Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Wow, what a piece of shit. It has ever even crossed my mind to not slow down when an animal is in the road as long as I can do so safely.

To make things worse, this was on plant property where speed is 5mph, and he is on cameras flying in. He told me he thought they were gonna fly out of his way. He never even went over and looked. He is a total piece of shit in my book.
People who run over geese and do not give a crap.

Years ago we had a riding area out West of Rosamond CA and there were sheep ranches in the area, one day the Sherriff shows up and tells us to leave NOW or he will have the motorhome towed. We asked him why and he said "because some of you dirt bikers cut open a gate and chased all of the sheep until they dropped dead!" We tried to tell him it was not us but he would have nothing to do with that, leave now is all he said.

That area has been closed off ever since. BTW there were something like 100 sheep that were killed, very sad for the rancher but mad as hell at the stupid asshats that did that. :mad:

WTF is wrong with people???
When you have a robot or electronic voice tell you how 'valuable of a customer you are' or how they are 'sorry about the delay.'
When your at work, need to use the bathroom and someone stops you right at the door and wants to start a conversation. Some people just have no situational awareness.
I saw someone hit a dog while driving and not even stop...I was behind him a bit, and saw the dog in the middle of the road. I stopped and another car stopped going the opposite direction...I put a blanket on the dog, and he died a few minutes later. This was quite a few years ago, before smart phones...had I not stopped for the dog, I would have driven to run that guy off the really pissed me off, and many years later, when I think about it, it still does.
When you have a staff meeting and describe in detail procedures for operations and end it by asking someone a question about what I just said and they don't know but look at me like I'm crazy for saying what I am saying the entire time I'm saying it; then later on the same day the same person calls me to ask a question about what was covered or worse does it wrong and doesn't even notice it ... Yea that grinds my gears
Must be dickheads in the parking lot day today:
Got to the end of the 100 yard long municipal parking lot to find this
ignoramus. Now back up that same 100 yards because its blocked...

Y'know I'm never in the damn Jeep when I really need it...:grayno:

To bad your not in your jeep. You could just winch that car out of the way. When I lived in an apartment in Santa Monica I had to "adjust" some arrogant asshat's parking job that blocked off the entrance to our garage. I just slid the ass-end 90* out from the curb with my floor jack. I wish I could've seen the look on their face when they saw that. I wasn't gonna wait around for a tow truck, had to get to work.
When someone sees my 'no soliciting' sign on my front door but still proceeds to solicit me. Glad that doesn't happen here on the forum.....
When someone sees my 'no soliciting' sign on my front door but still proceeds to solicit me. Glad that doesn't happen here on the forum.....

Answer the door with a gun. I have found they start skipping your house. [emoji16][emoji106]
Bicyclists and no not everyone but the ones that want to be treated like a pedestrian but ride like a car but don't even follow the rules of the road ... Almost like they can do no wrong ! Yup I'm going to run this red light nope not stopping at the stop sign ... Yup I'll hold up traffic ... How dare you not give me the right of way you see me trying to cross the street ... Yea that really is annoying because no matter what if you're behind the wheel odds are it will be your fault
People texting or facebooking while driving! I want to yank them out of their car and smash the phone with their face! Putting my kids lives in danger because you can't wait or pull over you are a worthless piece of crap ! So I call the cops and report them :)
People texting or facebooking while driving! I want to yank them out of their car and smash the phone with their face! Putting my kids lives in danger because you can't wait or pull over you are a worthless piece of crap ! So I call the cops and report them :)

While driving?

Hypocrite much?
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