Kickoff to Summer Sierra Camping Trip 2013: May 24th - 27th

BTW--bring some warm clothes.

We got a bit of a cold front in the last couple of days. Just checked Bridgeport....19 degrees this morning. :eek:
BTW--bring some warm clothes.

We got a bit of a cold front in the last couple of days. Just checked Bridgeport....19 degrees this morning. :eek:

Yeah, I saw that. Looks like things should warm up a bit this weekend but, it'll still be pretty cold. I suppose all we need now is a bit of snow to make a tradition complete :crazyeyes:
I believe the Travelodge is good with dogs but, either way, I'll let you know where to meet up with us on Friday.

Just about done with packing and about to take off. Just making sure are we meeting at Quality Inn at 8 for brakefast tomorrow or somewhere else in town?
If the weather in bridgeport is anything like mammoth lakes is right now, you guys should have a great trip. Be safe, enjoy:)
Uh oh, looks like Smokey has a problem again.


Checked for codes and got a cylinder 3 misfire.


Working on pulling the plug


Pulled this from Smokey. See anything wrong?

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