The building of knuckles

MTG - If you would ever change that blinker fluid you've been talking about for weeks it might fix the problem.

*** Highjack Alert ***

I stopped by the Stealership today to see how my Jeep was coming:thinking:. The service writer tried to tell me I was going to have to pay for the repairs :doh: because I have aftermarket driveshafts and that those caused the t-case to leak at the seam, not the yoke seals:banghead:. I gently reminded him that the owners office was right around the corner :drama:and we could go talk to him and explain how I was not going to be able to lead the trail rides this summer:yup:. Funny thing happened:thumb:. He told me not to worry about it and that he would see that warranty takes care of both the t-case and tranny:clap2:. They jumped right on it and should be done this afternoon with new gaskets in the t-case and a new transmission:thumb:.

GOOD NEWS!!! The crappy thing about that story is how the Stealership was trying to give you the hose! WTF!!! Why it is that these people can't have some sense of honesty is very sad... Business is business but flat out lieing about aftermarket parts doing damage is just gross :icon_crazy:
GOOD NEWS!!! The crappy thing about that story is how the Stealership was trying to give you the hose! WTF!!! Why it is that these people can't have some sense of honesty is very sad... Business is business but flat out lieing about aftermarket parts doing damage is just gross :icon_crazy:

I couldn't agree more. After it is fixed I will still drop by to say 'hello" to the owner and share my thoughts. He is an honest and fair person and I would not say that about any stealership owners but him. It's a shame that his employees don't follow his examples.
Warning on topic post below:

Good news: brakes work better with the new pads and rotors.

Okay news: sound is still there. Just not as bad.

Bad news: my parking brake barely works now. Too much adjustment. Of course when I fix it it will make the okay news bad news. :)

Great news: I have isolated the problem to the parking brake and it is not something more serious like a differential or something. So that's something right?
Must have cheap mod.

Valve stem tool built in the top. Cap will also hold air if you happen to loose a valve stem. 👍

This came in very handy on the last trail I was on.

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