makes my anger level immediately go from 0 to 60. I then cease to care about the picture sheerly out of spite and malice.

However, the reason I decided to post about it is because, not only was I just annoyingly redirected to photobucket in my Safari app, but I had a streaming movie paused in Safari that also had to be reloaded. It was like a double wammy of annoyance.

Is there something I'm missing? Why does anyone even use a third party photo hosting site???
Why does anyone even use a third party photo hosting site???

if i were to guess, now this is a guess, i would say that its so they can access the content from any device not just requiring the device which has the content?
You obviously don't live in So Cal, where if you give them warning that you want over, the other drivers speed up to not let you in! :eek:

He's not lying. I've had cars with 100k plus miles and never replace my turn signal bulbs. To anyone, try spending a month in America's worst traffic and I guarantee your driving habits will change. It's not like we don't have any manners, we're typically thoughtful and sincere outside of traffic that is.

And people that do not know how to use the ATM machine.
Oh and also a good percentage of our roads here are driven by illegal, no driver license, no insurance and unregistered vehicles. And they drive like they own the road.
Oh and also a good percentage of our roads here are driven by illegal, no driver license, no insurance and unregistered vehicles. And they drive like they own the road.

then get lots of armor and a big bumper, or a tank! then they will make sure they are out of your way
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