Inflation? What Inflation - LOL

Here's an article about the recent fast food wage hike in CA and its affects. Imagine that 98% of restaurants surveyed raised prices and 89% reduced employees. What did they think would happen when you raise it to nearly 3x the federal minimum wage.

Affects of CA Fast Food Wage Hike
Why are fast food workers special? Why would they get the raise and not others? I mean if you raise it so fast food is not affordable and get people to eat better that’s an idea but that shouldn’t be the governments job. Let the people do what they want. Also most people working in fast food in California are young and/or low income. So you basically just made your low income lower and everything else more expensive. That state is completely fucked. I hope people remember this shit when that twat runs for president in four years.
Why are fast food workers special? Why would they get the raise and not others? I mean if you raise it so fast food is not affordable and get people to eat better that’s an idea but that shouldn’t be the governments job. Let the people do what they want. Also most people working in fast food in California are young and/or low income. So you basically just made your low income lower and everything else more expensive. That state is completely fucked. I hope people remember this shit when that twat runs for president in four years.
Yeh they soon found out the real minimum wage is zero. If gruesome newsome runs it’s going to have to wait till eight years of the hyena then eight years of the horse jiz loving non binary walz asshole.
Yeh they soon found out the real minimum wage is zero. If gruesome newsome runs it’s going to have to wait till eight years of the hyena then eight years of the horse jiz loving non binary walz asshole.
Doubtful. If canal face wins, she would only do four years. They don’t want her there. They hate her too.
Why are fast food workers special? Why would they get the raise and not others? I mean if you raise it so fast food is not affordable and get people to eat better that’s an idea but that shouldn’t be the governments job. Let the people do what they want. Also most people working in fast food in California are young and/or low income. So you basically just made your low income lower and everything else more expensive. That state is completely fucked. I hope people remember this shit when that twat runs for president in four years.
Exactly. The logic behind the initial proposal was retarded. The people who voted for it are retarded. Did they really think the big corporate stake holders would take a hit and pass it down to the franchisees to cover this? We live in an incredibly beautiful state. It's too bad it's managed by a bunch of fucktards. When my kid was 16 he asked "why do they think raising the minimum wage is going to help? It's just going to make things more expensive." How come a 16yo gets it but our idiots at the top can't. I also agree the gov shouldn't be in the middle trying to "make people eat or do anything better". Just like they shouldn't be in Healthcare or insurance or anything else which should be a choice.
Exactly. The logic behind the initial proposal was retarded. The people who voted for it are retarded. Did they really think the big corporate stake holders would take a hit and pass it down to the franchisees to cover this? We live in an incredibly beautiful state. It's too bad it's managed by a bunch of fucktards. When my kid was 16 he asked "why do they think raising the minimum wage is going to help? It's just going to make things more expensive." How come a 16yo gets it but our idiots at the top can't. I also agree the gov shouldn't be in the middle trying to "make people eat or do anything better". Just like they shouldn't be in Healthcare or insurance or anything else which should be a choice.
They get it. They also get that the people who don’t vote are the ones working at McDonalds and they try to act like they are helping them to win the vote. They can then make McDonald’s look like the bad guys. It’s all a plan.
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