End of Summer - East Coast Uwharrie Run

Hey guys I'm trying to get a good set of sliders before the trip. I'm looking at Evo does anyone know how to weld or know someone who does that would be willing to help out?
Hey guys I'm trying to get a good set of sliders before the trip. I'm looking at Evo does anyone know how to weld or know someone who does that would be willing to help out?

I got a friend that has a shop that would do it. If you want more info on him let me know.

EDIT: He is in Cumming Georgia not sure if you want to go that far.
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I got a friend that has a shop that would do it. If you want more info on him let me know.

EDIT: He is in Cumming Georgia not sure if you want to go that far.

I would like to find somewhere a little closer if possible but I'll take the info just in case. Thanks!
Hey Trevor, I may be bringing a friend who has never off-roaded before. So I may be riding with him on the easy trails. I'll be bringing my jeep too and might switch it up after lunch.

Sorry for the delayed response. I'm sure we could make something work, but I'm just not sure how with leaving your Jeep somewhere convenient. May be Mr. Ty can chime in and let us know if it would be possible to drop your Jeep somewhere that morning. Let me know how you would like me to account for you and your friend for the time being and I will get you added to the list.
My reservation is for site 15 (Fri/Sat).

When I was there last month there seemed to be one or two tents at the "single-sites."

I didn't see a restriction listed anywhere.

So can I officially move you off of the Tentative list and put you in the going group!? Also, what group would you want to be in?
I'm in for the medium group. I'm coming from Winston Salem as well so should I be able to get Friday off I could be down there pretty early. Also going to depend on whether or not the wife and 2 little ones are coming for the weekend too.

I apologize for just now catching this post. I've added Medium Group to the list for you. As of right now, I still have you on the Tentative list, can I move you to the Going now!?
So can I officially move you off of the Tentative list and put you in the going group!? Also, what group would you want to be in?

I am planning to go, but I start my new job on Friday. I should have a better idea in a week or two if I'll be able to make it. I don't want to be the guy who shows up to work saying "By the way, I need the second weekend in August off."

If I am able to go, I'd like to be in the medium group (if there is room with Mr.Ty). If not, then I should be able to keep up with the hard group.

I have the following folks on the "going" list and have not yet been told what group they want to be with, so please let me know when you can and I will get the lists updated.

1. ZachsXJ
2. Dubzy
3. Blawson4070
4. ScoobyCarolanNC
5. Dana Jones
6. scrhino
7. Nattier237
8. Kyle09Rubi
9. JeepinLife
10. force5
11. ItsTTime
12. unccescape
13. Bosunmate

Also, if there is anyone that I have missed adding to a group or list, or removing from a list, please let me know and I will get you updated. Work has been rather crazy lately and I haven't had nearly as much time as I have wanted to be able to do just about anything, but working on getting caught back up. Keep an eye out for some additional exciting news about this run as well!! :thumb:
I am planning to go, but I start my new job on Friday. I should have a better idea in a week or two if I'll be able to make it. I don't want to be the guy who shows up to work saying "By the way, I need the second weekend in August off."

If I am able to go, I'd like to be in the medium group (if there is room with Mr.Ty). If not, then I should be able to keep up with the hard group.


I've got you down for the medium group. Hopefully the new job will understand!!
Hey guys I'm trying to get a good set of sliders before the trip. I'm looking at Evo does anyone know how to weld or know someone who does that would be willing to help out?

I just ordered my PSC rocker knockers today. Can't wait to get them on!
I just ordered my PSC rocker knockers today. Can't wait to get them on!

Let me know how you like them! That's actually my second choice along with lod being close behind if I don't go weld on Evos. I haven't seen any of them in person before
I have the following folks on the "going" list and have not yet been told what group they want to be with, so please let me know when you can and I will get the lists updated.

1. ZachsXJ
2. Dubzy
3. Blawson4070
4. ScoobyCarolanNC
5. Dana Jones
6. scrhino
7. Nattier237
8. Kyle09Rubi
9. JeepinLife
10. force5
11. ItsTTime
12. unccescape
13. Bosunmate

Also, if there is anyone that I have missed adding to a group or list, or removing from a list, please let me know and I will get you updated. Work has been rather crazy lately and I haven't had nearly as much time as I have wanted to be able to do just about anything, but working on getting caught back up. Keep an eye out for some additional exciting news about this run as well!! :thumb:

ZachsXJ is riding with me now so you can take him off the driving list
Sorry haven't kept up with the thread. This would be my first time out on a real trail, so far I have only done the courses at jeep beach. So I guess put me down for Easy.
Thanks to trailless and Eddie, I am happy to announce the following giveaway for our event. The information has also been added to the original post.

End of Summer - East Coast Uwharrie Run

The End of Summer - East Coast Uwharrie Run has a large amount of interest and there are many new members that have signed up. To support the run an anonymous WAYALIFE member has donated 2 trasharoos and Eddie, wayoflife, will be donating a pair of shot glasses.

How to Enter

Be an active WAYALIFE member
Must be attending the End of Summer - East Coast Uwharrie Run
Must be on the definite list


1st Place: Trasharoo (green or tan)

2nd Place: Trasharoo (green or tan) (one not chosen)


3rd Place: WAYALIFE Shot Glasses



The winner must be attending the run.
If the winner is not present at the run, a random attendee will be chosen.
The winner will not be announced until the pre-run gathering at Uwharrie on Saturday morning.
I, thardy, will be announcing the winner and if needed, will choose a random attendee if the original winner is not present.

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