WINDROCK End of Summer Pre-Run #2 - January 29-31

I'm pretty sure I'm still going. Going to be goin a bit easier cause I recently broke but imma be a little late friday. Probably be there at like 730ish
Just want to let everyone know I'm probably not coming. My warn powerplant is not working and I would hate to drive all that way and need it. I've been when it's wet and it's a lot of fun. Hopefully catch the next spring run.
I'm pretty sure I'm still going. Going to be goin a bit easier cause I recently broke but imma be a little late friday. Probably be there at like 730ish

Hope you make it man. You can always run the Intermediate group if you want. No harm in taking it easy every once in a while.

Just want to let everyone know I'm probably not coming. My warn powerplant is not working and I would hate to drive all that way and need it. I've been when it's wet and it's a lot of fun. Hopefully catch the next spring run.

Man that sucks. You could always come and run with the intermediate group if you wanted, but I understand.
Just want to let everyone know I'm probably not coming. My warn powerplant is not working and I would hate to drive all that way and need it. I've been when it's wet and it's a lot of fun. Hopefully catch the next spring run.

Ha! I dont even have a winch! Lol
Winches are over rated. You don't need it if you give it enough speed! Just ask Scott lol
lol just remember crawling is boring. Bouncing is for heros :rock:. Just dont use that train of thought if you want to wheel for more then 30 minutes lol.
Just a heads up, those of us staying with me in my cabin are planning to cook out and have a fire both nights. All are welcome to come by, hang out, throw something on the grill, and enjoy some beverages around the fire. I'll post up which cabin we're in once I know for sure.
Just a heads up, those of us staying with me in my cabin are planning to cook out and have a fire both nights. All are welcome to come by, hang out, throw something on the grill, and enjoy some beverages around the fire. I'll post up which cabin we're in once I know for sure.

Is it far from the trail head? I'd love to come chill with you guys
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