The Official I Hate wayoflife / Eddie Thread

I feel the greatest part about all the hatred is that if someone really has a beef with Eddie they could settle it in person. He doesn't exactly hide his location. I mean he is having a S&G next week. He is going to SEMA and I'm sure he'll be at KOH next Feb. I mean the scumbags actually posted his personal address on their forum. Although showing up at ones house would be grounds for the authorities to get involved especially after all the threat of violence. I'm sure if any one of these douchers really wanted to hash it out Eddie would be more than inclined to try and set the record straight. Though that would require listening with an open mind and an unbiased opinion. So who knows if that would do any good. Keep up all that you do Eddie. Not many would stand for what they believe in like yourself.

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What's more funny is they just make random shit up.

"I saw his piece of shit bolt on rig at KOH last year and wish I saw his dumbass."

He wasn't even there last year and neither was his rig.

Another one of the idiots talks all that shit and when it comes down to it knows NOTHING about jeeps, wheeling or has the balls to say anything. Case and point he was kissing Greg's ass at KOH with a few of us standing right their next to him with our rigs there as well.
This shit blows my mind. Getting pissed off about bringing someone's family into play or trying to go after them financially... that's exactly what they are doing and have always done! If you have a problem with someone calling out your behavior in reference to your FFL, BEHAVE YOURSELF PROPERLY IN REGARDS TO HAVING AN FFL! Stupid cocksucker.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
Shut everyone up by giving them a chance to win something? Not sure I understand the logic in that.

My logic was simple. These individuals seem to think Eddie is a greedy devil who's only desire in life is to bash them and make money for himself. It seems their sole existence is to wake up, jump online and see how they can "F" with him, bad mouth him, the brand and those loyal to the forums.

And not that he should or needs to but why not give back to the community that he has helped build and in turn has helped his brand grow... I liked the idea of seeing the looks on these muppets faces (the haters, the instigators) if a modded up jeep is given to someone who only dreamed they could afford to do what we have seen in the vids... Then to take the money raised and help fund Cancer research or ALS or whatever worthy cause there is to fight!

By doing something like that, you have effectively taken away the bulk of their ammunition; that "Eddie and the WAL family" are greedy Jeepmongers only looking out for themselves and the almighty $$$.... I'm sure those of you who have a personal relationship with Eddie know this too well, that Eddie and Cindy are stand up individuals with good hearts. You get to peek behind the curtain and are privy to the inner workings that we on the outside are not.

But in the end.... Business is business and ones success will always garner hate and resentment in others eyes. Scorned business owners attempting to peddle their products by skirting TOS Agreements; enlisting the help of friends and other business owners who either refuse to pay the sponsorship fee or are rejected as sponsors because Eddie has high standards and values that he refuses to compromise on. That is human nature, to be jealous or envious because we failed to come up with the idea first or believe our product or service isn't getting the credibility we fell it deserves; and didn't receive the appreciation, attention and approval from an industry professional and leader.

I could be totally off base as I am 2 weeks into the community with a preschoolers comprehension of the overall aspect of things. But I know a little about business and how to stop the onslaught of negativity. You gotta flip the script on them. Do something they honestly believe is totally out of character for you. Even though we have seen his kind nature and generosity. I suggested to hold a raffle or fundraiser type of event and to include the chance for everyone to buy into the dream so no one is left out thus giving ammunition against Eddie or WAL.

I guess my logic is skewed to you but that's the solution I came up with.
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My logic was simple. These individuals seem to think Eddie is a greedy devil who's only desire in life is to bash them and make money for himself. It seems their sole existence is to wake up, jump online and see how they can "F" with him, bad mouth him, the brand and those loyal to the forums.

And not that he should or needs to but why not give back to the community that he has helped build and in turn has helped his brand grow... I liked the idea of seeing the looks on these muppets faces (the haters, the instigators) if a modded up jeep is given to someone who only dreamed they could afford to do what we have seen in the vids... Then to take the money raised and help fund Cancer research or ALS or whatever worthy cause there is to fight!

By doing something like that, you have effectively taken away the bulk of their ammunition; that "Eddie and the WAL family" are greedy Jeepmongers only looking out for themselves and the almighty $$$.... I'm sure those of you who have a personal relationship with Eddie know this too well. You get to peek behind the curtain and are privy to the inner workings that we on the outside are not.

Business is business and ones success will always garner hate and resentment in others. Scorned business owners attempting to peddle their products by skirting TOS Agreements; enlisting the help of friends and other business owners who either refuse to pay the sponsorship fee or are rejected as sponsors because Eddie has high standards and values that he refuses to compromise on. That is human nature, to be jealous or envious because we believe our product or service isn't getting the credibility we fell it deserves and didn't receive from an industry professional and leader.

I could be totally off base as I am 2 weeks into the community and with a preschoolers comprehension of the overall aspect of things. But I know a little about business and how to stop the onslaught of negativity. I suggested to hold a raffle or fundraiser type of thing and to include the chance for everyone to buy into the dream so no one is left out thus giving ammunition against Eddie or WAL.

I guess my logic is skewed to you but that's the solution I came up with.

I'm not reading that whole thing right now but plain and simple fuck them. I wouldn't give them the hair off my ass let alone the chance to win a jeep.
I'm from the UK and each day I sit on the sidelines reading this forum.

The reason you have all these haters is through jealousy.

  • Jealous that you sold JK Forums
  • Jealous that you do a job we could all only dream of
  • Jealous that you earn money from this great job
  • Jealous that you have the best looking JK's out there
  • Jealous that you have fun doing what you do for a living
  • Jealous that you have the best Jeep videos on YouTube

There is a fine line between jealousy and envy, I personally envy you for the work you do.

Why am I supporting Eddie?

  • It was because of JK Forums that I got interested in Jeeps 3 years ago
  • At the time with hardly any useful information available in the UK (it's all Land Rovers), it was Eddie's FAQ's and help from other members that saved me making big mistakes on a suspension lift and tires
  • When I was going to blow $1,500 to import a Teraflex tire carrier to the UK, it was Eddie who told be to stick with the stock one
  • It was because of Eddie's influence that I got involved with the UK Jeep scene which is now a big part of me

Thanks Eddie - keep up the good work and thanks for the positive influence!


I think this post says it in a nutshell and to see Eddie's influence reach across the pond is truly inspiring... I would retract my previous post about the raffle/fundraiser event if I didn't believe in helping a worthy cause, shutting the haters down and getting the opportunity to win one killer JK!
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This shit blows my mind. Getting pissed off about bringing someone's family into play or trying to go after them financially... that's exactly what they are doing and have always done! If you have a problem with someone calling out your behavior in reference to your FFL, BEHAVE YOURSELF PROPERLY IN REGARDS TO HAVING AN FFL! Stupid cocksucker.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed

If I'm not mistaken that can be taken as a threat. Thus by posting it online the individual opens him/herself up to a potential federal investigation by The FBI and The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives. This In turn could cost them their FFL and the right to even own a firearm. Not smart...
I'm not reading that whole thing right now but plain and simple fuck them. I wouldn't give them the hair off my ass let alone the chance to win a jeep.

I respect that.. Like I said, you have the backstory while I'm play catch up.. I will digress to your knowledge in these matters...
....and as usual, the post are now deleted. At least the individuals realized they were trolling and deleted the comments.

The posts are deleted automatically when the person is deleted or banned from the Facebook page

Sent from my SM-N900V using WAYALIFE mobile app
If I'm not mistaken that can be taken as a threat. Thus by posting it online the individual opens him/herself up to a potential federal investigation by The FBI and The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives. This In turn could cost them their FFL and the right to even own a firearm. Not smart...

It absolutely is a threat. The Fed is seriously cracking down on Internet threats with the silly anti-bully campaign. If someone were to call or email his local ATF they would be on his ass like white on rice... and he would be pissed at everyone but himself for it.

I whole heartedly believe that the #1 problem with not just our country's culture, but the culture all over the world is a lack of personal responsibility... and these ass clowns are just one more example of it. Don't want to do what it takes to achieve the things that Eddie has but want to have the things that he has... then when they realize that they aren't going to have those things they have to try and demonize him in order to make themselves feel better about their shortcomings.

I have said this before and will say it again. "Dragging excellence down to your level is NOT the same thing as achieving excellence."

It's no different than this movement against the wealthy people in the world or greedy corporations. It is absolutely jealousy. There was a time in this country, not that long ago, that we saw what it took to become successful and actually praised a person for their hard work and congratulated them for the things that they have in their life.

Long story short, no one believes in hard work or personal responsibility anymore, which is where all this comes from and it's sickening. The long arm of the law on the other hand WILL teach you what personal responsibility is all about and if you refuse to learn that lesson from them, you will just end up in and out of trouble your entire life. I hope this clown does get jumped on by the ATF and his family does miss a few meals because of it. It would suck for him and his family for a little while, but after learning his lesson he will be much better off afterwards, if he doesn't learn his lesson then that's cool too. Survival of the fittest, that'll be one less mouth that I will have to worry about feeding after shit hits the fan.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
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I just spent the better part of two hours reading the different JKO and Pirate threads dealing with this forum and specifically you. So I guess that makes me a troll on their sites; however there was not post entered during the reading of their filth. From my feeble mind the only thing I can come up with is they do not have anything concrete so they just make stuff up. What is frustrating is the simple fact that they chose to use their time to justify what they has such distaste for you when in fact it boils down to this, you own a forum and allow others to use it at no charge and with specific rules. Do not like the rules then do not hang out. Instead they will act like high school dweebs who are trying to make a name for themselves and post threats. What is amazing is how simplistic they are only to realizing that in order to hide something you first have to do something wrong. What I read on the internet is taken with a grain of salt and will hold my own judegement of personalities. I will admit WAL was the third forum I joined after JKF and Wrangler. It was not until I joined WAL that I truly found my place on the interweb and Jeep forum's. What I do not get, and nobody cannot answer, is why are they attacking you personally? You are a business owner who is trying to provide for his family just like everyone else in the country. You just happen to have a job that you love and allows you to do what you love, wheeling your Jeep. I must say I am pretty envious of this fact but do not hold a grudge. I have said for a long time, I count WAL as my friends and will do my part to help in the battles. They can call me a fanboy, Kool-Aid drinker or whatever, unless they truly know me they cannot pass judgement on me. Only I know where my alegience is and it is to you and this forum.

I think I know what may cure all the negative vibes coming from the disheartened extremists.... Eddie and all the WAL sponsors could procure a JKRU, all the necessary aftermarket parts, have it fully modded and do a "Giveaway" or "Auction" it off by selling $10 or $20 raffle tickets and donate the money to a local women's shelter, animal shelter or other good cause... You can then fly in the winner, present them with the keys to their new toy and have them participate in the 2015 JK Experience and give the money you raised to that worthy cause you chose to support...

HELL!!! Open it up to everyone, even the haters! Shut them right up!!!

Just a thought....

I might be way off the charts but...Been there, Done that with Vengence. What you end up with is a badass rig that you seldom hear about, sadly.
It absolutely is a threat. The Fed is seriously cracking down on Internet threats with the silly anti-bully campaign. If someone were to call or email his local ATF they would be on his ass like white on rice... and he would be pissed at everyone but himself for it.

I whole heartedly believe that the #1 problem with not just our country's culture, but the culture all over the world is a lack of personal responsibility... and these ass clowns are just one more example of it. Don't want to do what it takes to achieve the things that Eddie has but want to have the things that he has... then when they realize that they aren't going to have those things they have to try and demonize him in order to make themselves feel better about their shortcomings.

I have said this before and will say it again. "Dragging excellence down to your level is NOT the same thing as achieving excellence."

It's no different than this movement against the wealthy people in the world or greedy corporations. It is absolutely jealousy. There was a time in this country, not that long ago, that we saw what it took to become successful and actually praised a person for their hard work and congratulated them for the things that they have in their life.

Long story short, no one believes in hard work or personal responsibility anymore, which is where all this comes from and it's sickening. The long arm of the law on the other hand WILL teach you what personal responsibility is all about and if you refuse to learn that lesson from them, you will just end up in and out of trouble your entire life. I hope this clown does get jumped on by the ATF and his family does miss a few meals because of it. It would suck for him and his family for a little while, but after learning his lesson he will be much better off afterwards, if he doesn't learn his lesson then that's cool too. Survival of the fittest, that'll be one less mouth that I will have to worry about feeding after shit hits the fan.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed

^^^This. I agree 100%. Bottom line if you Fuck up own up to it, learn from it and try to do right the next time. If someone is successful (as long as it was achieved morally and ethically ) pass on praise, follow in their footsteps and you too may achieve similar success. No need to get jealous. If you have been successful stay humble and try to mentor and teach others don't brag and rub peoples faces in it. I feel Eddie does all of this. Just read some of his posts where he realized after he was wrong, went back admitted it, and corrected it. He is always trying to pass along his knowledge unfortunately the haters see this as being a fanboy. Real people who can think for themselves should be able to make their own decisions regardless of what is told to them. It seems most of the haters display a learned behavior with no real reason. Someone posted a study done with monkeys about this and it was insightful. I don't recall who did but I feel it would be fitting to repost it here.

Sent from my 831C using WAYALIFE mobile app
I might be way off the charts but...Been there, Done that with Vengence. What you end up with is a badass rig that you seldom hear about, sadly.

Not really. Vengeance went to someone that respected Ken and thought highly of him. He was/is a member of JKF from almost the beginning and has very few posts. From what I saw, vengeance is in a good home.
Eddie I just want to say thank you! I have met you once and you were super nice to actually come up to me and introduce yourself when I was the new guy at a suds-n-grub. You are down to earth and what I believe and saw to be a good guy. I knew exactly who you were yet you didn’t act like you’re this big time deserve it all kind of guy who wants free parts. So that was really awesome to see in person.

But I just want to add MY PERSONAL take away from your posts about breaks regardless of brand, company, component or product (and anybody please correct me if I have taken this out of context.) first, I have not read them as a bashing, it’s a: “hey guys, here is a break I have seen. If you own it great, if you don’t great also, I can care less; but I just want to make the Jeep community aware of this and to keep an eye out.” (Which we all should do anyway)

For me personally whether I am buying a jeep part or new cell phone, I want to know both good and bad. For all I care, he is further adding to the information people can research about the product when making decision on what to actually purchase.

Keep up the work. I look forward to being a long time member of this form and watching the 2014 JKX videos :rock:.
Just found this on Northridge Facebook page advertising the TF carrier lol

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