Pee Pee Lucas: Worst Troll EVER

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This guy really is terrible at this game. He needs to be shown the door.

Hey Tarded, how was your weekend bro? Following others is like a cloud without rain. And yes you are very welcome here. I like you along with Mr. NoRoad. Y'all must be twin, because I feel the same way about you two. Please do tell me about your weekend, did you watched Jurassic World?
Bye! You are NOT welcome... I'll say it again You are NOT welcome here.
I've always been welcome here. You are the one that is not welcome and I believe several others have told you as much.

Oh, check Google real good. You'll see that I'm a non attorney spokesperson.
I've always been welcome here. You are the one that is not welcome and I believe several others have told you as much.

Oh, check Google real good. You'll see that I'm a non attorney spokesperson.

Bye, you are not welcome here idiot in my thread. GO kick rocks somewhere else, you're like a dog without loyalty, do you want me to pet you too? Gon Get..!!
Gee all i get from your responses on this are thinly veiled threats about you holding the identities and personal info of various members here.

And your intent with that info? Some vaguely deranged mention of a hobby?

Whats the purpose? Seems to me youre taking a forum a little too seriously.
Bye, you are not welcome here idiot in my thread. GO kick rocks somewhere else, you're like a dog without loyalty, do you want me to pet you too? Gon Get..!!
This is not your thread. You own nothing here! Besides, you're not making any sense. I guess that fucktard to English dictionary is not working our for you.
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