The Official I Hate wayoflife / Eddie Thread

I do like the anger saying that the guy must have backed into something or caught it coming off of a ledge and for that reason the carrier failed and cant be blamed.......shortly fallowed by claims of "I beat the shit out of mine and its still solid"

How do you beat the shit out of something.....that never touches anything? :hmm: :thinking: :idontknow:
Thanks guys, I really do appreciate your support.

I do like the anger saying that the guy must have backed into something or caught it coming off of a ledge and for that reason the carrier failed and cant be blamed.......shortly fallowed by claims of "I beat the shit out of mine and its still solid"

How do you beat the shit out of something.....that never touches anything? :hmm: :thinking: :idontknow:

LOL!! Just had this sent to me. No, this loser Sok66 (Jerry McGeorge) isn't here to be a troll. As you can see in the post below, he's a big fan of mine :cheesy:


Oh yeah, I'm such a TeraFlex hater that I made up all the breaks I've seen and have just been telling stories about them just to make them look bad. :cheesy:
Ok, I have to know..Where's the goods, Eddie?lmao. I keep seeing the same thing brought up by these clowns saying you're getting all these free parts from everyone, but yet when I look at Moby and Rubicat, both in pics and in person, I see mostly EVO parts and very little else. You got a Top Secret Squirrel Shit Teraflex/S-Pod Mall Crawler stashed in a cave at Moab we don't know about? ROFLMAO
I've been reading this whole thing and laughing at what comes down to jealousy from the haters. A friend of mine shared this on his facebook and I thought it was fitting for this thread1413036215234.jpg

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I've been reading this whole thing and laughing at what comes down to jealousy from the haters. A friend of mine shared this on his facebook and I thought it was fitting for this threadView attachment 105081

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using WAYALIFE mobile app

These guys took that quote to heart...they are hating, and trying to figure out a way to get paid for it....hasn't worked yet.
Eddie I just want to say thank you! I have met you once and you were super nice to actually come up to me and introduce yourself when I was the new guy at a suds-n-grub. You are down to earth and what I believe and saw to be a good guy. I knew exactly who you were yet you didn’t act like you’re this big time deserve it all kind of guy who wants free parts. So that was really awesome to see in person.

X2. My wife Marty & I drove from Phoenix to A Suds n Grub in San Diego Cty where we met Cindy & Eddie. We were (still are) a couple of noobs in a stock JKUR and they made us feel welcome and right at home. They are very nice people and do an exceptional job of running their BUSINESS for the benefit of our community. 'Nuff said.:yup:
Thanks guys... Sitting here after getting my Achilles reattached killing time on the couch. This thread is great...
Eddie keep doing what ur doing. I've read all these negative post about ubut, I'm new to jeeps and I've asked questions that u guys have heard plenty of times but you or no one else have been disrespectful in any way. Hope one day to I can join u guys. But my rig isn't close to where I want it but until then stock will still do for me


Your doing absolutely nothing wrong, your looking out for other jeepers as well as people out on the roads. It's not your fault these half ass companies don't care about the quality of their products. Greed is the problem with most and if not all of them. I don't see you making money on your videos or help threads that you spend countless hours on.

You have my vote. Let them talk all they want.

Jeep on.
Well I have to say it still amazes me that folks just gotta hate. While it's one more bs distraction from the real purpose and value of this forum, I think Eddies right to publically show the crap that's out there. Maybe (I won't hold my breath), it'll cause some to think what's really the point of all this.
Shut everyone up by giving them a chance to win something? Not sure I understand the logic in that.

yeah not following either. I dont think anything needs to be done at all that isnt already being done. laugh at the haters, and keep building bad ass jeeps and making bad ass videos with said Jeeps. if the fanboys cant see the light with photographic evidence and eye witness accounts of products failing again and again, then nothing will. except for maybe their tire falling off and killing someone on the highway... but wait... no that wouldnt work because they would just blame it on install error...

Nobody can leave here Eddie, you have us all under "The Zone of Influence"lol remember we're sheeple. I still think a "The Zone of Influence " sticker should be made:D

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How about a sticker that say's "We The Jeeple - WAYALIFE"
Thanks for all you do Eddie!!!
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