Caught the Bug
Two months from now you'll find yourself driving around on a beautiful day in May kicking yourself for buying headlights you aren't even using right then when you could be feeling the wind going through your hair with the top down.
This is my thinking as well but my plan is to see how well my DIY hardtop lift works tomorrow. If it works well, It wouldn't be absolutely nessacasry to have a soft top right away.
Trucklites. Should have been my first mod.
Especially where you live. You probably see your fare share of country roads. Deer, hogs, dogs can be oddly attracted to the front of jeeps.
I just hate the Jeep stock lights.. So much!!! Did you see the changes to the Texas Barnwell thread I made? I made some drastic changes. You might want to take a look just incase you want to change your group your riding in.
Truck lites :thumb:
You mean this sticker collection? Lol
View attachment 194034.
Yep, that one. I plan to beat it in a few years if it were up to me, I'd sell the hardtop and get both. But for some reason, my wife loves the Hardtop.