This place sucks, but I like reading the pictures...

What?????? That logic is crazy!!! You recommended people to Mel and Drew because of EVO products and ORE service, not this forum or Eddie..... Same for the other MFG who support this forum( oh, BTW, that is free to you and I). Buck up camper!!!!
This place kills me....I have zero dog in this fight and was intrested in the topic as a future D60 buyer but the attitude towards people that don't agree with the masses are shocking.

Bad form for a Forum owner to bad mouth a members jeep:(:icon_crazy::grayno:

As someone that has spent thousands with OE and other vendors of this site and refereed more than a couple people to Drew/Mel for full big dollar builds I think it's a terrible business practice.

I'm sure eddie will come in here and tell me to pound sand as it's his toy box but honestly the attitude is beyond terrible.

If I don't like something or somewhere I stay away from that place or thing. Don't be selfish and bring the forum down with your instigating comments that bad mouth a lot of us members. For what it's worth you missed what Eddie was trying to point out. Enjoy your family, the park, and please don't come posting your random illiterate negativity again.
I have a love/hate thing going with all these "this place sucks" "you are all ass holes" threads. I hate seeing them pop up, but then I get so much entertainment from reading them.
I have a love/hate thing going with all these "this place sucks" "you are all ass holes" threads. I hate seeing them pop up, but then I get so much entertainment from reading them.

I'm right there with you. I don't like the idea of them, but I end up reading every one... It's like looking at a naked fat chick. Part of you hates it, but boobs are boobs :shock:.

I am always intrigued by how many people get but hurt about things they read, yet if in person you would simply thing to yourself "Hmmm, that's wrong" or "I disagree". Don't get me wrong... I'm not calling anyone a coward, I just feel that in a real (physical) public group these types of issues would be handled differently, and with far less drama.

Another thing that strikes me is how often these threads have someone bitching about WAL members sitting on a high-horse while they are atop one themselves. "Pot calling the kettle black!"
I was enjoying our debate in this one, but I guess since I'm not Eddie or a moderator, he chose to start ignoring me.

As much as I hope he doesn't come back, we all know he will.
After reading all these bitter thread's, I'm thinking there must be a shortage on Midol. But hey that's just my :twocents:
I couldn't get the name of Cole Trickle out of my head last night, so I hit the internuts and found Dick Trickle, old Nascar driver

Cole trickle (Never saw Days Of Thumper) was played by Tom Cruise, enuf said. :rolleyes2:

Where are you today Tom Trickle, we're waiting for your words of wisdom... also if you work for that RC company I want discounts and someone to complain to and someone that will listen and cares Tom, come on man fess up.
I'm right there with you. I don't like the idea of them, but I end up reading every one... It's like looking at a naked fat chick. Part of you hates it, but boobs are boobs :shock:.

I am always intrigued by how many people get but hurt about things they read, yet if in person you would simply thing to yourself "Hmmm, that's wrong" or "I disagree". Don't get me wrong... I'm not calling anyone a coward, I just feel that in a real (physical) public group these types of issues would be handled differently, and with far less drama.

Another thing that strikes me is how often these threads have someone bitching about WAL members sitting on a high-horse while they are atop one themselves. "Pot calling the kettle black!"

Wait till that rubicon run. A lot of shit talkin shenanigans happen at the fire side. 😉😂😂The difference is there is a way to shit talk and there is being an asshole.

As you alluded too, some folks come across as asses because they turn everything into an agenda and then get butt hurt when folks don't agree.
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