Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Worthless bastards that litter.

I drove down a highway where volunteers cleaned up both sides of the road yesterday and in a mile I counted over 50 black contractor size bags of shit. Whats fucking wrong with people? How special do you think you are that you can't wait to throw your choke burger bag out the window before you get home to your fucking trailer park?

Crap f___ing parenting is the root cause.. If I would have thought about throwing something out a window or on the ground my d man would have materialized out of thin air and whooped me right then and there! Right along with "please and thank you", ma'am and sit to my elders and take the shopping cart back to the store or the stall no matter what the weather!!!!
When a web screen moves right before you click it because of all the advertisements all over the place. So it makes you click on something you didn't want to. Pisses me right off.
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People that say they will meet you at a specific time for anything and don't show up on time, so you wait for 15 minutes then leave.

Then all you hear is crap about "why didn't you wait? I was only half an hour late!" Asshats!
When people get irate over not having my dog on a leash. People don't get irate when I go faster than the speed limit. Why do you care so much that my dog isn't on a leash? He obeys my voice and hand commands and will heel by my side without a leash. He's a lot more under control than a lot of dogs I've met on leashes that are pulling their owners everywhere and jumping on people. I get it if he misbehaves and jumps on you or something. But up until that point, why so much anger?
When people get irate over not having my dog on a leash. People don't get irate when I go faster than the speed limit. Why do you care so much that my dog isn't on a leash? He obeys my voice and hand commands and will heel by my side without a leash. He's a lot more under control than a lot of dogs I've met on leashes that are pulling their owners everywhere and jumping on people. I get it if he misbehaves and jumps on you or something. But up until that point, why so much anger?

Your dog sounds better behaved than most people's kids these days...

I HATE when people come rushing into an elevator before the people already riding it have a chance to get out. Seriously, wait your turn! It's not leaving without you! 🙄
Highway signs here say it's the law but I don't think they enforce it. I wish they would.

My nephew is an officer and actually pulls these jackasses over. He says they can't believe they are getting a ticket for doing that, thereby confirming all of our suspicions of intelligence levels.
This Jeep


Coupled with this sign:

oil& chips.jpg

equals this: :furious3: I just won't drive the damn thing for a week until this shit gets packed in.
I cant friggin stand this goddam stuff
You can heat it in the oven if that's the issue you're having.
Yah, heated it up, still no go. Had to chill the carrier, heat the ring and carefully do a wee bit of grind to fit it. That was the rear. Front is just as bad. Trying the same method on it but it seems a couple thousandth more off.
Yah, heated it up, still no go. Had to chill the carrier, heat the ring and carefully do a wee bit of grind to fit it. That was the rear. Front is just as bad. Trying the same method on it but it seems a couple even worse.

Wow sorry to hear. Yukon is a good brand.
Thought I read where Revolution gears and axles were made in USA

That, I did not know. After a quick internet search I am not even sure I can get them here in Alberta anyway. I can't find them on-line. Paying to ship and exchange would put them out of my price too unfortunately. Even with a border pickup.
Ah well. Hopefully I can finish the install today.
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