Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

When you try to pass some dumbass on their phone not paying attention and the next thing you know its like you're on the backstretch of Daytona.....

On my way home this afternoon some cheese weenie is doing like 50 on the interstate, I go to pass him and he speeds up like he's John Force or something, what a tool!
I am behind this ass wipe jake leg f- stick doing 38 in a 55. We both stop at a red light he's in the turn lane I'm going straight. When I stop next to him he inches forward. So I do to. I had this jackass in the middle of the intersection before the light turned.
As if I was going to beat him to turn.
I work in firearm sales at a local shooting range in Arizona, and while I love my job (I really do) there are multiple things that piss me off:

First off, some of the customers are stupid as fuck. If you cannot correctly spell Maricopa (the county, spelled the way it sounds) or Arizona on the 4473 background check form, you should NOT own a firearm.

Second, the customers seemingly always ask if we will price match the bulk buying, mass selling online retailers because they don't want to pay the shipping or FFL transfer fees, and want the gun right now. They take offense to me explaining that we can't take $100 off a $1,000 purchase because we pay for a brick and mortar retail space for them to hold and even test out the guns before they buy, and we employ more employees than those online retailers, and thus we cannot sell the guns quite as cheap. After they pay for shipping and FFL fees, there is maybe a $20-$50 difference in price, depending on the overall cost of the gun(s), so why not just support local? I abhor those cheap fuckers.

Third, I HATE when I hand a customer a gun and they proceed to sweep me with the barrel. Sure, I just cleared the firearm before handing it over and before putting it back in the display case, but are you really that big of an idiot? It's up to me to sell you that gun or not, why display such blatant disregard for gun safety? And most of those that do sweep me with the barrel don't just do it once, its a back and forth or constant thing. I'll even move to the right or left of the barrel, and guess what follows me? The god damned barrel! Get it through your thick head asshole!!!

Last but not least, it seems almost everyone that I demonstrate a flashlight or laser to ends up blasting me in the eye with it. Some of them do it by accident, but believe it or not, some do it on purpose. The ones that do it on accident get a polite but firm warning to not do it again, and more often then you'd think they proceed to buy the damn thing without even handling it anymore, probably out of embarrassment. The douchenozzles that nail me with them on purpose get tossed out of the store, because to them its a joke, but a Surefire 500 lumen focused beam to the eyeballs from 2-3 feet away leaves white spots in the eyes for a solid 5-10 minutes, and typically gives me migraines. I REALLY want to bitch-smack the assholes that pull that crap.

On the other hand, I'd like to give a shout out to the customers we have that don't sweep me with barrels, that don't temporarily blind me with insane flashlights, that are cool with out listed prices and know they are listed as such for a reason, and the customers that can properly spell out the county and state we live in. These customers tend to be our "frequent fliers" and I truly enjoy dealing with these folks. We love you guys, you all are the real MVP's!!!
Miami drivers suck,
1. driver that drive with toddlers in the front seat.
2. drivers texting and have a baby seat in the back.
fucking people.
I work in firearm sales at a local shooting range in Arizona, and while I love my job (I really do) there are multiple things that piss me off:

First off, some of the customers are stupid as fuck. If you cannot correctly spell Maricopa (the county, spelled the way it sounds) or Arizona on the 4473 background check form, you should NOT own a firearm.

Second, the customers seemingly always ask if we will price match the bulk buying, mass selling online retailers because they don't want to pay the shipping or FFL transfer fees, and want the gun right now. They take offense to me explaining that we can't take $100 off a $1,000 purchase because we pay for a brick and mortar retail space for them to hold and even test out the guns before they buy, and we employ more employees than those online retailers, and thus we cannot sell the guns quite as cheap. After they pay for shipping and FFL fees, there is maybe a $20-$50 difference in price, depending on the overall cost of the gun(s), so why not just support local? I abhor those cheap fuckers.

Third, I HATE when I hand a customer a gun and they proceed to sweep me with the barrel. Sure, I just cleared the firearm before handing it over and before putting it back in the display case, but are you really that big of an idiot? It's up to me to sell you that gun or not, why display such blatant disregard for gun safety? And most of those that do sweep me with the barrel don't just do it once, its a back and forth or constant thing. I'll even move to the right or left of the barrel, and guess what follows me? The god damned barrel! Get it through your thick head asshole!!!

Last but not least, it seems almost everyone that I demonstrate a flashlight or laser to ends up blasting me in the eye with it. Some of them do it by accident, but believe it or not, some do it on purpose. The ones that do it on accident get a polite but firm warning to not do it again, and more often then you'd think they proceed to buy the damn thing without even handling it anymore, probably out of embarrassment. The douchenozzles that nail me with them on purpose get tossed out of the store, because to them its a joke, but a Surefire 500 lumen focused beam to the eyeballs from 2-3 feet away leaves white spots in the eyes for a solid 5-10 minutes, and typically gives me migraines. I REALLY want to bitch-smack the assholes that pull that crap.

On the other hand, I'd like to give a shout out to the customers we have that don't sweep me with barrels, that don't temporarily blind me with insane flashlights, that are cool with out listed prices and know they are listed as such for a reason, and the customers that can properly spell out the county and state we live in. These customers tend to be our "frequent fliers" and I truly enjoy dealing with these folks. We love you guys, you all are the real MVP's!!!

Everyone should work retail, for a while, and see how many assholes populate the Earth,
65 mph (posted speed) going down a mountain pass, two drivers in the left lane going 55, driver in the right going 56.

Get the fuck out of the way.
65 mph (posted speed) going down a mountain pass, two drivers in the left lane going 55, driver in the right going 56.

Get the fuck out of the way.

I hate that. I hate when someone merges onto an interstate, and has to immediately get to the left lane like the whole rest of the road is gonna dissappear.
How about the fuckers that visibly speed up when you are turning from a side road so you don't get in front of them...
I hate that. I hate when someone merges onto an interstate, and has to immediately get to the left lane like the whole rest of the road is gonna dissappear.

Yup when they are doing 10 under. People better hope I never get a terminal illness.

I'll buy a tank and fuck some shit up on my way out.
Here in Colorado the vehicle traveling uphill on a single lane trail has the right of way. I've met more than a couple of out of state rental Jeep drivers who don't believe it makes any sense to back up the hill.
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