Is silence speech? What about other non-verbal actions? I’m quite glad that an Article III court has decided that I can wear a shirt that reads “Let’s Go Brandon” without fear of reprisal from the government. For that to happen though, a court had to decide that passive silence is actually a form of protected “speech” in a way that doesn’t meet your definition above.
What about donating money to my favorite political action committee, party, or politician? Should that be a form of protected “speech”? Can a corporation “speak” and should it enjoy the protections of the Constitution? (Check out the Citizens United case if you want to go down that rabbit hole).
I imagine you are glad that some forms of written or spoken speech are not protected (e.g. child porn, yelling “fire” in a crowded theater, claiming to have a bomb on a plane, etc.). If everything was black and white, these forms of speech would be protected by the clear words of the Constitution. It is through interpretation of intent that laws have been passed, and upheld as Constitutional, that limit what would otherwise be permissible based on the “black and white” words written in the Constitution.
Maybe you are an absolutist and believe that the BoR have no limitations at all. More power to you if you are. I’m not trying to knock anyone’s beliefs…I’m just trying to point out that things may not always be as binary or black and white as we would like them to be.