Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

When you try to pass some dumbass on their phone not paying attention and the next thing you know its like you're on the backstretch of Daytona.....
Lately, it has been stories in the media of people handling animals for a selfie causing the animals stress and dying due to that.
Lately, it has been stories in the media of people handling animals for a selfie causing the animals stress and dying due to that.

That dolphin story infuriated me. I could seriously feel my neck and face getting hot when I saw it. Bastards. For some reason, I always sympathize more when animals die than people, I guess it's the innocence aspect of it.
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adding to the above posts regarding animals..

people that abuse animals piss me off and these scumbags that dog fight have a special place in hell..
Pussys on this forum, they can fuck right off.

Tell us how you really feel! LOL. I would have to agree with you.

When you try to pass some dumbass on their phone not paying attention and the next thing you know its like you're on the backstretch of Daytona.....

We started laying on the horn and staying next to people like that. Its funny how quick they will put the phone down.
People who come on this forum, break the rules, then get pissed when someone tells them they've violated the rules.
I find myself looking at the driver to see if they look stupid.

Trying to see if the looks as stupid as they drive? Haha I do that all the time [emoji23]

Ha, I do the same thing. I always tell my wife, "yep, they look absolutely fucking stupid".

Don't you love it when the fuckheads flip you the bird like you're the idiot?!
I usually stick my finger up my nose when I look back at them...
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