Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

I agree that the 1st amendment had nothing to do with this....but lets pretend a liberal were on the opposite end of this situation...lets say someone said that they believe in gay marriage, or believe that slavery is bad in an interview with a magazine? Does their private employer have the right to fire them?

Because I know for a fact that those situations would end up in court for discrimination and "wrongful termination". I hate how our country gets to pick and choose what people can be discriminated on without a legal leg to stand on(Conservatives, Men and Christians and god forbid the combination of those three) and who can not (anyone not in those three above and more power if a combo of not the above three) without provocation by every news station encouraging suing everyone!

This man gave his personal beliefs to someone who asked him. He never was hurtful or said "I hate gays and wish they were all dead" he said he believes its a sin and according to his religion those who are gay can not get into the kingdom of heaven. He also said he doesn't believe pedophilia adultery beastiality...why are the people who bang dogs represented in the outrage? Oh that's right, the extremely liberal media doesn't support THOSE minorities!

For the record I support gay rights, women's rights, Muslim rights, minorities rights, interracial marriage, etc. But more than that I support EVERYONE'S rights and equality!

I don't disagree with you, and that was my point. The real conversation should be about the disparate treatment and vilification of people with "conservative" views, not the first amendment. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton have done far more to hurt race relations and equality during the last decade than Bill O'Reilly (who, by the way, I personally cannot stand). The media gives Jackson and Sharpton a "pass" though, along with anyone else whose views are considered "progressive."

And for the record, I am not at all socially conservative (or religious). I'm just sick of seeing people get blasted just because they happen to have a different belief system. If they aren't hurting someone, spewing hate, forcing their beliefs on me, or trying to "convert" me into their belief system, then I couldn't care less if their belief system is different than mine.
Lol sorry, my rant wasn't directed at your posts. I quoted you because I wanted your legal thought(if you wish to give it online) on the question in the first paragraph. I agree with everything you said in this last post :yup:

If someone supported gay marriage, which was against the employers views, and they were fired what would happen? I suspect a lawsuit for wrongful termination. Why is it legally OK for his employer to fire him based on his conservative religious beliefs?
Why is it legally OK for his employer to fire him based on his conservative religious beliefs?

Since this topic isn't going away, Strizz I'll say I suspect that it is NOT okay to do that. The employer may have the ability (contractually) to do so but, although your views differ from mine, we do agree that it isn't okay to shitcan someone because of their conservative beliefs.
Lol sorry, my rant wasn't directed at your posts. I quoted you because I wanted your legal thought(if you wish to give it online) on the question in the first paragraph. I agree with everything you said in this last post :yup:

If someone supported gay marriage, which was against the employers views, and they were fired what would happen? I suspect a lawsuit for wrongful termination. Why is it legally OK for his employer to fire him based on his conservative religious beliefs?

Gotcha. The answer is complex. Many sponsor related employment contracts (e.g. Media, sports, etc.) have clauses that permit the employer to terminate the agreement based on things said or done by the employee, even away from "the job".
Since this topic isn't going away, Strizz I'll say I suspect that it is NOT okay to do that. The employer may have the ability (contractually) to do so but, although your views differ from mine, we do agree that it isn't okay to shitcan someone because of their conservative beliefs.

Agreed...and that's probably all that really needs to be said on the topic so I won't bring it up again.
Lol sorry, my rant wasn't directed at your posts. I quoted you because I wanted your legal thought(if you wish to give it online) on the question in the first paragraph. I agree with everything you said in this last post :yup:

If someone supported gay marriage, which was against the employers views, and they were fired what would happen? I suspect a lawsuit for wrongful termination. Why is it legally OK for his employer to fire him based on his conservative religious beliefs?

He wasn't fired. He was suspended. They still have to pay him what the contract says.

They have every right to suspend him. They are idiots for doing it, but it's will be fun watching then back pedal in the new technology few weeks.

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I'm trying to sleep, I work tomorrow at 7am and my neighbor is using way to many fireworks. :Yup: 2"where do you get fireworks in SD?! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
I'm trying to sleep, I work tomorrow at 7am and my neighbor is using way to many fireworks. :Yup: 2"where do you get fireworks in SD?! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

South of the border my friend... or in Az, or Nv, or Or, or Wa... or any other state that doesnt regulate everything....
People who don't have the decency to talk to their neighbors instead of calling the police.

Is illegal to use fireworks in San Diego.
When I was getting in to my house I told them to please keep it down, they start screening and doing childish stuff, so I left went to sleep and they start with this in front of my house.
I'm not talking to them no more, I have to work tomorrow, I have to take pics of 4 houses. So let my friends the cops deal with them.

If you have this in front of your house, I know that you will get mad 2
People who join a forum, wait to post in an attempt to get a feel for the forums. Then knowing better post for the first time and it is not in the Welcome forums...:asshat:

Hey at least I did not join just to post one time asking a mechanical question then never return so when others search for the same issue they get crap...:doh:

BTW. Blinker fluid? What brand do you all recommend?:fingerscrossed:
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