The jeep wife

Looks like I got the only bat shit crazy fucking wife who withholds sex. Damn this sucks.

There may be some others but most likey they talk with a marriage counselor about not a jeep forum...sounds like you need to get into some counseling to make it better or bail and cut your losses.
Looks like I got the only bat shit crazy fucking wife who withholds sex. Damn this sucks.

Well, at least the only one to start a thread and constantly post about it. :thinking::crazyeyes:

I'd imagine she's off saying you don't pay attention to her, spend all your spare time on the computer or with the jeep and compare her to other women with big tits and perfect bodies....allegedly. :naw:

Not like marriage is a two street or anything. Just saying. ;)
My wife despises all things jeep. My jeep tshirts, jeep hats, and my jk itself. I bitch about her everywhere and anywhere. If I get to make it down to one of the boston meet n greets I'll see if the witch will come and you can meet the lunatic yourself. Of course I'd prefer solo travel but could bring the mouth so you can meet her jealous ranting sex withholding bitter ass.:icon_crazy:
My wife despises all things jeep. My jeep tshirts, jeep hats, and my jk itself. I bitch about her everywhere and anywhere. If I get to make it down to one of the boston meet n greets I'll see if the witch will come and you can meet the lunatic yourself. Of course I'd prefer solo travel but could bring the mouth so you can meet her jealous ranting sex withholding bitter ass.:icon_crazy:

You need to be a man and leave her. Fucking Christ nobody gives a shit about your marriage and how terrible your wife is.
My wife despises all things jeep. My jeep tshirts, jeep hats, and my jk itself. I bitch about her everywhere and anywhere. If I get to make it down to one of the boston meet n greets I'll see if the witch will come and you can meet the lunatic yourself. Of course I'd prefer solo travel but could bring the mouth so you can meet her jealous ranting sex withholding bitter ass.:icon_crazy:

Maybe she feels that way because all things Jeep replace time with her? You are acting like you are 15 years old, dude. Get a divorce, figure it out, or get over it.
I can't believe I just read this whole thread just to find out that:

A). You're still bitching about her,
B). You think this is the place to,
C). You're still bitching about her.

Dude (and I use the term loosely considering your lack of dangly parts) get a grip. Leave her, or continue to take it in the ass like a champ.
I can't believe I just read this whole thread just to find out that:

A). You're still bitching about her,
B). You think this is the place to,
C). You're still bitching about her.

Dude (and I use the term loosely considering your lack of dangly parts) get a grip. Leave her, or continue to take it in the ass like a champ.

Also yup, grow a pair, Nancy

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My wife despises all things jeep. My jeep tshirts, jeep hats, and my jk itself. I bitch about her everywhere and anywhere. If I get to make it down to one of the boston meet n greets I'll see if the witch will come and you can meet the lunatic yourself. Of course I'd prefer solo travel but could bring the mouth so you can meet her jealous ranting sex withholding bitter ass.:icon_crazy:

Did you ever stop to think, (not likely I'm sure), that you aren't getting any honey on your stinger because she's giving it to someone else? But I can tell you that if you aren't careful he'll not only be driving your wife but he'll be driving your Jeep too because you say she despises it now but it'll be the very first thing she goes after in a divorce.
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