End of Summer - East Coast Uwharrie Run

So I'm gonna throw this out there but there is a possibility as I am trying to work something out at my job right now so it is not set in stone just yet. I may have a chance of going on this trip and making this me and wife's first WAYALIFE trip. I will know more as the days get closer my wife has gotten that Friday off and now I need to.

Soon as I know more I will let yall know. :eek:

Make it happen! You won't regret it. Bribe a co worker. Bribe the boss. Fake a death in the family. Call in a bomb threat to your work. Ok maybe not that last one....but do whatever it takes to get on this trip! (Insert Mission Impossible theme music here)

So I'm gonna throw this out there but there is a possibility as I am trying to work something out at my job right now so it is not set in stone just yet. I may have a chance of going on this trip and making this me and wife's first WAYALIFE trip. I will know more as the days get closer my wife has gotten that Friday off and now I need to.

Soon as I know more I will let yall know. :eek:

Really hope you can work it out man!
thardy, if I can come wheel with you guys just on Friday, count me in. Unfortunately, we have too much going on that weekend so I can't stay, but I got the day off on Friday approved so I can come wheel all day on Friday if that's cool. You can put me down in the Hard group, I've done every trail except Daniel which I think is probably the toughest one there.
thardy, if I can come wheel with you guys just on Friday, count me in. Unfortunately, we have too much going on that weekend so I can't stay, but I got the day off on Friday approved so I can come wheel all day on Friday if that's cool. You can put me down in the Hard group, I've done every trail except Daniel which I think is probably the toughest one there.

You are absolutely welcome to join on Friday. There aren't going to be any official groups for Friday. There will be a group going out Friday morning and we will be doing a night run for sure on Friday night. Just keep an eye out and info will be posted about both.
Thanks to trailless and Eddie, I am happy to announce the following giveaway for our event. The information has also been added to the original post.

End of Summer - East Coast Uwharrie Run

The End of Summer - East Coast Uwharrie Run has a large amount of interest and there are many new members that have signed up. To support the run an anonymous WAYALIFE member has donated 2 trasharoos and Eddie, wayoflife, will be donating a pair of shot glasses.


1st Place: Trasharoo (green or tan)

2nd Place: Trasharoo (green or tan) (one not chosen)

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3rd Place: WAYALIFE Shot Glasses

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Ummm. Call me crazy, but I think I'm shooting for third place. Thanks for the organization you guys have worked relentlessly on for this trip.
have we established a place to stage our runs since people will be coming from all over?

My suggestion would be to meet up at the El Dorado Outpost gas station to buy trail passes and gather everyone up. Head out as one large group to the end of Dutch John Rd and break out into our smaller group runs and get organized from there. The outpost can be a very busy place in the mornings with day trippers coming in and meeting their friends and what not in the parking lot and it can be difficult to get everyone in the group they need to be in and to the trails without getting seperated between the outpost and trail head. Organizing at the trail head at the end of dutch john rd. will also give us direct access to an easy trail and a hard trail so groups can part ways in opposite directions and meet back up later in the day as they meet going opposite directions. That trail head is also the most remote trail head and is generally pretty open so we can get a big group photo op without having much interference from traffic.

For the easy trail run I would take this route.
Falls Dam - Wolfs Den - Slab Pile - Rocky Mountain Loop -Saw Mill - Slab Pile - Wolfs Den - (depending on comfort level) Dutch John - then work over to Daniel to Run the final trail of the day with the hard group

For the intermediate
Falls Dam - Dutch John - Rocky Mountain Loop - Saw Mill - Slab Pile - Dutch John - Falls Dam - Dicky Bell - then work over to Daniel to Run the final trail of the day with the hard group

For the Hard group
Dickey Bell - Daniel(down and back) - rocky mountain loop - saw mill - slab pile - dutch john( down and back) - dickey bell (opposite direction) - back to Daniel to ride with the rest of the group.

Those runs will hit most of the park and figuring for a hour stop for eating lunch should take most of the day and be done for dinner. If anyone would like to prerun those runs with me in the coming weeks let me know. I could go for getting the tires dusty.

have we established a place to stage our runs since people will be coming from all over?

My suggestion would be to meet up at the El Dorado Outpost gas station to buy trail passes and gather everyone up. Head out as one large group to the end of Dutch John Rd and break out into our smaller group runs and get organized from there. The outpost can be a very busy place in the mornings with day trippers coming in and meeting their friends and what not in the parking lot and it can be difficult to get everyone in the group they need to be in and to the trails without getting seperated between the outpost and trail head. Organizing at the trail head at the end of dutch john rd. will also give us direct access to an easy trail and a hard trail so groups can part ways in opposite directions and meet back up later in the day as they meet going opposite directions. That trail head is also the most remote trail head and is generally pretty open so we can get a big group photo op without having much interference from traffic.

For the easy trail run I would take this route.
Falls Dam - Wolfs Den - Slab Pile - Rocky Mountain Loop -Saw Mill - Slab Pile - Wolfs Den - (depending on comfort level) Dutch John - then work over to Daniel to Run the final trail of the day with the hard group

For the intermediate
Falls Dam - Dutch John - Rocky Mountain Loop - Saw Mill - Slab Pile - Dutch John - Falls Dam - Dicky Bell - then work over to Daniel to Run the final trail of the day with the hard group

For the Hard group
Dickey Bell - Daniel(down and back) - rocky mountain loop - saw mill - slab pile - dutch john( down and back) - dickey bell (opposite direction) - back to Daniel to ride with the rest of the group.

Those runs will hit most of the park and figuring for a hour stop for eating lunch should take most of the day and be done for dinner. If anyone would like to prerun those runs with me in the coming weeks let me know. I could go for getting the tires dusty.

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Mr.Ty and I are discussing this now. Could you PM me your email address so that we can all discuss and be on the same page?
Aighty it is a official and set I got August 7th off which means I'm going on the run

Thardy put me in the easy group
I have done wolf den and falls dam

It will be me and my wife (Kimberly)

Is there any additional information I need to be aware of for this run

Are you going to be staying at the hotel? If so, have I sent you the information?

As of now, the pertinent information is all on the first post. I will be posting up timelines, meeting places, etc. as the details are firmed up. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Are you going to be staying at the hotel? If so, have I sent you the information?

As of now, the pertinent information is all on the first post. I will be posting up timelines, meeting places, etc. as the details are firmed up. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

I'll do it bud I really appreciate as of now I'm not sure
Do you think you could send the hotel information just in case
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