Most of the members on this site are shit talkers

Hi everyone and a big Jeep wave from NY. I have a 2011 Sahara Unlim, purchased it new in January 2011. In stock form, it is great off roading and now decided to push the envelope a little so I just added a Mopar 2" lift, it has nice ko2's (32") got them just before I decided to lift the Jeep otherwise they would be a little bigger. Now I'm thinking about a rear locker, and changing the gears from 3.73 to either 4.10 or a step more. Before this I had a 86 XJ that was great in the snow but I've never had it off road. I'm always open to new ideas and willing to learn so if anyone has any input I'd love to hear it. Thanks for allowing new members and I will be looking forward to visiting here often.


Welcome to WAL.
Trying to reason with you is like trying to reason with my ex wife but like her I'm going to try and give it a shot anyway...haha. I'm going to type slow and break it down as simple as I can.

Everyone in life has a group of friends. This group of friends is composed of many different personalities. Some talk shit, some are dramatic, some are annoying, some are selfless, etc etc. The common theme in a group of friends is just that, they are friends and no matter the personalities they all accept one another for who they are and remain friends. If even one member of the group is attacked the whole group will react in defending the member. If the member is deemed to be causing the problem then the group will check their member and point out the wrong doing. (If this was a gang or bullying scenario the group would continue to "defend" their member even if they were in the wrong just to display dominance.) There will be times when certain friends don't see eye to eye and even get frustrated or angry with one another. In the end it typically works its way out and they go back to being friends. If they don't work it out the odd friend out usually leaves this group and finds another group of friends that he/she fits better with. Now, when someone from outside tries to enter this group of friends several things may happen I've listed them below:

1-They and their personality will be accepted and they will accept everyone else for who they are and become part of the group.
2-They will accept the group for who they are but the group will not accept that person.
3-They will accept the group but feel they want to change the group as to accept everyone, the group may or may not be in acceptance, but if the outsider doesn't change the group will reject the outsider. (Often this comes in the form of appearing self righteous)
4-They will not accept the group and the group will not accept them.

I feel these are some basic possibilities, there are many more but this is already wordy.

Now applying these principals to the forum Eddie created so we may all share a common interest.

WAL = Not just a forum but a group of friends

Overlander = Shit talker, Helpful, Yankees Fan:grayno:
10Frank = Annoying, Instigator, Helpful (Haha you know I have to take my shots when I can..;))
Piginajeep = Smartass, Helpful
Jags = Dramatic, Trys to help and occasionally succeeds..haha.
Sharkey = Legal Dept., Helpful, (Remained active even while without a jeep)
jesse3638 = Eternal Optimist, The little guy who stands in the background pointing and yelling "Yeah, Yeah thats right"!
*The list goes on*

Al Bundy = Outsider to the group.

Initially the outsider wants to be accepted and the group wants to and is willing to accept the outsider. It is here where everyone's actions dictate what happens next and one of the 4 previous listed possibilities occurs.

Currently how I see it were are at #3. For some reason you do not understand the personalities associated with the group or the reaction you received when you called the majority of us shit talkers. If you did you would not see shit talking but friends giving each other a razz and a hard time. They mean the best and will voice their opinions as they see fit. This may come in the form of advice on products or about the way one is acting (even long time members). If I went off about the same topic you did I'd receive the same response from the group you did. Post count means nothing, membership time means nothing. Its all how you conduct yourself, roll with the punches and throw your own back when needed. Give advice and take criticism. Life requires thick skin not just this forum. I'm sure if you look at the group of friends you currently have you can substitute the names I've listed above with that of your friends. If you can see what caused this thread to grow to the lengths it did and take corrective actions we can always go back to #1. If not I suggest we move on to #4. Watch what happens after I post this. Someone will comment, you probably will too. Its what is to be expected after all we are in a forum setting. If I did not want a reaction or comments about my opinion I wouldn't post this. Maybe this angle will allow you to see where we're all coming from. Don't be like my ex and have a great day!
What the heck is this dramatic business all about. I seriously challenge you to find one example of this..... Oh wait. Lol.

Man, I fucking spit out my mid-day mule on that one. It's like you actually get me. [emoji23][emoji23]

I really do appreciate that you also noted the part about trying to help. Sorry, was this "thank you" too dramatic.
Trying to reason with you is like trying to reason with my ex wife but like her I'm going to try and give it a shot anyway...haha. I'm going to type slow and break it down as simple as I can.

Everyone in life has a group of friends. This group of friends is composed of many different personalities. Some talk shit, some are dramatic, some are annoying, some are selfless, etc etc. The common theme in a group of friends is just that, they are friends and no matter the personalities they all accept one another for who they are and remain friends. If even one member of the group is attacked the whole group will react in defending the member. If the member is deemed to be causing the problem then the group will check their member and point out the wrong doing. (If this was a gang or bullying scenario the group would continue to "defend" their member even if they were in the wrong just to display dominance.) There will be times when certain friends don't see eye to eye and even get frustrated or angry with one another. In the end it typically works its way out and they go back to being friends. If they don't work it out the odd friend out usually leaves this group and finds another group of friends that he/she fits better with. Now, when someone from outside tries to enter this group of friends several things may happen I've listed them below:

1-They and their personality will be accepted and they will accept everyone else for who they are and become part of the group.
2-They will accept the group for who they are but the group will not accept that person.
3-They will accept the group but feel they want to change the group as to accept everyone, the group may or may not be in acceptance, but if the outsider doesn't change the group will reject the outsider. (Often this comes in the form of appearing self righteous)
4-They will not accept the group and the group will not accept them.

I feel these are some basic possibilities, there are many more but this is already wordy.

Now applying these principals to the forum Eddie created so we may all share a common interest.

WAL = Not just a forum but a group of friends

Overlander = Shit talker, Helpful, Yankees Fan:grayno:
10Frank = Annoying, Instigator, Helpful (Haha you know I have to take my shots when I can..;))
Piginajeep = Smartass, Helpful
Jags = Dramatic, Trys to help and occasionally succeeds..haha.
Sharkey = Legal Dept., Helpful, (Remained active even while without a jeep)
jesse3638 = Eternal Optimist, The little guy who stands in the background pointing and yelling "Yeah, Yeah thats right"!
*The list goes on*

Al Bundy = Outsider to the group.

Initially the outsider wants to be accepted and the group wants to and is willing to accept the outsider. It is here where everyone's actions dictate what happens next and one of the 4 previous listed possibilities occurs.

Currently how I see it were are at #3. For some reason you do not understand the personalities associated with the group or the reaction you received when you called the majority of us shit talkers. If you did you would not see shit talking but friends giving each other a razz and a hard time. They mean the best and will voice their opinions as they see fit. This may come in the form of advice on products or about the way one is acting (even long time members). If I went off about the same topic you did I'd receive the same response from the group you did. Post count means nothing, membership time means nothing. Its all how you conduct yourself, roll with the punches and throw your own back when needed. Give advice and take criticism. Life requires thick skin not just this forum. I'm sure if you look at the group of friends you currently have you can substitute the names I've listed above with that of your friends. If you can see what caused this thread to grow to the lengths it did and take corrective actions we can always go back to #1. If not I suggest we move on to #4. Watch what happens after I post this. Someone will comment, you probably will too. Its what is to be expected after all we are in a forum setting. If I did not want a reaction or comments about my opinion I wouldn't post this. Maybe this angle will allow you to see where we're all coming from. Don't be like my ex and have a great day!

I understand.
Wow, this jesse3638 editorial needs to be a sticky in the Pub! Well said.

If I was on an actual computer, I'd paste that bad boy in Word just to see the word count!
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