How Many Times have you been Pulled Over in Your Jeep?

got pulled over in Wyoming for not having my front license plate's not required in Wyo but it is in Texas, luckily i had the plate with me and explained i had just picked up the replacement plates and didn't have time to get the front on before leaving Texas...just a warning

That's odd..... I wonder what law in his state you would be in violation of...?

Oh, and it's Zero for me....
I got pulled over by a local sheriff for a tail light out, he walked up and said you know why I pulled you over? I said no, he said your tail lights out you can get out and look at it if you want to. I got out and looked, then he said just fix it tomorrow you can go. I wasn't worried about a ticket because I have a aunt and a uncle that are sheriff's here.
Once, well I wasn't actually pulled over. A distracted driver decided to come into my lane going 60. I tried to avoid him which resulted in my YJ being parked upside down over a guard rail. The officer was kind enough to give me a ticket for not staying in my lane if traffic even though I was avoiding a car that was going to side swipe me.
Once for having no tag lights, but when I told him my plan to put lights on he let me go.

I'm so glad I live down south, we seem to have a much more relaxed traffic code, or at least less enforced.

Although my buddy did get pulled over for zero fenders on his TJ and he's running 37x13.50x16 and stupid backspacing, he got out of it. It also doesn't help that he looks like a reject from a metal band. :)

The best states are those with no inspection stickers and mega relaxed traffic codes....I ran my cobra with open exhaust and race gas with zero problems in oklahoma. :)
Before my Grand Cherokee I had a Geo Storm, Not a sports car, but aparently looks like a sports car. I was getting at least one speeding ticket a year, sometimes 2. I switched to the Cherokee and nothing for 5 years, the wife took th Cherokee and I had to get a Scion xB (2009) and back to a ticket a year. This alone would be just 1 more reason for me to go back to a Jeep ;)
Figured I would throw in my couple of stories. I have been pulled over many of times from having a lead foot. Everything from running red (in my opinion yellowish orange) lights to reckless driving in previous cars.

Specifically with the Jeep:

I came to a four way stop, saw the cop, stopped. Let another car go through the intersection, then proceeded through. The cop told me I ran the stop sign and wrote me a ticket. :doh:

This next one was even better. I was headed to Skirmish house to replace my broken ball joint which was causing my vehicle to death wobble every once in a while. As i was headed there it happened on a back road (35 mph speed limit) I slowed down to about 15mph to get the wobble to go away. Henderson Police light me up, so I pulled over. Now in Henderson, they have some rule where they require two cops present before they can approach the vehicle. So now we wait for the second one to show up.

Cop walks up to me, I hand them my information, explain I carry a concealed firearm in the car and I keep my hands on the wheel. The cop flips out, What the hell are you doing slamming on your breaks in the middle of the street. I explained to him my jeep had a broken piece that needed fix causing it to shake violently if I hit a bump too hard. He gave me a dumbfounded look, apparently he had never heard the term death wobble. His next statement " Why the hell are you driving it then" Well I am taking it to get it fixed.

He hands me back my paperwork and leaves. Didn't say anything, no you can go no nothing. Just left. :thinking:

Looking back now It was worth a few laughs. The fun of having cops with nothing better to do out in Henderson. :standing wave:
I've only been pulled over once 'in my Jeep', this year in fact. I was driving down one of the back roads here on Ft Jackson on a Saturday to the range where I work, and a DOD Officer pulled me over and asked why I was doing 80mph in a 35. 80! I explained to her that I was pretty sure the Jeep (CJ7) wouldn't even do 80, she just laughed and told me to slow down. No way I was doing 80.
On another note, there is a DOD officer here on Ft Jackson that pulls over Jeeps all the time and harasses them about no doors, even if the mirrors are relocated. He says its illegal to have no doors on a vehicle. He has literally pulled over every other Jeep on the range I work at, and I've seen him with 2 other Jeeps pulled over in my travels (both no doors). Heard he's a real Richard Cranium.
First time I got pulled over for racing my buddy at work ( he was talkin smack that the 3.6L wasn't fast ) I beat him by quite a bit but I ended up being the one pulled over. :mad: After that got pulled over going to lunch with my GF and a bus was making me mad so i went through a parking lot to get around it, didnt even notice the cop in the other lane. After that I was on my way to the court to pay the bus ticket ( my day off ) and was reading the directions I wrote down and as soon as I looked up there was a cop STANDING in the middle of the rode pointing me to pull over ( I call them suicide cops ) So he gave me a ticket for " speeding " as I went on my way I get to the court and to my luck THEY ARE CLOSED !!!! supposedly it was a holiday so I got that ticket for NOTHING !!!!! O and Ive had my jeep for under a year :doh: Im waiting for the day I get pulled over for no doors since I dont have relocation mirrors yet but all the cops ive past so far haven't really cared or just haven't noticed :thumb:
Once. In a construction zone. Everything was doubled. Luckily my friend's brother was a cop in a nearby town and knew the guy who pulled me over and got it all taken care of for me.
Once in my wife's TJ a couple years ago.

Driving with no top, no doors, and no mirrors. WSP pulled us over on the east side of Chinook Pass on HWY 410. Let us know about the mirror detail, then told us how he took care of the problem on his Jeep. We chatted for a bit then went on our way. Genuinely nice guy. Consequently I used the same solution he told us about on my JK just a few days ago.

I've been pulled over numerous times in the past, and deservedly so. :D Just not in a Jeep.
Once. This morning. Registration was expired by 6 days... Yeah... Oops. Luckily I was in uniform on my way into work and so he was pretty nice to me and chose to only ticket me and NOT Impound my Jeep :D Yeah.. It's fixed already.
All my tickets have been acquired in my navy days while driving this
Needless to say, they were speeding tickets. Now, I abide by the speed limit. After all, I do have that beast of a 3.8l under my hood! Lol
Once, well I wasn't actually pulled over. A distracted driver decided to come into my lane going 60. I tried to avoid him which resulted in my YJ being parked upside down over a guard rail. The officer was kind enough to give me a ticket for not staying in my lane if traffic even though I was avoiding a car that was going to side swipe me.
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I got a ticket when I crashed my YJ too. Assholes...
Heres something that seems to hold true in CA:
The local cops do not seem to bother with vehicle violations. this is why you see super dark tint on windows and crazy lifted trucks all over town wth no problems. The CHP on the other hand WILL pull you over if they see you on the freeway.
Now story.
A few years ago i was getting ready to deploy to Iraq. It was my very last day of work before deploying so I decided to take my rock crawler TJ to work with the top off. I got to work no problem and left early heading north on I 15. right as I hit 4th gear the rear driveshaft CV joint blows apart. I limp it to an off ramp and look for tools. I sucessfully remove the driveshaft with a vice grips and a screwdriver. Now I'm covered in grease so I lock the front hubs (my TJ had hubs) and start driving on the front driveshaft. After I got back in the jeep I only put the lap belt of my 5 pt harness on and with half doors it looked like I had no seat belt at all. CHP dude sees me and I get pulled over. He sees the seat belt on and starts to stroll around the jeep. I get a fix it ticket for mudflaps. I try explain that I honestly cant get mudflaps before i leave for Iraq the next day but he just said " write a letter to the judge".
Thanks... Anyway I had to get a buddy to try to zip tie some mudflaps to my bumper and get the ticket signed off while I was gone.
The local cops do not seem to bother with vehicle violations. this is why you see super dark tint on windows and crazy lifted trucks all over town wth no problems.

That's because a full 2/3rds - 3/4 of the crazy lifted monster trucks and dark tinted windows ARE local cops!
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