Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

That sound when you forget to take off your CB antenna after a weekend of wheeling and enter the parking garage at work. And the antenna meets the 6' 8" cement ceiling. That sound pisses/peeves me off. 😁

Ha ha.
That sound when you forget to take off your CB antenna after a weekend of wheeling and enter the parking garage at work. And the antenna meets the 6' 8" cement ceiling. That sound pisses/peeves me off. 😁

Ha ha.

Worked in a bike shop my teenage years. Every few months we would get people in the shop looking for a new bike and rack after driving into the garage....

My list:

1) Criminals

2) Liberals

3) Life long welfare recipients

4) Politicians

5) Lawyers

In that order,, I think. If we get rid of all these subspecies,,, the rest of us could live in utopia!!
Some of my pet peeves, because there are many:

1. People who make excuses for everything and take responsibility for nothing.

2. People who defend people or practices that they have no true knowledge of or interest in, just for the sake of having a cause or "support."

3. People who don't wear their seatbelts.

4. People who feel and act entitled.

5. The newer generation who lack the ability or desire to have or learn people skills.

6. I agree with McPuck on the lack of banner support for our forum gang. (See what I did there?)

You pretty much posted my list for me. Being a paramedic, im huge on #3....
Not sure if they have been said but...
People who drive slow in the left lane
People who don't use cruise control on the open highway
Those are a few on the top of my list.
Most of it is driving related...

Drivers not stopping at the first solid white line rather in the cross walk or far back. (Biggest one)

Using an electronic device and drivng and it affecting their driving.

Any car with HIDs in non projector housings/incorrectly positioned lamps inside the housing causing them to be aimed high/high beams on.

Drivers thinking their DRLs are their headlights and are too dumb to realize their dash is unlit, no tail lights, etc. Mostly the car's fault for having that jacked up setting but still...
People who drive slow in the left lane
People who don't use cruise control on the open highway

We have a stretch of highway called "Alligator Alley" (due to the numerous gator sightings). It runs from the west coast of Florida to the east coast.

It's straight, flat, and very well spaced/divided yet it seems every time I have to travel on it there is a wreck or a traffic jamb.

There's some one in the passing lane going 68 mph (it's 70 the whole length), there's some one that I just passed for the third time (and my cruise control is on), there's some one with there turn signal on (there's no exit any where near), there's some one......well, you get it.

Here's a pic

Alligator Alley Mao .jpg

It's straight, flat, and very well spaced/divided yet it seems every time I have to travel on it there is a wreck or a traffic jamb.

There's some one in the passing lane going 68 mph (it's 70 the whole length), there's some one that I just passed for the third time (and my cruise control is on), there's some one with there turn signal on (there's no exit any where near), there's some one......well, you get it.


How is it that you have virtually just describe every piece of highway in the USA that is straight, has a 70mph (or faster) speed limit, and contains passing lanes.....All being blocked intermittently by individuals driving with zero sense of purpose in life and no destination to get to, ever. EVER.
How is it that you have virtually just describe every piece of highway in the USA that is straight, has a 70mph (or faster) speed limit, and contains passing lanes.....All being blocked intermittently by individuals driving with zero sense of purpose in life and no destination to get to, ever. EVER.

Life's about the journey man, not the destination. ✌️
We have a stretch of highway called "Alligator Alley" (due to the numerous gator sightings). It runs from the west coast of Florida to the east coast.


It peeves my that that is an Interstate with an odd number that is clearly going east/west ???

But it peeves me when people are on the interstate and don't use their cruise control as well. :yup:
The biggest thing that pisses me off while driving - people who don't use their lights properly. These are the common misuses I've seen from bad to worst:

- People who use their nighttime lights during the day;

- People who use their high beams before it's dark enough for them to be effective;

- People who use their high beams in well illuminated areas that have plenty of street lights;

- People who use their high beams while they are driving slow enough that they aren't overdriving their low beams;

- People who use their fog lights when there is no fog / smoke, blizzard, etc, or even if there is but they are fast enough to overdrive these beams;

- People who don't signal for turns or lane changes;

- People who don't switch to low beams for approaching oncoming traffic; and

- People who don't switch to low beams when they close in behind me.

In general, using lights properly should be instinctive for any good driver. I see any of the above, and I treat it like they've written "I'm not a good driver" all over their vehicle. For the last three, I'm particularly cautious around them. If someone isn't signalling, there is a good chance that they also aren't properly checking their blind spots and mirrors, so I either make sure to get well ahead or well behind them. Also, people who don't switch their high beams off when they should can both distract and blind other drivers. At least with oncoming traffic, I can flash my own high beams at them to remind them to wake up, since usually they are just forgetting to switch them. For the ones behind me, there have been times that I wanted a rearward facing spotlight to flash at these guys, because I hate being blinded from bright lights in my mirrors. At least with the Jeep I'm both sitting up nice and high and have an autodimming rear view mirror, so it's not as bad. In my old Mini, that drove me nuts...
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I know right!!! It sure is hard to keep it on the road when I keep getting all those texts!


Don't worry- it's just a joke. I let Siri screw up all my texts for me while driving.

Siri says some fucked up shit. She has worse spelling and grammar skills than me
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