Inflation? What Inflation - LOL

We have been printing money for decades. Nixon took us off the gold standard and it’s been escalating ever since. Washington is like a bunch of toddlers with automatic weapons out of control.
Folks don’t realize the cliff we are heading towards as the world hegemon we have been able to dictate favorable trade and monetary policies. Our hegemony is slipping away since DC has overplayed their position. A financial earthquake happened just days ago and none of the financial press seem to be talking about it. When the fallout tsunami comes in late summer it’s going to get real interesting real quick for lots of folks. IOW we ain’t seen nothing yet.

Every country has the same monetary curve. it's unsustainable.
Well yeah so would I but I said most people pay 15% or more and apple paid 4.
I understand the point, but I also consider the impact of double taxation on the same money and other government grabs. So, Apple paid $16B, every employee paid taxes on income (including bonuses), Apple paid payroll taxes, a crap ton of money was paid into Medicare, dividends were taxed, gains on stock sales were taxed, etc., etc.

While I don’t think highly profitable corporations should be able to pay next to nothing in taxes, I just don’t think $16B is “nothing” and the government is absolutely dipping its greedy hands into the rest of the profit in other ways when it gets realized by actual people.

But, I’m admittedly a capitalist at heart so I don’t believe that corporations are the root of all evil in society.
This is what I have a problem with:

“The average income tax rate in 2021 was 14.9 percent. The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 25.9 percent average rate, nearly eight times higher than the 3.3 percent average rate paid by the bottom half of taxpayers.”

I will never understand the concept of punishing success.
I understand the point, but I also consider the impact of double taxation on the same money and other government grabs. So, Apple paid $16B, every employee paid taxes on income (including bonuses), Apple paid payroll taxes, a crap ton of money was paid into Medicare, dividends were taxed, gains on stock sales were taxed, etc., etc.

While I don’t think highly profitable corporations should be able to pay next to nothing in taxes, I just don’t think $16B is “nothing” and the government is absolutely dipping its greedy hands into the rest of the profit in other ways when it gets realized by actual people.

But, I’m admittedly a capitalist at heart so I don’t believe that corporations are the root of all evil in society.
Yeah but I have to pay Medicare, my dividends are taxes and gains on stocks are taxed if I pull out and I still pay 15% or more in income tax. Why do they only have to pay 4%?
Yeah but I have to pay Medicare, my dividends are taxes and gains on stocks are taxed if I pull out and I still pay 15% or more in income tax. Why do they only have to pay 4%?
I don’t think they should only have to pay 4%. This all started based on the claim (not yours) that some successful corporations pay next to nothing. I simply responded that I don’t think $16B is next to nothing…regardless of what that dollar amount is as a percentage of overall profit.

And your dividends have already been taxed once before they get to you.

Regardless, it’s a broken system on many different levels and individuals take every bit as much advantage of it as corporations. BS solar credits, EV credits, depreciation of “home offices”, farming and ranching credits, “rental property” losses and fat salaries paid to a relative to manage those properties (thereby artificially creating the loss). The list goes on and on and on.

Hell, if we had a flat tax with no deductions, maybe the government would not print so much funny money and we wouldn’t have crazy inflation (do you like how I tried to get the thread back on topic?)
And Donald paid zero last several years…
Good for Donald. He did'nt have to see tax money being wasted by the Government.
I pay a lot of taxes. My CPA works his best around tax time. I always tell him to sharpen his pencil. :)
I just hate to see my tax money being spent for such crazy $hit.
I would be happy to pay a fixed percent every year. I just think that will never happen.
The best tax is one that everyone pays and that does not require you to tell the Fed Gov how much you make. How much you make is none of the FedGov’s damn business. A state sales tax that everyone pays and is collected at the point of sale would be much more fair. The more you spend/buy, the more you pay.

Most of your tax dollars should go to your state. The states then pass the amount of money they believe the Fed Gov needs to carry out their 18 enumerated responsibilities under the Constitution. Until that happens NOTHING will change in this country. No third party, no term limits, no nothing will solve a damn thing. Many individuals cannot grasp that reality.

More than 47 percent of the nation’s population do NOT pay income tax- that is bullshit. Dim whit Mitt Romney pointed that out and took a political beating for it when he was running against Barry. Bottom line is- if you’re in the club, you should pay a membership fee. Allowing individuals to vote with no financial consequence leads to national destruction.
As far as corporations paying taxes….they don’t and never will. That expense is rolled into their cost and paid for by the consumers of their product. It makes me laugh when some disingenuous politician states he is going to make corporations pay their ‘fair share’. Of course low information voters fall for that stupid shit every time. 🤬
We have been printing money for decades. Nixon took us off the gold standard and it’s been escalating ever since. Washington is like a bunch of toddlers with automatic weapons out of control.
Folks don’t realize the cliff we are heading towards as the world hegemon we have been able to dictate favorable trade and monetary policies. Our hegemony is slipping away since DC has overplayed their position. A financial earthquake happened just days ago and none of the financial press seem to be talking about it. When the fallout tsunami comes in late summer it’s going to get real interesting real quick for lots of folks. IOW we ain’t seen nothing yet.
What was/is the "financial earthquake" that just happened? I read that Musk got his payout at Tesla approved again, but that seems insignificant.
I’d support a 15% flat tax across the board, no deductions, all day long!! Personally, that would equate to a huge raise for me.
I believe that income taxes should be abolished. They violate my inalienable rights and my privacy. They make me a criminal by default unless I take some action. Taxes should be consumption taxes charged at the point of consumption.
I don’t think they should only have to pay 4%. This all started based on the claim (not yours) that some successful corporations pay next to nothing. I simply responded that I don’t think $16B is next to nothing…regardless of what that dollar amount is as a percentage of overall profit.

And your dividends have already been taxed once before they get to you.

Regardless, it’s a broken system on many different levels and individuals take every bit as much advantage of it as corporations. BS solar credits, EV credits, depreciation of “home offices”, farming and ranching credits, “rental property” losses and fat salaries paid to a relative to manage those properties (thereby artificially creating the loss). The list goes on and on and on.

Hell, if we had a flat tax with no deductions, maybe the government would not print so much funny money and we wouldn’t have crazy inflation (do you like how I tried to get the thread back on topic?)
Abolish the invasive income tax entirely. Only tax transactions. Money is no good to you unless you spend it, so there will be transactions sooner or later.
This IMO. The move away from the dollar will accelerate.
  • Saudi Arabia ends 80-year petrodollar deal with US
  • Deal allowed Saudi oil sales in US dollars only
  • Saudi can now use other currencies like RMB, Euros, etc

Google BRICS. If the dollar ceases being the world’s reserve currency we will be crushed financially. The majority of retards running this country could not run a lemonade stand. When the so called ‘experts’ tell you something believe the opposite is most likely true.
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