Pee Pee Lucas: Worst Troll EVER

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You put yourself on blast. This all falls on your shoulders. If you can't just man up and move on with your life, I really feel sorry for your family.

Please go ahead and show me how did I put my self in blast, so I PM my self and them put my self on blast? I've moved on, I'm just here because the lobby is dead and I was bored, and well I was quoted on a thread. And wanted to talk to the real trolls here, I did not come back for you. I told you plenty of times I'm not interested in you.
Please go ahead and show me how did I put my self in blast, so I PM my self and them put my self on blast? I've moved on, I'm just here because the lobby is dead and I was bored, and well I was quoted on a thread. And wanted to talk to the real trolls here, I did not come back for you. I told you plenty of times I'm not interested in you.

Did you already forget that you started a thread calling out all of the "moderators"?

Why is it so hard for you to explain what your goal is here?
PajamaJeep tell the boys of summer and Adam after he is done flipping burgers of course to come visit my thread. Bye gals, time to go shopping for some AEV parts.
Did you already forget that you started a thread calling out all of the "moderators"?

Why is it so hard for you to explain what your goal is here?

Tarded, later man. I have a few things to do.


-I did start the the thread on the losers (moderators), here's what I said. Plz read...

'What Happened To The Wayalife Moderators? (Screen Shots)'

I notice a similar thread by JK_b/c_yolo earlier about the moderators change of tittle. They are no longer moderator, but something much better, now we have 10Frank9 (‘web’ guy with no balls), OverlanderJK (‘resident’ at mommas’s house), PiginaJeep (‘the original’ joke), and my best one Sharkey (one ‘word’ no jeep), etc...

I was quoted by Wardell (days old thread) as one, along with David1ton as the reason of their change of tittle, but I personally think their new title fits them well “hit the nail on the head”. Here I snapped a screenshot this morning. What ya think?




I'll be back in a jiffy to visit my thread, everyone is invited... Personal opinions are most WELCOME here.
This shit cracks me up. Going way back you (Pepe)are the douche who posted that insensitive picture of the girl in the hospital (classless), were called out about it (rightly so!), and are now throwing a tantrum because nobody here likes you (your fault).
People gave you every attempt to just shut up, including people who know you, yet you are too ignorant to listen and have now lost those friends as well.
Not to mention your spelling and Grammer show just how completely out of touch with reality you truly are! Especially in the day and age of autocorrect!
It takes a big man to sit behind an alas and call out the world. It's comical actually.
I can't wait for the day that someone you pissed off from TX pays you a visit and makes you eat your teeth while you try and explain to them (between beatings) that you were the victim. Justice will prevail...maybe not today or tomorrow but you can expect that it will catch up to you.
Former moderators you do a great job! Keep up the good work.
Tarded, later man. I have a few things to do.


-I did start the the thread on the losers (moderators), here's what I said. Plz read...

'What Happened To The Wayalife Moderators? (Screen Shots)'

I notice a similar thread by JK_b/c_yolo earlier about the moderators change of tittle. They are no longer moderator, but something much better, now we have 10Frank9 (‘web’ guy with no balls), OverlanderJK (‘resident’ at mommas’s house), PiginaJeep (‘the original’ joke), and my best one Sharkey (one ‘word’ no jeep), etc...

I was quoted by Wardell (days old thread) as one, along with David1ton as the reason of their change of tittle, but I personally think their new title fits them well “hit the nail on the head”. Here I snapped a screenshot this morning. What ya think?

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Oh I know exactly what you said and I think it was completely uncalled for and childish. Not to mention your inability to proofread your posts and put together complete sentences proves how much of an idiot you really are. Since you won't actually discuss the REAL reason for your distaste with this forum, you are no longer worth my time.
I may have missed it but I've noticed that somebody changed his profile picture to a bearded baby. I find this funny because check his profile picture on Instagram. The bearded wonder!
This shit cracks me up. Going way back you (Pepe)are the douche who posted that insensitive picture of the girl in the hospital (classless), were called out about it (rightly so!), and are now throwing a tantrum because nobody here likes you (your fault).
People gave you every attempt to just shut up, including people who know you, yet you are too ignorant to listen and have now lost those friends as well.
Not to mention your spelling and Grammer show just how completely out of touch with reality you truly are! Especially in the day and age of autocorrect!
It takes a big man to sit behind an alas and call out the world. It's comical actually.
I can't wait for the day that someone you pissed off from TX pays you a visit and makes you eat your teeth while you try and explain to them (between beatings) that you were the victim. Justice will prevail...maybe not today or tomorrow but you can expect that it will catch up to you.
Former moderators you do a great job! Keep up the good work.

I have 5min, waiting on my wings. Plz keep your comments short dude, and yes I agree Justice always prevails. No exceptions! How funny y'all jumped from attacking me here to want to fight me in real person. I find hard to believe, y'all don't even have the balls to PM a member (because you are cowards) Haven't you heard 'Don't mess with Texas'.
Holy fuck! At first I thought you were a pussy but now realize you are just a bitch.

And for the record, "no jeep" is two words you dumb fuck.
Hey that dude looks like me, what a beautiful GS. Never liked Instagram or Twitter. I like WOL better. 

Well sadly there are no groups here on WOL that are specifically geared towards the victimization of idiots, but you'll find that deep in the bowels of Instagram, there are in fact pages for people like that! Maybe if you went there to post your double standards they would be more accepting of your "everyone is a victim, I'll sue anyone with a stinger who hits me if I irresponsibly and illegally pull out in front of them" viewpoints more than us normal folk here on WOL.
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