Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Then paint it with stainless steel paint.......make a set of D-rings out of tin foil......and you're all set Brankz!!

1. Thieves and any other ass clown that touches my Jeep without my consent.

2. Free-loaders, non-contributors, and ...did I mention thieves?

3. People that have an unqualified sense of entitlement, but contribute nothing to the common good.

4. Useless government paved roads...

5. Robo-callers and telemarketers

Damn Don!! I'm going to like this thread. Too bad it's a public forum, I could really fly off the handle and vent!

...lastly an empty beer mug!
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Spoken like a true attorney. Take the legalities out of it for a minute. Guess I was a bit disappointed in their knee jerk reaction. I have strong feelings on this and to spare getting flamed by those who feel otherwise I will reserve them.

Don't get me wrong. I think it was a poor decision on the part of A&E. I also think there is a huge disparity in treatment regarding the way the media treats people who make controversial public statements. It's just not a free speech issue. A&E had the right to do what it did. I think it may bite them in the butt though.

Edit: And I'm not trying to flame you. I'm just trying focus on what I see as the real problem (the liberal media's disparate treatment of conservatives) and take it away from the First Amendment.

Not buying that for a minute. A&E knew exactly what they were getting from day one (a good conservative, Christian family). A&E's "brand" has made a metric crapload of advertising dollars taking advantage of that Christian image. It's disingenuous for A&E to cry foul. It should have simply stated the views expressed do not reflect the views of the network...and then waited to see what happens with viewership.

Well spoken Mike! I do agree these networks are ramming values and opinions down our throats and only giving us a sound bite of what's really going on in the nation and the world. A&E should have known better that to put a loose cannon (though well educated) family on primetime.
He had the right to say what he said; his private employer had the right to fire him (unless their private contract states otherwise) for any non-discriminatory reason. The show's advertisers have a right to end their advertisement (subject to the terms of their agreements.)

The 1st Amendment has nothing to do with what happened. Just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean there can be no consequences to your speech (especially in a private employment situation.)

I agree that the 1st amendment had nothing to do with this....but lets pretend a liberal were on the opposite end of this situation...lets say someone said that they believe in gay marriage, or believe that slavery is bad in an interview with a magazine? Does their private employer have the right to fire them?

Because I know for a fact that those situations would end up in court for discrimination and "wrongful termination". I hate how our country gets to pick and choose what people can be discriminated on without a legal leg to stand on(Conservatives, Men and Christians and god forbid the combination of those three) and who can not (anyone not in those three above and more power if a combo of not the above three) without provocation by every news station encouraging suing everyone!

This man gave his personal beliefs to someone who asked him. He never was hurtful or said "I hate gays and wish they were all dead" he said he believes its a sin and according to his religion those who are gay can not get into the kingdom of heaven. He also said he doesn't believe pedophilia adultery beastiality...why are the people who bang dogs represented in the outrage? Oh that's right, the extremely liberal media doesn't support THOSE minorities!

For the record I support gay rights, women's rights, Muslim rights, minorities rights, interracial marriage, etc. But more than that I support EVERYONE'S rights and equality!
sounds like someone needs to talk about his feelings... how does that make you feel?
I actually felt some relief thanks for asking.
It's really irritating when you are on that long road that you can't pass on but they provide a double lane on a hill that you can pass then that slow person speeds up till they get to the other end and slow back down.:banghead:

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I agree that the 1st amendment had nothing to do with this....but lets pretend a liberal were on the opposite end of this situation...lets say someone said that they believe in gay marriage, or believe that slavery is bad in an interview with a magazine? Does their private employer have the right to fire them?

Because I know for a fact that those situations would end up in court for discrimination and "wrongful termination". I hate how our country gets to pick and choose what people can be discriminated on without a legal leg to stand on(Conservatives, Men and Christians and god forbid the combination of those three) and who can not (anyone not in those three above and more power if a combo of not the above three) without provocation by every news station encouraging suing everyone!

This man gave his personal beliefs to someone who asked him. He never was hurtful or said "I hate gays and wish they were all dead" he said he believes its a sin and according to his religion those who are gay can not get into the kingdom of heaven. He also said he doesn't believe pedophilia adultery beastiality...why are the people who bang dogs represented in the outrage? Oh that's right, the extremely liberal media doesn't support THOSE minorities!

For the record I support gay rights, women's rights, Muslim rights, minorities rights, interracial marriage, etc. But more than that I support EVERYONE'S rights and equality!

X:2 Well said.

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