This place sucks, but I like reading the pictures...

Wow. 17 pages later and I reach the end... for now. Yall just added fuel to his fire by replying. We all knew from the get go what he was after - attention. Just dont give these fools the time of day. Give them lots of views, and no replies. F em.
Wow. 17 pages later and I reach the end... for now. Yall just added fuel to his fire by replying. We all knew from the get go what he was after - attention. Just dont give these fools the time of day. Give them lots of views, and no replies. F em.

Where's the fun in that?
My brain hurts. That is all. Sheer stupidity over something that wasn't even really related to him. People these days.
Do you work for the company you mentioned ?

I couldn't get the name of Cole Trickle out of my head last night, so I hit the internuts and found Dick Trickle, old Nascar driver

Cole trickle (Never saw Days Of Thumper) was played by Tom Cruise, enuf said. :rolleyes2:

Where are you today Tom Trickle, we're waiting for your words of wisdom... also if you work for that RC company I want discounts and someone to complain to and someone that will listen and cares Tom, come on man fess up.

No I don't work for Axial....Great company with great products.

If you have any questions let me know....I have a couple different cars:)
I was enjoying our debate in this one, but I guess since I'm not Eddie or a moderator, he chose to start ignoring me.

As much as I hope he doesn't come back, we all know he will.

Maybe I missed what you asked?

In no way was I trying to ignore you:D
What?????? That logic is crazy!!! You recommended people to Mel and Drew because of EVO products and ORE service, not this forum or Eddie..... Same for the other MFG who support this forum( oh, BTW, that is free to you and I). Buck up camper!!!!


I think you are missing the point of a Forum....

A forum owners job is to get members and page views.

With those views he can sell advertising thus monetizing the site.With that revenue he pays his bills and gets free parts. (If we aren't here there is no site because there would be no advertisers selling product)
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Cole Trickle said:
No I don't work for Axial....Great company with great products.

If you have any questions let me know....I have a couple different cars

And here I thought that maybe you weren't as much of a loser. Guess I was wrong :naw:

Funny, I don't recall you paying me anything to use my forum.

I think you are missing the point of a Forum....

A forum owners job is to get members and page views.

With those views he can sell advertising thus monetizing the site and paying his bills and getting free parts. (If we aren't here there is no site because there would be no advertisers selling product)

Since you have it all figured out, why not do everyone in the Jeep community a HUGE favor, start up your own forum and run it however the hell you want. :yup:
Someone ban this tool. I've only read the last few post and I am tired of his bs all ready........ Go away troll!


I have been here for 2 years and have been involved in plenty of threads.

I expressed an "opinion" on how I thought someone was being bullied and now I'm the bad guy?

I think you are missing the point of a Forum....

A forum owners job is to get members and page views.

With those views he can sell advertising thus monetizing the site.With that revenue he pays his bills and gets free parts. (If we aren't here there is no site because there would be no advertisers selling product)

The forum owners job is to do what the fuck they want with it.

Why? Because they own it.

I think you are missing the point of a Forum....

A forum owners job is to get members and page views.

With those views he can sell advertising thus monetizing the site.With that revenue he pays his bills and gets free parts. (If we aren't here there is no site because there would be no advertisers selling product)

Obviously Eddie is doing a great job or you wouldn't be here.
I haven't missed the point at all! It didn't cost you anything to join (although you might be onto something here.....Eddie, start charging DB's a fee:asshat:). It is free to you!!! I think you missed the point. :thinking::thinking:

I have been here for 2 years and have been involved in plenty of threads.

Oh yeah, in the 2 years you've been here, you sure have racked up a TON of posts :naw:

Now, why not rack up some more over on one of the other forums you frequent and prefer. :yup:

I expressed an "opinion" on how I thought someone was being bullied and now I'm the bad guy?

Since you seemed to have missed it, your opinion was heard by all. We get it and nobody cares. The fact that you can't seem to let the matter go and keep on posting away on MY forum in spite of the fact makes you a LOSER.
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