Caught the Bug
Nice looking wheels, congrats! Now I know where to bring mine when I get them lol. Nice to have friends that'll help out.
Yes they are! I haven't seen them in person yet and I love how they look
Do these have a center cap like the slabs? Like MTG mentioned, Im curious how my slabs will hold up when I move back home, and I sure wish they were Teflon coated :sigh:
A few pcs from today with the new wheels on! Super excited and love them. Need to get them balanced tho as I can't go over 60 before I almost hit death wobble. Going to check my alignment again before I balance them.
Jiggawhatpolo stopped by so we decided to get a 'merica shot
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View attachment 93149
Sexy time. You shoulda lined up the rigs red, white and blue :usa:
They look great :thumb::thumb:
Very nice line up of East Coast rigs. The new wheels and tires look great :thumb:
Thanks Greg! I'm very happy with them! Get to put them to the test on the trails today
What's the width on those tires the new one stick out a good amount compared to the old