Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

those Honda commercials with Michael Bolton are making me want to go postal. I didn’t know who he was before these commercials, but it has made me hate that guy. :mad:
those Honda commercials with Michael Bolton are making me want to go postal. I didn’t know who he was before these commercials, but it has made me hate that guy. :mad:

Who doesnt know who Michael Botlon is? But to be fair he sucked before you knew him as well.
Man do I love Hondas! My Acura TL was my favorite CAR I have ever owned. All my future daily drivers, if other than a Wrangler, will be a Honda! :yup:
Winter Pet Peeve

People who are afraid to drive in the snow, but go out anyways, driving 10mph in the middle of both lanes. GET THE HELL OFF THE ROAD!!!!
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