Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

It's not like we don't have any manners, we're typically thoughtful and sincere outside of traffic that is.

I dont know about that. I would say typically the worst offenders are pricks in public as well.

Cutting in line etc...

A lot of them are the same bitches who when you hold the door open for them dont have the common courtesy to say thanks.... sorry I forgot it wasnt my job to shut the door on your over stretched tight as a drum plastic face.
then get lots of armor and a big bumper, or a tank! then they will make sure they are out of your way

Saw a farm truck yesterday that had 4' spikes sticking out the back for picking up rolls of hay. Don't ya know, he was the only one not being tailgated, go figure.
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I dont know about that. I would say typically the worst offenders are pricks in public as well.

Cutting in line etc...

A lot of them are the same bitches who when you hold the door open for them dont have the common courtesy to say thanks.... sorry I forgot it wasnt my job to shut the door on your over stretched tight as a drum plastic face.

Yes very true. God knows there were many times I wanted to slam the door on someone. But what I meant more in the line of we won't leave you in a burning car as we drive by.
Yes very true. God knows there were many times I wanted to slam the door on someone. But what I meant more in the line of we won't leave you in a burning car as we drive by.

Haha ok gotcha. On that yes I would agree.
then get lots of armor and a big bumper, or a tank! then they will make sure they are out of your way

I love all my armor! I slide between assholes who can't park and are over the line all the time! I place my sliders right by their doors and beg them to ding me :sinister:

Having to listen to country music all day at work 👎

Sound like heaven! Pepper in some Clapton, CCR, etc. and it's even better!
I love all my armor! I slide between assholes who can't park and are over the line all the time! I place my sliders right by their doors and beg them to ding me :sinister:

Sound like heaven! Pepper in some Clapton, CCR, etc. and it's even better!

I miss my old truck because of that reason. Not because I had a lot of armor on it but my step bars were almost 3 feet high. So door dings didn't exist. But living in OC, I couldn't park in parking structures any more and that was a big problem.

This could be blasphemous but I find Clapton a little boring. Maybe I'm comparing him to his days when he was part of Cream.
Things that get me going include the following:
1.) slow drivers
2.) when i pass someone driving like a slug then they speed up just to get around me and then get in front of me just to be the snail that they are
3.) when i go to any particular place and then there's a jeep line and somebody not in a jeep parks in the middle when one leaves or parks on both ends when there's plenty of other places to park which doesn't let me and other jeepers park in the line

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Things that get me going include the following:
1.) slow drivers
2.) when i pass someone driving like a slug then they speed up just to get around me and then get in front of me just to be the snail that they are
3.) when i go to any particular place and then there's a jeep line and somebody not in a jeep parks in the middle when one leaves or parks on both ends when there's plenty of other places to park which doesn't let me and other jeepers park in the line

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My solution would be to drop Swift and get a faster truck, yup. Also, what is a jeep line? BTW, Welcome to Wayalife! You should introduce yourself.
Things that get me going include the following:
1.) slow drivers
2.) when i pass someone driving like a slug then they speed up just to get around me and then get in front of me just to be the snail that they are
3.) when i go to any particular place and then there's a jeep line and somebody not in a jeep parks in the middle when one leaves or parks on both ends when there's plenty of other places to park which doesn't let me and other jeepers park in the line

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#2 Really gets me fired up. Especially when I'm on cruise and i keep passing/getting passed by same car for hours.

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My solution would be to drop Swift and get a faster truck, yup. Also, what is a jeep line? BTW, Welcome to Wayalife! You should introduce yourself.

It's when a bunch of jeeps are all parked right next to each other in a line.
Kinda like this but in a parking lot though

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major pet peeve, those truck drivers that only talk to you to make fun of you and do quick verbal jabs:cheesy:
It pisses me off when someboy drives a piece of crap prius or another piece of crap car and they decide to park right next to me. Sorry if i offended anyone that drives that criteria of car. If it's a piece of junk, or crap, jeep then it's ok because all jeeps are beautiful whether they're beat up, show jeeps, or left out in a field to rust and deteriorate

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It pisses me off when someboy drives a piece of crap prius or another piece of crap car and they decide to park right next to me. Sorry if i offended anyone that drives that criteria of car. If it's a piece of junk, or crap, jeep then it's ok because all jeeps are beautiful whether they're beat up, show jeeps, or left out in a field to rust and deteriorate

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Wow wow chill brotha, lol
It annoys me when someone takes my parking space at school for most on here they can relate to that by means of them at work

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