Inflation? What Inflation - LOL

Guess I’ll buck the trend and readily admit that I don’t think the Constitution should be viewed as a document that was perfect as written, that it should never be amended under any circumstance, or that it should not be viewed (at least somewhat) through the lens of its application to what the country currently looks like versus what it looked like in 1788.

As a father of a daughter, I’m quite glad that someone figured out women are not chattel and that their votes and voices have value.
It may not have been perfect but it was genius. The sole purpose was to restrain government power over people’s lives. That it’s become a bastardized version of itself speaks to its imperfection but also the tendency of people to suffer a long string of abuse.
To differentiate them for one thing. The purpose originally was to have the senate represent the state government. The congress is supposed to be closest to the people and direct elected by the people.

Exactly. Well stated Sir.
Representatives are the advocates for the citizens of the State and Senators are advocates for the States themselves.

It’s a subtle but important distinction.
As I said my understanding. I am admitting this is what I’ve heard from others though it is not an area I have studied lately.
The federal government survived just fine on tariffs for many years. How about we stuff DC back in its lane and stop their stealing. One great way to do that is a return to only tariffs. Yes companies don’t pay taxes people do but that also creates an avenue for a local company to produce the same cheaper. Not a perfect solution but beats the heck out of what we have now.
If we were to return to tariffs only, then it would be difficult to find enough money to give away.
To differentiate them for one thing. The purpose originally was to have the senate represent the state government. The congress is supposed to be closest to the people and direct elected by the people.
Yes. When that changed, the states lost part of their power to stand against the Feds.

Another way the Feds leverage states is through federal subsidies. Money from the Feds always has strings attached. For example, the Feds don’t have the power to set speed limits. However, the Feds were able to impose a 55mph National speed limit by writing into the law that federal monies would be withheld from states that didn’t comply.
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The Constitution was not perfect as written- nothing is, however at the time it was written it set a completely new paradigm, nothing like it had ever existed in history. Most people don’t understand how the world was at that time. Nobody had rights, your property and lives were NOT yours. They could be taken from you at any time for no reason at all other than the will of a ‘sovereign’.

There is a method to amend it the Constitution - obviously as it’s been done- for better (13th Amendment) or for the worse (16th, 17th, 18th Amendments). The Founders made this amendment process very arduous - for a reason. Remember at one time in history most humans in the world had a favorable view of slavery- a classic case of the 51% oppressing the 49%. Just because something is popular doesn’t mean it’s right. That’s why democracies ultimately fail- tyranny of the majority.

The Founders studied all previous forms of Gov and crafted ours based on the success and failures throughout history. It’s amazing how ignorant most individuals are of all of this background information, that is by design and largely why we find ourselves in our current situation.
I don’t necessarily disagree with any of that, but I would add that part of the brilliance of the Constitution is the fact that it has worked for so long. Part of the reason that it has, in my opinion, is because not all of its language is carved in stone in black and white terms. Much of it is subject to both interpretation of specific words and phrases, and to the application of that language to a given set of facts.
I don’t necessarily disagree with any of that, but I would add that part of the brilliance of the Constitution is the fact that it has worked for so long. Part of the reason that it has, in my opinion, is because not all of its language is carved in stone in black and white terms. Much of it is subject to both interpretation of specific words and phrases, and to the application of that language to a given set of facts.
I wish I had the writing skills to describe how I feel in an eloquent manor but I can’t. All I can say is that it’s lasted this long because until the last 30+ years people didn’t treat it like it was a “living, breathing, fluid document”. Our country is turning third-world BECAUSE a bunch of fucks believe that it is and that they know better than the architects of the worlds greatest nation.
I wish I had the writing skills to describe how I feel in an eloquent manor but I can’t. All I can say is that it’s lasted this long because until the last 30+ years people didn’t treat it like it was a “living, breathing, fluid document”. Our country is turning third-world BECAUSE a bunch of fucks believe that it is and that they know better than the architects of the worlds greatest nation.
Nothing wrong with your writing or your ability to express your point.

Personally, I don’t think it’s a living, breathing document that should bend with the breeze. But I also don’t think it’s as rigid as granite. In my opinion, that’s what makes it unique and has enabled it to withstand the test of time.

As part of my formal education, my profession, and in front of a variety of courts, I have had many opportunities to study the Constitution, dissect interpreting case law, provisions, and words, and even affirmatively argue unconstitutional government overreach in front of the Nevada Supreme Court and several federal district courts.

It’s just my .02, but most things in language and law are not nearly as black and white as some people would like to believe…especially when applied to facts that can vary so wildly.
I wish I had the writing skills to describe how I feel in an eloquent manor but I can’t. All I can say is that it’s lasted this long because until the last 30+ years people didn’t treat it like it was a “living, breathing, fluid document”. Our country is turning third-world BECAUSE a bunch of fucks believe that it is and that they know better than the architects of the worlds greatest nation.

Well said Mike!

The Bill of Rights is not ‘living and breathing’ like some politicians believe or wish. The BoR is a contract between the citizens and the Gov that the citizens created. It’s a concept known as ‘Consent of the Governed’.

Imagine if your car or house loan were ‘living and breathing’ and could be changed without your consent. Your $700 monthly payment would soon become $70,000.
Well said Mike!

The Bill of Rights is not ‘living and breathing’ like some politicians believe or wish. The BoR is a contract between the citizens and the Gov that the citizens created. It’s a concept known as ‘Consent of the Governed’.

Imagine if your car or house loan were ‘living and breathing’ and could be changed without your consent. Your $700 monthly payment would soon become $70,000.
you mean like property taxes?
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