Pee Pee Lucas: Worst Troll EVER

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Regarding Eddie well I'm kinda happy he hasn't shut down this thread (I like it here) I have not disrespect him personally or in any way attacked his lady with pictures they post here or Facebook, that would be me hitting the lonely bottom as a man.

No you haven't directly attacked Eddie but you have insulted his Moderators who stand for what he believes. This indirectly is insulting him. Not to mention this is his home and you have disrespected it with your nonsense. I am very hopeful the hammer will fall when he returns from his trip. Your time is limited here my friend. :yup:
One swift delete and IP block will shut this thread down and prevent Lucas from accessing this site ever again....ah the power the administrator wields is fascinating.

I mean, he sounds so cool at d0xing hope he can find ways around when his IP shows every device he used to access this thread or site in general.
I wonder what other things these guys do when nobody is looking

One swift delete and IP block will shut this thread down and prevent Lucas from accessing this site ever again....ah the power the administrator wields is fascinating.

I mean, he sounds so cool at d0xing hope he can find ways around when his IP shows every device he used to access this thread or site in general.

Wifi changes the ip every time you connect and reconnect to the Internet
Doesn't matter if you always use your home internet (wifi)

Before some one tells me I'm wrong
Here is this for you
Your welcome
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Hey Pepe, this has gone on a bit too long now.

You are trolling this forum and you are in violation of the rules here at Wayalife: "Troll posts or deliberate actions seen as trolling will not be tolerated on"
"...trolling disrupt normal on-topic discussions, incite drama or cause trouble on the forum."

I will ask you nicely, go away and don't come back you have overstayed your welcome. If you can't do this simple thing you will be shown the door.
The interesting thing about having power is that you must realize gaining compliance through force only breeds resentment and distrust.
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