This place sucks, but I like reading the pictures...


I have been here for 2 years and have been involved in plenty of threads.

I expressed an "opinion" on how I thought someone was being bullied and now I'm the bad guy?

You expressed your opinion, and we expressed ours, then you got butt hurt. In case you forgot how all that went down.

And the comment you so conveniently missed of mine was in regards to why some of us took offense to the comments made by the guy you're defending.
And here I thought that maybe you weren't as much of a loser. Guess I was wrong :naw:

Funny, I don't recall you paying me anything to use my forum.

Since you have it all figured out, why not do everyone in the Jeep community a HUGE favor, start up your own forum and run it however the hell you want. :yup:


How so because I have a couple RC cars that I use to play with my son? (Its kind of pathetic that you don't think a dad should spend time with his son and teach him about jeeps/cars and mechanics)

I have paid you by supporting the site sponsors that you bill monthly?

I have no desire to start a forum ......It's actually kind of a dying trend compared to the old days when you could build a site and sell it for great $$$. I know several guys that had car forums that sold them to a large corporation about 8-10 years ago for a ton of $$$. I'm not sating a guy can't make a decent living (5K a month give or take) by owning and operating a site. It' obviously working out great for you and gives you the freedom to travel the country in your jeep :cool:
The forum owners job is to do what the fuck they want with it.

Why? Because they own it.

LOL!! To be fair, MOST forums are owned by multi-million dollar corporations like Internet Brands or Vertical Scope and for them, it's all about the money. I like to look at WAYALIFE as my personal home on the internet and as opposed to a "business" per se and look at the members as friends or guests of mine but otherwise, yeah, you nailed it right on the head :yup:
You expressed your opinion, and we expressed ours, then you got butt hurt. In case you forgot how all that went down.

And the comment you so conveniently missed of mine was in regards to why some of us took offense to the comments made by the guy you're defending.

We obviously have a different view point on how the "owner" of a business is supposed to treat his clients. If you wen't into jiffy lube to get your oil changed today and you over heard the manager and owner talking about how your jeep was a pile of crap would you be happy?

Don't get me wrong I don't think my opinion is going to effect Eddie and his site one iota. Shoot the guy has burned more bridges and caused more drama in the jeep community than can be imagined but he does offer a great product when it comes to his content.....Honestly this probably would have died 3 post's in but someone had to get cute and start a thread trying to make me look like a fool. Honestly it's there is probably a little bit of slander thrown in with how they twisted my words in the title.
LOL!! To be fair, MOST forums are owned by multi-million dollar corporations like Internet Brands or Vertical Scope and for them, it's all about the money. I like to look at WAYALIFE as my personal home on the internet and as opposed to a "business" per se and look at the members as friends or guests of mine but otherwise, yeah, you nailed it right on the head :yup:

:cool::D...yep it's all about the goggle and amazon banner adds.

They used to sell for big $$$ i'm not sure the corporations are seeing the revenue they expected.

You're still here - you're still very much a LOSER :yup:

How so because I have a couple RC cars that I use to play with my son? (Its kind of pathetic that you don't think a dad should spend time with his son and teach him about jeeps/cars and mechanics)

LOL!! Guess you only read what you want to read and believe whatever it is you want to believe. Since you seemed to have missed it, I told you specifically to have a good time with your son. I personally think it's great that you got out with him. I just think you're a LOSER to feel the need to keep on posting up on a forum that you don't even like and for what, to make some kind of self-righteous point?

You should tell your son all about how cool you were on the internet today. I'm sure he'll be proud of you ;)

I have paid you by supporting the site sponsors that you bill monthly?

LOL!! If that's how you really think it works, it sure sucks to be you. Maybe you should ask for a refund :cheesy:

I have no desire to start a forum ......It's actually kind of a dying trend compared to the old days when you could build a site and sell it for great $$$. I know several guys that had car forums that sold them to a large corporation about 8-10 years ago for a ton of $$$. I'm not sating a guy can't make a decent living (5K a month give or take) by owning and operating a site. It' obviously working out great for you and gives you the freedom to travel the country in your jeep :cool:

Wow, you're so cool that you "know several guys" that had car forums and sold them to large corporations for tons of $$$. I wouldn't know anything about that. Man, I really am an idiot for not listening to your business advice. :grayno:
We obviously have a different view point on how the "owner" of a business is supposed to treat his clients. If you wen't into jiffy lube to get your oil changed today and you over heard the manager and owner talking about how your jeep was a pile of crap would you be happy?

Don't get me wrong I don't think my opinion is going to effect Eddie and his site one iota. Shoot the guy has burned more bridges and caused more drama in the jeep community than can be imagined but he does offer a great product when it comes to his content.....Honestly this probably would have died 3 post's in but someone had to get cute and start a thread trying to make me look like a fool. Honestly it's there is probably a little bit of slander thrown in with how they twisted my words in the title.

So, you apparently have me at a disadvantage. How about you post up what business you own and where it is. I'd like to go visit it and tell all your customers what I think of how you run it :yup:
:cool::D...yep it's all about the goggle and amazon banner adds.

They used to sell for big $$$ i'm not sure the corporations are seeing the revenue they expected.

How privileged I am to know an internet expert like you who knows so much about forums and business and how they work. :crazyeyes:

Good luck with that business

Thanks. So, now that you know I'm bound to fail, you should be happy with yourself and should be able to move on now. All is good in the world :yup:
You're still here - you're still very much a LOSER :yup:

LOL!! Guess you only read what you want to read and believe whatever it is you want to believe. Since you seemed to have missed it, I told you specifically to have a good time with your son. I personally think it's great that you got out with him. I just think you're a LOSER to feel the need to keep on posting up on a forum that you don't even like and for what, to make some kind of self-righteous point?

You should tell your son all about how cool you were on the internet today. I'm sure he'll be proud of you ;)

LOL!! If that's how you really think it works, it sure sucks to be you. Maybe you should ask for a refund :cheesy:

Wow, you're so cool that you "know several guys" that had car forums and sold them to large corporations for tons of $$$. I wouldn't know anything about that. Man, I really am an idiot for not listening to your business advice. :grayno:

I could care less about sharing business advise I'm just here to "read the pictures" remember.

I never said I didn't like it here. I think you and a lot of your members are rude and run potential enthusiasts out the door if they don't agree with your thoughts and product choices.

Please explain to me how you would pay for your jeep, home ,trips,etc... if it wasn't for the $$$ you make from sponsors,videos or the site? (why is your jeep covered in sponsor stickers and the videos you make presented by certain companies?)

I am truly intrested? perhaps you are still making $$$ off the other site. Perhaps you are independently wealthy from buying apple stock back in 1995.
LOL!! I just looked you up - guess you sell insurance. :rolleyes2:

yes sir....

Been a licensed agent for 20+ years. The business has been good to me and my family.

Why would you want to talk to my customers? lol

My customers are here because I provide them with top notch service and good products.

You tell your clients to leave and clown on there
yes sir....

Been a licensed agent for 20+ years. The business has been good to me and my family.

Why would you want to talk to my customers? lol

My customers are here because I provide them with top notch service and good products.

You tell your clients to leave and clown on there

Why are you allowed to have an opinion and Eddie is not?
I could care less about sharing business advise I'm just here to "read the pictures" remember.

Of course you aren't. Selling insurance, you probably don't even have a store front. Clearly, this is why you have so much time on your hands that you can post away on an internet forum you don't even like during business hours. YOU ARE A LOSER :yup:

I never said I didn't like it here. I think you and a lot of your members are rude and run potential enthusiasts out the door if they don't agree with your thoughts and product choices.

And, since you keep on missing it, I KNOW you think as much because you keep telling me as if I should give a hoot and so that it isn't missed, I REALLY DON'T. You say that I am running potential enthusiasts out of my door - well I guess it sucks to be me. Now, how about you try getting a life and spend more of it doing something productive like, selling more insurance or spending it with your son.

Please explain to me how you would pay for your jeep, home ,trips,etc... if it wasn't for the $$$ you make from sponsors,videos or the site? (why is your jeep covered in sponsor stickers and the videos you make presented by certain companies?)

I am truly intrested? perhaps you are still making $$$ off the other site. Perhaps you are independently wealthy from buying apple stock back in 1995.

LOL!! You're the man with all the answers, you tell me.
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