How Many Times have you been Pulled Over in Your Jeep?

I have been pulled over three times sences buying my Gecko, first time i was doing 65 in a 50 i had no idea what the speed limit was on that road = 100 ticket only wrote it for ten over. Second time the cop pulled me over and made something up so he could say he liked my lic plate and he wanted a jeep, cool guy. Third time is the charm this cop was the rudes guy i have ever met, i have also worked with a good number of cops. He was mad that i was driving behind him on the highway in traffic doing ten over and keeping my distance. Pulled me over after about 8 miles and started right in by screaming at me for no reason. wrote me a ticket for 320$ 100 for failing to stay in the right lane( but it was in traffic but ok) also 20 bucks for being to close (IDK but he is the expert lol) lastly a 200$ for speeding and get this he checked of estimated speed lol. All in all i only paid 20$ bucks as i took him to court and contested the two big ones.
Prior to my jeep, I got pulled over A LOT. The 3.8 in my 08 put a stop to that ... and I haven't gotten a sniff in my 13 yet ...
Only been pulled over once with my JKU. I was driving a little excessively to beat a traffic light on my way home from work. It was like 11 pm and no one was on the road really and I only hit like 40-45 for maybe 5 seconds, but my exhaust and cai gave me away. I was literally a block from my house - so I pull over and 3 cops get out and surround my Jeep and I'm like hmmmm I may be getting searched for the first time. I showed them my father's PBA card and told them I was heading home and they let me go. Just said to drive more carefully. Then one of them said as he turned to walk back to the cop car, "you can waste gas driving like that too".

Before my JKU I had an '02 accord 4 door that I went fast and furious on and Id say in about 4 years of driving it I got pulled over maybe like 5-6 times. For various reasons like illegal lights, peeling out and whatnot. Never got a ticket though lol
$115 fine for not using my signal for a full and colorful account of what happened can be found on my wife's FB


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My old xj i got 10 tickets in one month 3 no front plate tickets one front headlight ticket 3 cracked windshield ticket one cell phone ticket one no signal when turning and the best one ive gotten front bumper not adequate i had a stubby bumper and he said it wasnt a full bumper
I got pulled over once, and it' s a pretty good story.

I wasn't really paying attention to my speed and a small town speed trap cop nabbed me. When he asked "do you know how fast you were going?" I responded "Not really, I thought I was near the speed limit."

He then says "Those are oversized tires, aren't they..." and kind of looked at my funny. I am thinking, well duh they are oversized tires! I replied "yes." He goes on to say "You know, I bet you set your programmer wrong and your gauge is incorrect, which led you to speeding on accident... right?

Confused, I nodded. "Uh, yeah... I must have done it wrong..." He laughed and let me go, but not before asking me lots of questions about my Jeep. Turns out, he was a huge Jeep fanatic and was on his 5th Jeep! Boy did I get lucky!

Not such a funny story here.

Heading to Branson with the family traveling through central Arkansas two weeks ago. Same story, small town speed trap, one hidden sign, etc.

Totally my fault, was doing about 10 over didn't see the sign. What gets me was they guy gives me this line like, "well since you're AD military, I'll cut you a break. I'll just give you an "ordinance fine" for reckless driving, that way it won't go on your record." So I'm thinking, "great man" and we sit and chit-chat for a few minutes about Branson and our family vacation.

It's only after we leave that my wife finds a blog all about this speed trap town and their antics. Turns out they use this line on everyone they pull over. The ordinance fine is for $290! So I'm off to court on 5 Sept to see if I can get it reduced. This will be my first ticket or "fine" :mad:
No tickets or pull over in the jeep. Can't say the same about any of the other vehicles. :grayno:
Reckless endangerment =damn crosswalk and California stop
And a few speeding tickets.
Cops in Tampa don't seem to bother the jeepers knock on wood!! :) in Florida there are no inspection, lift height, tire size, mud flap laws luckily

Sent from my iPhone on the west coast of florida
Not pulled over in the Jeep yet.... but the previous (F-250) was pulled over for expired state insp.... was expired for 7 months:shock:

Well as it turns out the PA state trooper was more interested in my Springfield 1911 that he did not know how to clear and make safe:grayno:

WTG PA state troops:asshat: I had to talk him through the clearing steps.... Then listen to a lecture on how caring the way I do is dangerous
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