The jeep wife

Just remember attorney bills will likely be between 5 and 20k depending on kids division of property. The cost of the loss of the property home, vehicles, toys. My ex kept the house and my truck I had to sell my boat and car, divide up my retirement plan and then pay out on child support for my son that I had half the time, and She ran up 40k in credit card bills that were in my name. It took me almost 10 years to recover fully financially. If you love your wife then the best bet is work on agreeing what type of budget you can spend on the jeep. If you do get divorced remember she will try to kick you in the crotch and take what you love the most which sounds like your jeep.:twocents:
This thread is ridiculous, get on a Dr. Phil show or something.
You're bitching and moaning about her bitching and moaning - where did you want this thread to go?
What were you hoping to hear? :thinking:

I wanted to hear I wasn't the only in such a predicament. Dude its lonely being the only one who's wife can't stand their jeep and has to deal with the BS everytime money is invested into her.
The welfare of the family comes first (well, it probably should)- and I am assuming you're not 20 years old where you can recover from financial nuclear disasters. If you are saving enough and have enough cash to go 6-12 months without a job as a short-term buffer, without dipping into long-term savings, you are in a decent position. Then you should be able to spend money on hobbies. If your reckless spending or living beyond means is making the wife nervous and irritable, she has a point. That said, nagging and yelling doesn't help much. It does ruin the relationship fast. A calm but meaningful conversation can help a lot. Take a look at her side too. Is she just a serial nagger or is it legit...that is the question.
How setting up a written build plan that you both agree too. Sign it as if were a contract. At the same time be sure to develop a plan for what the wife likes for instance getting her hair and nails done twice a month for $x.xx and relate that to mods. The other thing is to set up a jeep find that you and you only contribute too. Every night you get home empty your pockets into a jar. When it gets full cash it in and before you know it you will have money for mods.

. Every night you get home empty your pockets into a jar. When it gets full cash it in and before you know it you will have money for mods.


That's what I do. Every night on the way home from work I stop at the ATM and get a couple hundred out. My jar fills up quick. :cheesy:
:cheesy: ^^^

Its funny, a buddy of mine told me that the best way to know when a woman is cheating or planning on leaving your ass is when she starts to get back into shape and caring about her looks again! (he knows from experience)
Hehe...that vid is funny...and so true. They sure get fit in a hurry when trying to bail. My friend wondered why his wife started to run and even joined a running group for motivation. He found out quickly.
been married 2 times prior. My last ex felt it was ok for her to spend at her hearts desire on what she wanted, but I caught hell for my spending. notice I said "ex"... I now have a loving fiance that loves jeeping and doesn't say boo about the money I spend on it. I just have to build her one of her own in the very near future.:bleh:
When you do special things with her involve the jeep. I took my wife shooting and wheeling for our anniversary and she loved it. It went from her wanting to dump the jeep to her wanting her own jeep.
How setting up a written build plan that you both agree too. Sign it as if were a contract. At the same time be sure to develop a plan for what the wife likes for instance getting her hair and nails done twice a month for $x.xx and relate that to mods. The other thing is to set up a jeep find that you and you only contribute too. Every night you get home empty your pockets into a jar. When it gets full cash it in and before you know it you will have money for mods.


I like the idea of a contract. Damn! You're a genius. That might actually work. She'll see it as barter. My jeep upgrades against her hair and nails and daily lattes. It won't stop her nagging and complaining about most crap in general but it could stop the jeep beef..if only temporarily. :beer::beer:
When you do special things with her involve the jeep. I took my wife shooting and wheeling for our anniversary and she loved it. It went from her wanting to dump the jeep to her wanting her own jeep.

I agree to this. involving her will not only give her the sense of what you are involved with, but it will enable you two to have a mutual interest which will strengthen the marriage in the long run.
I like the idea of a contract. Damn! You're a genius. That might actually work. She'll see it as barter. My jeep upgrades against her hair and nails and daily lattes. It won't stop her nagging and complaining about most crap in general but it could stop the jeep beef..if only temporarily. :beer::beer:

You have to make it her idea and the nagging will stop. Start by leaving subtle hints like watching Jeep video's and use that as a conversation starter like what do you think about this Jeep or that Jeep. Look at how those Jeeps go over said obstacle. Then leave it alone. Come back to a couple of days later and bring up different Jeeps, cannot use the same one. After about three or fours times doing this you can suggest you we could do that but it will require X,Y, and Z. Then you follow up, I know now is not the time but I want us to start saving for X,Y or Z. It will be a new process. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT BRING UP NAILS, HAIR OR LATTE'S! Not a good thing. :grayno::grayno::grayno::grayno::grayno::grayno::grayno::grayno: It will take time.

Disclaimer, your milage and results may vary.

You have to make it her idea and the nagging will stop. Start by leaving subtle hints like watching Jeep video's and use that as a conversation starter like what do you think about this Jeep or that Jeep. Look at how those Jeeps go over said obstacle. Then leave it alone. Come back to a couple of days later and bring up different Jeeps, cannot use the same one. After about three or fours times doing this you can suggest you we could do that but it will require X,Y, and Z. Then you follow up, I know now is not the time but I want us to start saving for X,Y or Z. It will be a new process. WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT BRING UP NAILS, HAIR OR LATTE'S! Not a good thing. :grayno::grayno::grayno::grayno::grayno::grayno::grayno::grayno: It will take time.

Disclaimer, your milage and results may vary.


Just don't watch then 2011 JK experience videos if carnage canyon 😂😂. Those may push her in the opposite direction.
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