Inflation? What Inflation - LOL

According to the Consumer Price Index numbers released today, inflation has dropped by 5 percentage points in the last year to 3.4% from a high of over 8.5% just a year ago…

The Dow, Nasdaq & s&p 500 are all at historic highs…

We may have turned the corner on inflation…Feds are getting ready to cut interest rates before the end of summer, with another possible cut by years end.

Personally, our revenue streams from investment portfolios & properties were greater this last year than any single year in the last decade…
According to the Consumer Price Index numbers released today, inflation has dropped by 5 percentage points in the last year to 3.4% from a high of over 8.5% just a year ago…

The Dow, Nasdaq & s&p 500 are all at historic highs…

We may have turned the corner on inflation…Feds are getting ready to cut interest rates before the end of summer, with another possible cut by years end.

Personally, our revenue streams from investment portfolios & properties were greater this last year than any single year in the last decade…
I can tell you I pay more for groceries, gas, utilities and animal feed than I did last year. Maybe I’m doing this wrong? I spend on average $125-150 a week in groceries for me and my wife (the baby eats what we eat so nothing extra). We don’t buy meat at the store, don’t buy cereal, desserts, soda, beer or basically any of the crap in the center isles. No way inflation is down.

As for revenue, yeah I’m sure you did make the most because prices were the highest they have ever been. Am I missing something here? I bet in ten more years you will have more revenue than you do now. I have more revenue than I did when I was 18.
According to the Consumer Price Index numbers released today, inflation has dropped by 5 percentage points in the last year to 3.4% from a high of over 8.5% just a year ago…

The Dow, Nasdaq & s&p 500 are all at historic highs…

We may have turned the corner on inflation…Feds are getting ready to cut interest rates before the end of summer, with another possible cut by years end.

Personally, our revenue streams from investment portfolios & properties were greater this last year than any single year in the last decade…
Right! All these people bitching about inflation are just so dumb. If they just looked at how well their stocks, investment portfolios and properties have been doing for them, they'd know that the economy is doing great and that they're just imagining all this shit.
Right! All these people bitching about inflation are just so dumb. If they just looked at how well their stocks, investment portfolios and properties have been doing for them, they'd know that the economy is doing great and that they're just imagining all this shit.
You’ve bought two large parcels of land and three new jeeps in the last couple years…I think your doing okay..
I can tell you I pay more for groceries, gas, utilities and animal feed than I did last year. Maybe I’m doing this wrong? I spend on average $125-150 a week in groceries for me and my wife (the baby eats what we eat so nothing extra). We don’t buy meat at the store, don’t buy cereal, desserts, soda, beer or basically any of the crap in the center isles. No way inflation is down.

As for revenue, yeah I’m sure you did make the most because prices were the highest they have ever been. Am I missing something here? I bet in ten more years you will have more revenue than you do now. I have more revenue than I did when I was 18.
I’m not saying that there is no inflation…last year it approached levels we haven’t seen since 2008, which was a recession…what I am saying is that I’m hopeful the economy is on a path to return us to good financial health for all.
You’ve bought two large parcels of land and three new jeeps in the last couple years…I think your doing okay..
LOL - Maybe not to the same degree as some but I'd be the first to say that I'm tremendously lucky to be where I'm at in my life that I can weather through tougher times like I see us in today. That said, I hardly think that I today represent most people or who I was even 20 years ago and just because I can weather through tougher times doesn't mean I like spending more money than I feel I should.
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Personally, our revenue streams from investment portfolios & properties were greater this last year than any single year in the last decade…
Our investments make a lot more than my salary. The day job is just not worth it. So I am expecting to retire in September.
Right! All these people bitching about inflation are just so dumb. If they just looked at how well their stocks, investment portfolios and properties have been doing for them, they'd know that the economy is doing great and that they're just imagining all this shit.
Most people don't really own anything, they don't invest, and they don't save for for the future. They suffer a lot more when their income diminishes compare to the cost of living, and especially their debt.
If we're saying Inflation is only 'X' amount, thats all well and good. but not all of the price increases are due to just inflation. My grocery prices didn't go down 5% - they went up and are still rising.

Bottom line is last trip to the grocery my comment wasn't "well that wasn't so bad!" it's been more like: "well fuck me to tears, that was obnoxious"
According to the Consumer Price Index numbers released today, inflation has dropped by 5 percentage points in the last year to 3.4% from a high of over 8.5% just a year ago…

The Dow, Nasdaq & s&p 500 are all at historic highs…

We may have turned the corner on inflation…Feds are getting ready to cut interest rates before the end of summer, with another possible cut by years end.

Personally, our revenue streams from investment portfolios & properties were greater this last year than any single year in the last decade…
Well since the government calculates CPI I can assure you it’s a in your face lie. EVERYTHING government says is a lie especially these days.
Multiple things can be true at the same time, including both good and bad aspects of a given economy. It is true that the price of many things seems abnormally high with no reprieve in sight. It is also true that unemployment is low and in many sectors of the economy people are receiving wages (high) that were unthinkable even five years ago. I am blown away at what can be made by someone who has a little bit of construction skill, no formal education, and an actual desire to put in a full day’s work.
Multiple things can be true at the same time, including both good and bad aspects of a given economy. It is true that the price of many things seems abnormally high with no reprieve in sight. It is also true that unemployment is low and in many sectors of the economy people are receiving wages (high) that were unthinkable even five years ago. I am blown away at what can be made by someone who has a little bit of construction skill, no formal education, and an actual desire to put in a full day’s work.
High wages must be an Idaho thing because I didn’t see it in California and certainly don’t see it here in Tennessee.
The current corporate tax rate put in place by Trump is 21%. This will soon expire and Biden has pledged to raise it to 28%. My investments have very done well- due in part to that tax rate of 21%, if that goes to 28% I expect to see a drop in my returns due to increased corporate costs. They will see reduced profits or increased prices.

As far as the interest rates going down, I don’t see that happening this year and there are actually rumors of a rate increase. Time will tell. At our current deficit and debt rates you will probably never see interest rates like we had prior to Biden. If all the ‘experts’ were so smart we would not be where we are now. Remember when Janet Yellen told us “inflation is transitory “. 😂🤣

The unspoken rule of being an economist is to be an optimist. Even if there is not much to be optimistic about you don’t want to panic everyone.

The increased costs- which are real- are not simply due to inflation.
I know there's many items to complain about. This one just caught my eye. $7.99 on sale lol.:oops:
I don't know what everyone else pays for meat, but here's the average cost where I am...
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