TIN CAMP - This is the Last One...

That’s a different buck! You have a hunting paradise up there! Just stand behind the camera for a broadside shot! 😆
It is. I have video from our other camera that shows 2 bucks but it's so far in the distant that it really isn't worth posting up. But, when you zoom in on it, the one that isn't in the shot above is the one you're thinking of. Or at least, so far as I can tell.
It is. I have video from our other camera that shows 2 bucks but it's so far in the distant that it really isn't worth posting up. But, when you zoom in on it, the one that isn't in the shot above is the one you're thinking of. Or at least, so far as I can tell.
That’s awesome
Got a message on our game cam that some bucks were out in the pasture but I couldn't really see what was going on until I turned on our live view on our eufy cam. Needless to say, I got this fun clip of them butting heads over breakfast.
"HEY, you two KNOCK IT OFF. No roughhousing or we'll all go home NOW"

Got a message on our game cam that some bucks were out in the pasture but I couldn't really see what was going on until I turned on our live view on our eufy cam. Needless to say, I got this fun clip of them butting heads over breakfast.
“I stalked this bush for miles and killed it myself. I ain’t gonna let some upstart horn in on my breakfast!”
Just seeing the and I've got to admit I have a case of envy. Congrats to you both. What an amazing place. What is the distance from where you live now?
Just seeing the and I've got to admit I have a case of envy. Congrats to you both. What an amazing place. What is the distance from where you live now?
Thank you! This is about 5 hours from our home up north but only about 3 hours from our home down south.
Cindy and I were really hoping to get out to Tin Camp sooner but I suppose, better late than never. Anyway, this first trip was a quick one and really just to check on things and maybe more importantly, to de-winterize the cabins! Anyway, it ain't much but here are a few pics from our recent trip.

The drive up from Boulder City was simply epic thanks to all the beautiful clouds up in the sky.

With the occasional down pours, it really felt like summer.

Not too many out there but of the few wildflowers still in bloom, we saw this one.

Stopped for some lunch and a cold one at one of our favorite eateries along the way - CHEERS!

Making a standard Ripley stop along the way, we were treated to some amazing views.

And, here we are! So good to be back!


Ripley making sure that we play some frisbee.

Taking a walk to soak in the sunset.


Needless to say, after taking these pics, most of our time was spent working and not taking more pics but we do hope to get back out again soon and take a few more :)
Can't believe I missed this thread until now. The property looks awesome! Hopefully in the next year or two I can start on my own homestead up in White Pine/northern Lincoln county, been planning for a while now. You've certainly inspired me! I heard Trump say he wants to open up alot of the land the feds own in the state, which would be cool.
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