Pee Pee Lucas: Worst Troll EVER

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One swift delete and IP block will shut this thread down and prevent Lucas from accessing this site ever again....ah the power the administrator wields is fascinating.

I mean, he sounds so cool at d0xing hope he can find ways around when his IP shows every device he used to access this thread or site in general.

Wifi changes the ip every time you connect and reconnect to the Internet
Doesn't matter if you always use your home internet (wifi)

Before some one tells me I'm wrong
Here is this for you
Your welcome

I believe you misinterprit this webpage Brankzie. They are referring to a local IP which it doesn't matter what IP you have today or tomorrow. You can update and change your local IP as much as you want, when you want but that IP will need to translate over to a Public IP, a Gateway that your ISP owns. This Gateway rarely gets changed. Go to and see what your Public IP is. Try it again tomorrow and the next day. Or even a month from now. It will probably be the same IP even 6 months from now.
I believe you misinterprit this webpage Brankzie. They are referring to a local IP which it doesn't matter what IP you have today or tomorrow. You can update and change your local IP as much as you want, when you want but that IP will need to translate over to a Public IP, a Gateway that your ISP owns. This Gateway rarely gets changed. Go to and see what your Public IP is. Try it again tomorrow and the next day. Or even a month from now. It will probably be the same IP even 6 months from now.

That's what I was referring to, the public IP. Personal IP is only for internal networks but over the net like you stated is what you mentioned. No way of access again. Then the interwebz prevails once again!
I believe you misinterprit this webpage Brankzie. They are referring to a local IP which it doesn't matter what IP you have today or tomorrow. You can update and change your local IP as much as you want, when you want but that IP will need to translate over to a Public IP, a Gateway that your ISP owns. This Gateway rarely gets changed. Go to and see what your Public IP is. Try it again tomorrow and the next day. Or even a month from now. It will probably be the same IP even 6 months from now.

Oh... Yup my bad, sorry man lil confusion here
The interesting thing about having power is that you must realize gaining compliance through force only breeds resentment and distrust.
I don't give a shit about his or your resentment or distrust issues. He can go fuck himself. 10frank9 made a fair request of him. It is up to him to comply or not.
The interesting thing about having power is that you must realize gaining compliance through force only breeds resentment and distrust.

I have read this over and over and you will have to forgive me but I don't get what this is referring to in this thread? And your follow up posts are equally as vegue. Is this referring to Frank asking Pee Pee to kindly leave and fairly warned him of the consequences if he doesnt? Like perhaps a tyrant who gains compliance through force?
Or is it in reference to Pee Pee who has been terrorizing this forum and bread resentment and distrust from the other members here?
To be clear this is not an attack on you in anyway, I'm just curious as to how this statement applys?
Is this a legit question?

He could have just been banned days ago and that would be that.

The question was one of confusion. Mark was being vague and I was looking for clarification. See UpsideUp's post below.

I have read this over and over and you will have to forgive me but I don't get what this is referring to in this thread? And your follow up posts are equally as vegue. Is this referring to Frank asking Pee Pee to kindly leave and fairly warned him of the consequences if he doesnt? Like perhaps a tyrant who gains compliance through force?
Or is it in reference to Pee Pee who has been terrorizing this forum and bread resentment and distrust from the other members here?
To be clear this is not an attack on you in anyway, I'm just curious as to how this statement applys?

I'm with Frank on this...??

Thanks for the support, you hit the nail on the head. Where did any of us try an gain his compliance by force? I personally see people repeatedly asking him to leave.
The whole thing is an embarassment.

Again...with Frank on this. Kind of a vegue statement. Is this an embarrassment to PLucas? Who continues to spout off about nothing and embarrass himself? Or we as a group of wayalifers are embarrassing ourselves with our interaction with him in an attempt to find out what his purpose is? Not sure I understand.
So I will clarify. The level of bantering is an embarassment. A small camp fire is managable. If you dump gasoline on it, it may get out of control.

Disagreements are going to occur. The handling of those disagreements will either minimize or escalate them.

No one is innocent on this one. Blame can be placed on either side for the escalation. Sometimes people fulfill the roles after being labeled. I believe a troll can be created.

The reality is that if you give people the attention they crave, escalation will continue.

Ignore it and they will probably go away.

Last week someone tried to offer some sound advice about the forum and got blasted.

I see who is posting. A large group of regulars is gone. That is a fact. The reason behind it can easily be debated.
Hey Pepe, this has gone on a bit too long now.

You are trolling this forum and you are in violation of the rules here at Wayalife: "Troll posts or deliberate actions seen as trolling will not be tolerated on"
"...trolling disrupt normal on-topic discussions, incite drama or cause trouble on the forum."

I will ask you nicely, go away and don't come back you have overstayed your welcome. If you can't do this simple thing you will be shown the door.

Pepe, I am asking nicely to leave for the 2nd time. I see you have been online most of the morning, PM'ing, viewing attachments and user profiles, even reading this thread. You are no longer welcome here.
Again...with Frank on this. Kind of a vegue statement. Is this an embarrassment to PLucas? Who continues to spout off about nothing and embarrass himself? Or we as a group of wayalifers are embarrassing ourselves with our interaction with him in an attempt to find out what his purpose is? Not sure I understand.

See highlighted section above. A few have attempted at times to figure out PLucas's agenda. Others have simply hurled insults, including one in particular at his wife which was particularly class-less.

Trolls need feedback to troll. No feedback, the troll is irrelevant. The Mods and Members here can't seem to figure that out because most of the threads like this go on and on and on because the Mods feed it, which leads to the members believing that type of behavior is acceptable here (feeding trolls), so they dog pile on. Pretty soon the troll has exactly what it wants, chaos, anarchy.

Every time he's told to "go away" his troll gets stronger. Every time he's insulted, his troll gets stronger. Every time he's acknowledged, his troll gets stronger.

Bottom line, he trolled all of you and made a number of you look like imbeciles because you let him. Would you debate the logic of certain actions with a 4 yr old? I'd hope not, though that's what many of you did for 40+ pages on this thread. Without validation, trolls fade into nothingness and vanish into thin air.
See highlighted section above. A few have attempted at times to figure out PLucas's agenda. Others have simply hurled insults, including one in particular at his wife which was particularly class-less.

Trolls need feedback to troll. No feedback, the troll is irrelevant. The Mods and Members here can't seem to figure that out because most of the threads like this go on and on and on because the Mods feed it, which leads to the members believing that type of behavior is acceptable here (feeding trolls), so they dog pile on. Pretty soon the troll has exactly what it wants, chaos, anarchy.

Every time he's told to "go away" his troll gets stronger. Every time he's insulted, his troll gets stronger. Every time he's acknowledged, his troll gets stronger.

Bottom line, he trolled all of you and made a number of you look like imbeciles because you let him. Would you debate the logic of certain actions with a 4 yr old? I'd hope not, though that's what many of you did for 40+ pages on this thread. Without validation, trolls fade into nothingness and vanish into thin air.

Umm, and yet you feel the need to add a post to keep it going..
So I will clarify. The level of bantering is an embarassment. A small camp fire is managable. If you dump gasoline on it, it may get out of control.

Disagreements are going to occur. The handling of those disagreements will either minimize or escalate them.

No one is innocent on this one. Blame can be placed on either side for the escalation. Sometimes people fulfill the roles after being labeled. I believe a troll can be created.

The reality is that if you give people the attention they crave, escalation will continue.

Ignore it and they will probably go away.

Last week someone tried to offer some sound advice about the forum and got blasted.

I see who is posting. A large group of regulars is gone. That is a fact. The reason behind it can easily be debated.

This is an educated post

Also, sponsors might become reluctant to associate themselves with this garbage. If this was shut down sooner some people could have save face.
This is an educated post

Also, sponsors might become reluctant to associate themselves with this garbage. If this was shut down sooner some people could have save face.

This shit went on in "the pub", not the vendors or tech section.
Are you suggesting that people get banned quicker?
This is an educated post

Also, sponsors might become reluctant to associate themselves with this garbage. If this was shut down sooner some people could have save face.

Here's an idea, if you don't like drinking stay out of the bar!!!!!
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