How Many Times have you been Pulled Over in Your Jeep?

There are some great stories here.

I have been pulled over three times.

1. HOV Violation - cop was sitting on the on ramp to the HOV (Time starts at 6:00am) and flagged me down. Got a ticket for HOV Violation

2. Expired inspection sticker - traveling 95 south cop pulled me over and gave me a ticket for expired inspection sticker. Went straight to the inspection station, ticket dropped.

3. HOV Violation - 2nd HOV violation same thing cop sitting on the on ramp to the HOV lanes gave me a ticket. Need to start waking up earlier to avoid these.
I recently got pulled over in Idaho for going 57 in a 45 (speed trap) :thinking: and the nice officer let me go with a warning cuz he thought I had a nice Jeep. :yup:
I've been pulled over at least 6 times. I've only gotten 1 ticket. It helps having a police officer for a dad. I know half of the guys patrolling my city :cool:

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Have gotten 2 speeding tickets but really most of the cops I pass are giving me thumbs up and waving at me. They love my JEEP.... :)

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Never been pulled over yet..... Although one time I had a state cop behind me lights just turned on and bam someone goes flying by us and he took off after them.... Was a huge relief!!! 😁😅
Not yet (knock on wood) but a Sheriff pulls up next to me and I go in to High School Mode telling my self "be cool be cool" (old habits die hard) :doh:

So i glance over at him and he has his cell phone out taking a picture of my Jeep and gives me the :thumb: I just smile and give hime the Jeep wave and pull off... too funny
Twice. Once awhile back I had HIDs (Which I Hated) the cop explained why HIDs are illegal and as soon as I told him. "I hate these things, they are bright but I can't see anything and I'm getting rid of them ASAP" he said have a good night haha. 2nd time was this past week I got my new JK Unlimited and only had a Petersons 4wheel & Off Road plate cause my temp doesn't stay. I told him I went off roading and my temp got wet and started coming off and he told me the same thing, have a good day. When I was stationed in California and had modified vehicles I got pulled over for: blinker being to fast, window tint (had no tint on windows) primer paint (said it could be stolen, ETC. Good Times.
I recently got pulled over in Idaho for going 57 in a 45 (speed trap) :thinking: and the nice officer let me go with a warning cuz he thought I had a nice Jeep. :yup:

I'm guessing this was in a smaller rural town (hah, besides Boise I guess every town is small)? Cops love pulling out-of-towners over in those small towns!

Got pulled over at the very start of my cross-country trip from Maryland back to Idaho. Luckily the cop felt bad for me and didn't want to start my journey off on a bad foot. Thanks cop guy! :thumb:
Not as of yet but I just got the stink-eye from a couple of base cops on my way back to work from lunch. :eek:
Don't have a clue why as I was doing EXACTLY the speed limit, now the knuckleheads if front of me were doing 5 under for some reason. :crazyeyes:
I recently got pulled over in Idaho for going 57 in a 45 (speed trap) :thinking: and the nice officer let me go with a warning cuz he thought I had a nice Jeep. :yup:

Idaho cops are good. Occasionally we get State Troopers pull people over for fenders, but its almost always a warning.

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Just got pulled over for no mud flaps. I think it's the curse of Eddie in California that made it happen. :bleh:

He asked me if there was a reason I didn't have any I said I have them just don't run them. He then asked why I said because they are ugly as sin and he laughed and let me go. Guess I have to put them on now.
The day after I lifted my jeep and got the new tires on I got pulled over at 2am. The cop thought I was drunk and I told him it was pulling to the right about every 5 seconds. He laughed complimented the jeep and took off.
I was just reminded of this thread today and it made me smile to think about how I no longer have to worry about not running mud flaps. Anyway, that is all :crazyeyes:
Laws are pretty relaxed, in Mississippi. I could see getting pulled over for fighting the wind, thinking they had a big money ticket in a DUI.

Officer-- "Have you had anything to drink?"

Driver-- "No sir. It's a Jeep and it's windy!"

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I'll add too this with a big fat no in my jku. Actually only once in any of the Jeep's I've owned and it was for a front HL being out in my xj. Let me off with a warning. No license plate light currently on my jk so maybe soon

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