How Many Times have you been Pulled Over in Your Jeep?

I got pulled over last march for turning left on coronado where you arent suppose to make left turns between 2pm-6pm. and another time I got pulled over on base for "cutting someone off" the lady was 3 cars behind me and we were only doing 20 mph. naturally she wasnt paying attention and hit her brakes when I merged over.
the cop went on to tell me "dont you know the rules with merging?" I reply that i didnt know there was a rule and I could see her fine. "well didnt you go to driving school?". no I didnt, florida drivers know how to drive and do not require school. I didnt say the last bit but I was really dying too haha, they cant give fines on base anyways.
If I don't count the random R.I.D.E spot checks. Then I have only been pulled over once. And of all things it was for speeding.
Got pulled over for the first time in the jeep last night for my tag being bent around the tub since my tag bracket is gone, it was "improperly displayed."

2010 JKU Sport
1977 CJ5

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This one doesn't involve a Jeep, but a couple of very lucky breaks. Driving through an industrial park many years ago, came to a "t" intersection with a huge old tree to my right. Drove just beyond a stop sign so that I could see around the tree, and stopped, when a police car passed by in front of me, and swerved way over, and I mean waaayyy over, to avoid me. I turned left, he turned around, and pulled me over. Said I ran the stop sign. I explained why I did what I did, and he said something about him being extra careful because he was driving his supervisors car. Otherwise, he said it was not a big deal, then asked if he could see my drivers license and insurance card. He looks at my drivers license, and asks me if I knew it had expired about two weeks before that, and told me he wasn't going to write a ticket for the stop sign but that he had to ticket me for the expired license. He walks back to his car to write it up, then comes running back to my door a couple of minutes later saying something more important had come up and that he had to go. Made me promise to get the license issue fixed, and he took off. My next stop was the DMV.

Not two weeks later, I had a job interview in a nearby town. It had snowed the night before, the really heavy wet stuff that sticks to everything. Came up to another "t" intersection, this one with a stop light. Stopped, looked around, saw no traffic, and made my right turn. A block down, I'm lit up again. Pull over, and officer asks if I knew why, and said there's no right turn on red at that intersection. I explained that I was visiting, and didn't know the right turn was prohibited, and all the signs were clearly snow covered. He asked what I was doing in town, and after I explained he says "I'll tell you what, if you get the job and move here, promise me this", he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a business card for a realtor, "this is my wife's card. Promise me you'll call her when you're ready to move". I promised to do just that.

So, two weeks, pulled over twice, didn't get any tickets. Darn lucky. Figured I should play the lotter then, but didn't win. But hey, I didn't have to pay for any tickets!
I thought I was going to get pulled over this morning on the highway. But when I pulled to the center lane he came up along side and have me the thumbs up!!
I have a jk sport that i bought as the base model with the hot wheels tires on it, when i upgraded them to a set of freebies i got from a friend, i forgot that my speedo would be off. So there was a traffic stop for speeding.
Just once. And it was by a fellow jeeper that I didn't know was a cop.... He pulled me over on my way into work back in March in philly. Lol

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I hit a deer at 5 am in my cj7 with no top or doors. State trooper came by looked at the deer and jeep and ask me if I got any deer mess on me. Of course stinky fluids ect. were all over the inside of the jeep and me. Got a good laugh out of that one tho.
Well, you can chalk up another one for me...


I know it'll be a surprise to some of you out there but, it wasn't for speeding. No, if you haven't already guessed by now, I got pulled over for the umpteenth time for not having any mud flaps! It's just crazy how you can be on the road for 10 days driving through 4 states and not even get a second look from local law enforcement but, as soon as I started to make my way back up to Nevada, I get busted.
Well, you can chalk up another one for me...

View attachment 60522

I know it'll be a surprise to some of you out there but, it wasn't for speeding. No, if you haven't already guessed by now, I got pulled over for the umpteenth time for not having any mud flaps! It's just crazy how you can be on the road for 10 days driving through 4 states and not even get a second look from local law enforcement but, as soon as I started to make my way back up to Nevada, I get busted.

Dun dun dun! Dang those boys in blue! Or was it tan? Those bastards!
Well, you can chalk up another one for me...

View attachment 60522

I know it'll be a surprise to some of you out there but, it wasn't for speeding. No, if you haven't already guessed by now, I got pulled over for the umpteenth time for not having any mud flaps! It's just crazy how you can be on the road for 10 days driving through 4 states and not even get a second look from local law enforcement but, as soon as I started to make my way back up to Nevada, I get busted.
That sucks sorry to hear that...:thumbdown:

Sent from my SCH-I545 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Well, you can chalk up another one for me...

I know it'll be a surprise to some of you out there but, it wasn't for speeding. No, if you haven't already guessed by now, I got pulled over for the umpteenth time for not having any mud flaps! It's just crazy how you can be on the road for 10 days driving through 4 states and not even get a second look from local law enforcement but, as soon as I started to make my way back up to Nevada, I get busted.

It's 9 days before Christmas...gotta hit that quota and make that holiday bonus. :crazyeyes:
I only been pull over 2 times

Ones because I run a stop sing, I was going about 40 on a 25, lol it was around 1 am

The last one was because of my tinted windows.
Dun dun dun! Dang those boys in blue! Or was it tan? Those bastards!

LOL!! I do believe this one was wearing blue. :crazyeyes:

In all fairness, I got pulled over between Mammoth and Bridgeport, an area that I (and many others) have been pulled over in the past for not having mud flaps. It's weird because I passed several CHP's earlier in the day and one even followed us for a bit up by Ridgecrest but never gave us grief. For some reason, the boys in blue up there have a real hard on for Jeeps without mud flaps. The officer even suggested that the crack in my windshield was probably from someone just like me.
LOL!! I do believe this one was wearing blue. :crazyeyes:

In all fairness, I got pulled over between Mammoth and Bridgeport, an area that I (and many others) have been pulled over in the past for not having mud flaps. It's weird because I passed several CHP's earlier in the day and one even followed us for a bit up by Ridgecrest but never gave us grief. For some reason, the boys in blue up there have a real hard on for Jeeps without mud flaps.

Well sir, there is a reason they are referred to as AAA with a badge. That and C.H.P. (Can't Handle Policework) lol. So you know no mudflaps is a CHP Felony! Lol.
Well, you can chalk up another one for me...

View attachment 60522

I know it'll be a surprise to some of you out there but, it wasn't for speeding. No, if you haven't already guessed by now, I got pulled over for the umpteenth time for not having any mud flaps! It's just crazy how you can be on the road for 10 days driving through 4 states and not even get a second look from local law enforcement but, as soon as I started to make my way back up to Nevada, I get busted.

That's ballsy to whip out a phone and take a pic!

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